Chapter 17



Christmas Special! 


“There has to be something wrong” Kris sighed as he ruffled his own hair. It’d almost been two weeks since the incident and still- the investigation was going nowhere; the reason being that the case was starting to get pushed behind. There were other murder cases and heists to be taken care of, so a case where the police felt that the culprit had already been found was pushed aside. But Kris knew better. Something wasn’t right with the information that they’ve been given.

Kris scanned his eyes on the sheets of notes regarding the case, including interrogations results and other data they could get their hands on. But the pieces just weren’t fitting. And so far, the only clues they were getting were pointing fingers towards Zora.

“I’ve spoken to the doctors concerning the victim’s condition” Kyungsoo informed before handing Kris another sheet of data. 


“She’s still unconscious. But they say she should wake up in two weeks maximum” He said.

Kris sighed heavily yet again. two weeks? Could they risk waiting that long?

Kyungsoo watched at Kris twisted his lips in thought and furrow his eyebrows at the sheets, hesitating to continue, “We…We haven’t really contacted the mental institute though…they said it wasn’t necessary but I think that, you know, maybe we could talk to them and maybe even…” Kyungsoo paused when Kris suddenly glanced up from the papers and directly into his eyes, his eyebrow raised.

“What are you suggesting?” Kris questioned, suddenly intrigued.

Kyungsoo cleared his throat, “Well, n-not that I’m being biased towards the situation but I was thinking, since it’s going to be Christmas soon, maybe we could, I don’t know, get Zora home for a day? Maybe? I mean, I know she can- ”

"Bring Zora home for Christmas, huh?" Kris gave that idea a thought…and a smile tugged at his lips.


Two weeks earlier…

“Zora…Zora-sshi…Zora?” A gentle voice rang in Zora’s ears, gradually but surely waking her up from her uncomfortable sleep. “Zora, it’s time to wake up, honey” The voice continued. With her vision still blurred, Zora tried to sit herself up on her bed with much difficulty. She hadn’t felt this horrible in years. In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time she had felt as though all her energy had been drained out of her. Every muscle in her body just didn’t seem to want to move and her brain and throbbing mad.

As she sat up, Zora rubbed her tired eyes before a sudden chill suddenly ran down her spine. It was getting colder and colder each day and she wondered if this mental institute even had heaters installed in them it was that cold. “Are you feeling alright?” The gentle voice continued to ask, however Zora could barely make out who she was. All she knew was that the lady didn’t sound like her usual caretaker with the fake sugar-coated high pitched voice. No. This voice was a lot friendlier and perhaps even younger.

Zora just nodded her head, still dazed. 

“Breakfast is being served downstairs…would you like to join or would you like it in here?” The woman asked. Zora could tell she was walking around the room; her ears could detect the change in ambience.

Zora searched for her glasses at the bedside table, but she noticed a blurry hand reach something out in front of her. Figuring that it was her glasses, Zora took it and pushed it up to the bridge of her nose.

With a clearer vision, she looked up and found a smiling face greet her. She definitely wasn’t her usual care taker. But she was one of them, Zora could tell by the white and baby blue uniform the women wore. Knowing that she couldn’t ask her question properly, Zora just stared at the women quizzically until she finally detected the curious look in her eyes.

“Oh. Sorry. I’m Taeyeon. You’re original care-taker is on her Christmas break so I’m looking after you. I’m new here so hopefully we can get along. It’s always nice to have a friend when you work, right? You don’t mind do you?”

Zora shook her head. Taeyeon seemed a lot more friendly than her other care taker. A lot more bubbly and talkative too and not to mention she smiled more. It gave off a brighter aura, something she hadn’t seen much off since she came here.

“So, how about it? Breakfast downstairs?” She asked again.

Zora smiled and nodded her head. Her other care taker never offered the choice. She just brought the food up and that was it. Zora never even knew her name because she never told her.


Zora didn’t even know what time it was, but judging how quiet it was, she assumed that it was still pretty early. Not to mention there were only a few people in the dining hall. All of which had their care takers with them. Zora analysed the area as she followed Taeyeon to a table. Just like everything else in the institute, everything was white. White walls, white chairs, white tables. But Zora couldn’t bring herself to say that it resembled her old bedroom a single bit. Her bedroom wasn’t the lonely and artificial white the institute was made up of. Her room was a much warmer white; a brighter and more comforting white.

“What would you like? They have soups, rice, ddeokbokki…”

Zora almost flinched when ddeokbokki was mentioned.

You’ve…never had ddeokbokki? Baekhyuns voice echoed in her ears. A vision of his bright, amused smile flashed into her brain. It’s not spicy, trust me! Zora couldn’t refrain the light smile that appeared on her lips. It was a bittersweet memory to her.

