Chapter 11


Soon enough, it turned into total chaos. The teachers called the ambulance and the police over quicker than Baekhyun could take the time to recall what was happening and of course- without having to be said- Their football match was put on hold. 

Kim Yoojin. Baekhyun thought she was familiar. But of course she would be, they went to the same school after all so it wasn't something strange...but from what he heard from the others, she was in a separate class, not to mention only in her first year. Luckily, she wasn't dead, only a concussion because something broke her fall- or so Chanyeol had presumed after skillfully eavesdropping on the polices conversation. 

"Excuse me, miss!" one of the investigators used the bullhorn to yell at Zora who was still standing at the top of the building in utter astonishment. Baekhyun immediately darted his eyes towards her. "Please make your way down from the building at once" He commanded. But it was as though Zora couldn't hear him even with the bullhorn blasting at full volume. "...Miss!" The officer hollered yet again. 

Baekhyun glared at her for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts together as he watched he remain in the same stance like a statue. But...even from this distance, he could already tell...something was off. At that moment, Baekhyun rudely snatched the bull horn from the officer, "YA! PABO!" He cursed at her to everyone’s surprise. Kai especially gave him a glare with a certain edge to it, telling him not to be harsh. But Baekhyun knew fully well…he knew fully well that she was scared, too shocked to even know what the right thing to do was. “Are you suddenly death as well?! Get down from there, you idiot!! It’s dangerous!!”

Kai’s sharp glare seemed to soften a little after hearing that. He might still be calling her names but more or less he could tell that Baekhyun was at least worried about her.

With a slightly delayed reaction, Zora finally made her way down the building. But the moment she step foot on ground, she was almost attacked by the girl with deep red hair as she pounced at her, only to be stopped by two officers who gripped her hand tightly to pull her away. Kai immediately grabbed onto Zora, pushing her back before visually threatening her through his eyes not to lay a single finger on her.

“You little ! You killed her! My best friend and you killed her!” She screamed at Zora, struggling under the officers grip.

Baekhyun glanced over to the mentioned girl once more. There was confusion and bewilderment plastered on her face, but nonetheless, fear emitted from her eyes as they flickered back and forth in panic and in search for an answer.

Chanyeol however was standing there, in a little daze whilst he stared at the girl who continued to bawl. She looked…familiar, but he couldn’t quite point out why or where he’d seen her before.

The students were told to leave the premises immediately, however due to certain circumstances, Zora stayed behind. And since they couldn't possibly leave without her, Baekhyun, Kai and Chanyeol were persistent in persuading the investigators that they'd be of good help. Although it seemed like they were told to stay just to shiver in the cold since the four did nothing but stand outside for hours, waiting for the investigation to go somewhere.

“Are you cold?” Chanyeol questioned, his eyes rounded towards Zora who stood hugging herself for warmth. Zora nodded effortlessly, not even looking at Chanyeol for that matter. Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the stupid question. Of course she was freezing. It was already getting dark, not to mention it was the middle of winter and she was standing there in a skirt.

Chanyeol let out a small sigh, steam emitting from his mouth before he suddenly snatching her hands into his palms. He rubbed his hands against them for the friction to warm up her hands before cupping them over his mouth to Baekhyuns alarm. Before he could protest however, Chanyeol softly huffed onto her hands and a red glow radiated from the gaps of her hands before fading. He closed the palm of her hands together again and shone Zora a content smile. “Tell me when, kay?” He beamed. Zora glared at him for a moment before smiling back, a smile that didn't quite seem to reach her eyes. 

“Hey guys” A familiar voice greeted. Baekhyun wasn’t surprised when he saw Kyungsoo in front of him, shining a dim torch in their direction. “It’s getting late so we’re going to take it up to tomorrow. You’ve been given permission to go home” He informed with a little sigh.

Baekhyun nodded, “Thanks”

“Don’t mention it, just give your details to the investigator in blue over there” The boy smiled, his eyes shifting towards Kai and Chanyeol curiously before stopping at Zora. It seemed as though he was about to open his mouth to say something else, but he simply shook his head and walked away.


Baekhyun took dreaded steps as he makes his way home with Zora, Kai and Chanyeol trailing in front of him. He’d given the investigator in blue Uncle Max’s number as told and he just knew that he was in for it when he gets home. It made him feel like turning around and making his way to Jongdaes house for the night. But seeing the two males standing behind her, smiling and chatting away in hopes of cheering her up…for some reason, as much as Baekhyun was tempted to run away to his friends house- he couldn’t. He couldn’t leave her.

Baekhyun was too busy staring at his own two feet as he walked to even notice Kai purposely slowing his pace down to be beside Baekhyun. “Dazed?” Kai asked, finally catching the boys attention as he tilts his head up and notices Kai staring at Zora.

“No…Just a little pissed i guess…” Baekhyun replied with honesty, which for him was a little out of character. 

“About what?”

“Dunno really”

Kai scoffed, “Yeah, you don’t seem to know much…” The seriousness in his voice caused Baekhyuns eyebrows to crease, not knowing whether to take it as a joke and laugh or as an insult.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Exactly what you think it means” A smirk graced his face, although his eyes didn’t sparkle with the mischief Baekhyun had seen him with, instead, a glimmer of frustration hidden within his irises. It made him think…If they really were alike, then maybe this was how others saw him…maybe, the mask- the façade he wore could never really hide his true emotions and he was as transparent as any other person. Kai inhaled a breath of the icy winter air and exhaled vivid steam when his warm breathe collided with it. “You know, she’s scared” He suddenly urged, his eyes redirecting to Zora who was smiling half-heartedly at the hyper-active Chanyeol who took her hands into his for warmth.

“Yeah…I know” Baekhyun replied in a murmur that was barely audible, his gaze slowly, but surely, fixated onto Zora. The other male turned to him, seeing as the conversation seemed to randomly trail off before noticing the incomprehensive, deep look in Baekhyuns dark eyes.

“…Baekhyun” Kai hesitantly called, causing the owner of the name to jerk from his daze. But even when Kai finally got his attention, he hesitated. Hesitated in saying what was on his mind, “Never mind” He shook his head. 


“Yes…Yes…I understand officer however…yes…thank you for your call” With that Uncle Max hung up, letting out a heavy sigh before stressfully massaging his temples. He’d been pulled out of work by the investigators after Baekhyun had hesitantly given them his contact number. Uncle Max turned to Baekhyun and Zora who were sat on the couch, suspiciously quiet, unable to make eye contact. “…Well?” He urged, shifting his eyes back and forth from Zora to Baekhyun. Chanyeol and Kai immediately fled when Baekhyun realized that his Uncle was already home so who knows where they were now. 

“She didn’t do it” Baekhyun mumbled, unable to say it with confidence although it was honestly and full heartedly what he had believed.

Uncle Max looked at them both with a concerned and pained expression. “I wish I could believe that…but so far, it’s not looking good in her favour, Baekhyun…” He spoke as though Zora wasn’t there to make it easier for him. It had slightly surprised Baekhyun that his uncle wasn’t babying Zora, he would of thought he’d pat her head and sugar coat everything by saying that it wasn’t her fault and that he believe she wasn’t in the wrong. But of all times he chooses to be slightly reasonable, it had to be now?

At that, Baekhyun peered over to Zora, trying to make out how she was doing. But she just looked lost. She was gazing down at her hands, sat still as a rock only until she hesitantly turned to meet Baekhyuns eyes, those dark brown eyes that gazed at her with hopefulness. He wanted her to do something…defend herself, protest, something that would somewhat reassure him of her innocence and sanity. But nothing. She blatantly gazed back at him, unable to do anything but blink and turn away.

What was that supposed to mean?


“Baekhyun-ah, come here!” Uncle Max gestured for the 7 year old Baekhyun to follow him before he walked back into the living room. Baekhyun who had just finished playing soccer with his friends, threw of his cleats and willingly followed his uncle out of curiosity.

When he entered the living room, his eyes landed on a small figure that laid on the couch, the paleness of her skin making Baekhyun jolt slightly from shock before he took the courage of stepping closer to her to get a better look.

“Who’s this?” Baekhyun questioned his uncle, unable to tear his eyes away from the girls sleeping face.

“…She’s…she’s your new stepsister”

Baekhyun could only blink, doing a great job at hiding his shock for his age. “…Why is she sleeping?” He asked with a cold voice, still glaring at the girl curiously.

“Er…” Baekhyun hadn’t noticed his uncles struggle to find the right words, “She’s had a rough day, Baekhyun-ah”

“What’s her name?”

“Zora” Uncle Max shortly replied with a content smile. “You need to take good care of her from now on, alright?”

Baekhyun stared at her for a while, not sure what to think of her or even what kind of face to make until she slowly opened her eyes, the sparkling shards in her eyes catching Baekhyun off guard when she made eye contact with him.

“H-hi…” Baekhyun awkwardly greeted the girl who blinked at him repetitively before sitting up from the couch. Baekhyun cleared his throat, covering up the fact that he just stuttered and waited for her to greet back, but nothing, only an awkward silence. “I’m Byun Baekhyun” He introduced himself almost unwillingly. The girl smiled back half-heartedly before slightly bowing her head.

Baekhyun turned to his Uncle with an eyebrow raised to the ceiling, “What the hek, can’t she talk?” he asked his uncle with a tone of attitude. 

“She’s a mute, Baekhyun”


Baekhyun jolted awake. For the first time in his life, he had dreamt of a memory that he presumed was hidden deep within his brain. 12 years ago that was…yet it was vivid, or perhaps a little too vivid for his liking. He stretched his arm out to the desk beside him where he grabbed his phone to check for the time. 2:37 am. Baekhyun mentally slapped himself. He was hoping for a good night sleep, a good rest before the interrogation the next morning, but it seemed like god wasn’t fond of that idea. After falling back onto his bed, Baekhyun secretly wondered what Zora would be doing. He scrunched up his nose a little thinking that she’d still be up, probably drawing and writing stories…or maybe…with Kai?

Baekhyun suddenly flung himself out of bed and made his way to Zora’s room, not minding that he was loud because he already knew that his Uncle wouldn’t be home.

He knew that what he had predicted was true when he saw the light from Zora’s room seeping through the gaps of her door.


Baekhyun smacked him knuckles against the door, “I know you’re awake” He said, obviously not expecting an answer unless Kai or any of her other friends wanted to make an appearance. After that, he blatantly entered her room, a little surprised to find her sitting on her window sill with her back facing him, her fountain pen in her hand as she diligently sketched away in her notebook. It was although she hadn’t even heard him come in, because the moment Baekhyun stepped inside, her eyes were still nailed to the paper.

For a moment, Baekhyun just stood by the door and watched her work her magic. She was writing like the wind, the ink flowing fluidly across the paper before she turned the page to start a new page and continued. 

“Hey” He hollered, knowing that he finally got her attention when she jolted a feet in the air, her body almost falling off of the window sill before she could maintain her balance again. Zora looked up to find Baekhyun giving her an odd expression and shone him a crooked awkward smile. “You’re supposed to be sleeping…” Baekhyun added. Zora huffed before she raised an accusing eyebrow towards Baekhyun. “What, I needed to go to the bathroom” He shrugged. He’d said that so many times as an excuse for being late for class that it came out more convincing than he’d thought.

After that, an awkward silence swept into the room. Which was a little weird…although Zora had never spoken to him with words, Baekhyun couldn’t really remember the last time he had felt awkward with her…or perhaps- it had always been awkward- yet he was just to absentminded to even realize it. Baekhyun took the silence as a chance to glance around her room again. Usually the room would look like she hadn’t touched anything, every time he came in her it was freaky how everything seemed exactly the same…but this time, the first thing that caught Baekhyuns eye was her open draw beside him.

“What’s this?” He furrowed his eyebrows whilst reaching for the antique looking box inside the draw, but before he could touch it, Zora practically pounced at him, almost tripping over her own two feet as slid her body in front of Baekhyun and used her heel to close the draw shut at lightning speed. Baekhyun had to blink a few times, stunned at her sudden alarm. “Keeping secrets now are we?” He narrowed his eyes at her ever so slightly. Zora took it as a joke, but once again, her smile didn’t reach her eyes.

You know, she’s scared

Kai’s words echoed in his ears and Baekhyuns heart softened with sympathy. Something made him want to reach out to her, pat her head and say everything will be okay, or maybe even pull her to his chest and embrace her for support- but something would let him. Baekhyun immediately swallowed the ideas down his throat, almost chocking on his own saliva in the process. “G-Get some sleep” He coughed and disappointment was apparent in the slow nod Zora gave Baekhyun. But the thought that clogged his throat was threatening to come back up. There was nothing wrong with hugging her- was there? It’s perfectly normal for a guy to hug his little sister- right? …So, why was he nervous all of a sudden?

“G-Goodnight” He hurriedly said before leaving her room, only to hear the sound of his heart pounding against his chest loudly in his ears. Baekhyun grasped his heart in attempt to pace it to a regular beat...

What the hek is wrong with me? 



A/N: I will compensate for all the chapters i owe you guys. It's just that i'm on vacation and i only get internet in certain areas. I love you all- thank you so much for your love and support, really you have no idea how much it means to me <3

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Blueberrryy #1
Please complete the story
Chapter 14: coh cute angry baek hihi (in my mind)
Chapter 11: I dont really like when the main character getting slandered by who knows .. but I'm still going to read ≧﹏≦
a minute ago I search my name on google, and this page took my attention. well since the oc has the same as mine its quite awkward yet exiting .. and I'm going to read XD
Gonna start reading this story ❤
Chapter 26: I'm definitely going to check out the wattpad version of this fic! I'm a little disappointed tho, Baekhyun suits this character so well, I don't know if I could get the same feels from a different lead. Anyways, expecting the best from you! Good luck!
Chapter 24: I've reread this story and its awesome! What's the deal with kai and baekhyun?! At least tell me that authornim! Whether or not u complete the story is up to u...
Aliiioooo #8
Chapter 24: I love this story just as much as Growl. Hopefully when you get better you could update this story because that would be awesome!
stephanfelix #9
Chapter 24: I'm anew reading but I love your story
And I can't put it down uncle max is a buzz kill please find your inspiration again and update please this story is amazing I am a writer to but not on here you have many supporters don't stop the story here
Chapter 24: So I read this amazing story in two days and I'm devastated because I don't know if you, dear author still have intensions in continuing this story. It hasn't been updated in a year and as an author myself I know that when someone doesn't write new things for such a long time it's because the initial idea has been lost. Or at least this goes for me and the stories I write. When I take a break I forgot the reason why I start a particular story and then - baam!! - I don't have the desire to finish whatever I started.

If you had lost your inspiration, I hope you'll get it back magically ♡♡♡