“Ddeokbokki? You want that for breakfast?” Taeyeon chuckled amusingly as Zora nodded her head. “Okay. Stay here and don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back”

Whilst Taeyeon quickly nipped to the kitchen, Zora took the chance to observe her surroundings. She hadn’t been out of her assigned room much. But she figured as much. If they thought that she was dangerous then it made sense to hold her captive. However, Zora took the advantage and opportunity to really observe how the institute was built; what it consisted of and where everything was from the moment she stepped out of her room.

The building itself didn’t look too complicated. It was simple to get around, she admitted. The only problem was that everything seemed  identical to one another. Every floor looked the same apart from the ground floor. Although, Zora did notice how certain rooms had different coloured plaques. Hers was a metallic gold, most were white and some were metallic baby blue.

Zora had even timed how long it took for them to walk to the dining hall from her room. 7 minutes 21 seconds. That is if they took the lift from the 4th floor to the ground floor. And there were 6 floors in total. She estimated that, judging from how long the corridors were, there were probably more than 15 rooms on each floor. Whether they were all occupied or not was another question though. 

The dining hall wasn’t huge, but it wasn’t small either, which either meant that there weren’t many ‘patients’ or that they usually only brought them out a group at a time to avoid any incidents.

Zora looked around the rather empty hall to try and recognize any of the unfamiliar faces.
One girl couldn’t stop chuckling whilst she was eating and Zora was uneasy at the fact that she could choke at any moment. Another boy was sat on the other side of the hall, having his care taker have to practically force feed him. Then…there was another boy sat in front with his back to her. One with such light hair that it’d almost reminded her of King’s human form, only it wasn’t quite as platinum. His care taker wasn’t next to him and Zora assumed that he must have gone into the kitchen to get his food the same as Taeyeon did for her.

All of a sudden, the boy turned around, as though he detected someone was looking at him. But the second she made eye contact with him, both seemed to freeze on the spot. The boy had pale, almost a translucent skin tone, and his messy blonde tousled hair covered his eyebrows and just about reached his eyelashes not to mention the angle which he turned unveiled his perfect side profile to her. But what shocked her weren’t his incredible good-looks, but the magnificent colour of the boy’s eyes. They were like pale blue transparent crystals. The colour of the morning sky but in the form of diamonds. 

But this boy…She’s seen him before. It was the first day she stepped foot into the institute, Zora remembered her depression, having to leave everyone and everything behind made her gloomier than ever. But other than her emotions, Zora remember that one boy. The one boy she noticed standing from afar, through the window, smiling at her as if to say ‘everything’s alright’ and even that day, she couldn’t help but feel an odd familiarity with him. 

“Hello” He greeted with a respectful bow, snapping Zora out of her thoughts. She waved awkwardly to him and the boy returned it with a gentle smile. “My name is Luhan” He said. Zora smiled back, unsure as to how to tell him what her name was. She only realized now that she’s never really had to introduce herself before. She never really came out of the house until a couple months ago and since then; Baekhyun was always there to do it for her. So she was stumped- when the boy caught her by surprise, “Zora-sshi…am I correct?” His voice was so soft that Zora couldn’t help but wonder if he had some sort of throat condition.

She simply nodded at him, not noticing the utter relief and joy in the males eyes. Luhan bowed his head once again, “Nice to finally meet you” He said before suddenly turning away again, leaving Zora to sit there, dumbfounded. What did he mean by finally? Had he heard of her before?

Her chain of thoughts were disrupted yet again when Taeyeon finally made her way back with a tray with two bowls of ddeokbokki, two bowls of rice and two packets of bread. “Sorry for the wait. Figured I might as well eat with you too, you don’t mind do you?” She smiled.

Zora shook her head and returned her smile. Her gaze fell to the steaming bowl of ddeokbokki in front of her. "You like it?" The same voice echoed in her ears.

Bittersweet indeed.


A few days passed and Zora was waking up with new pains in the most random places and times. One day she woke up with the biggest head ache. At times she even got dizzy spells and Taeyeon had to get her a wheelchair because she was scared that she would collapse. There were even times when her eyes randomly stung, and stung bad, so bad that Zora was surprised she could still see the next day. There were nights where she felt like her insides were burning, like fire was burning her veins. Taeyeon was so worried that she made sure to tell her superiors and hopefully get her to a check-up at the nearby hospital. But apparently the only thing they said was that she might have had an allergic reaction to something in the hospital and it should disappear soon which Zora was suspicious yet relieved to hear. 

Every morning, Luhan would bow and greet her with a smile and slowly, but surely, they interacted more with each other. He even taught her sign language every morning which Zora very quickly picked up on. True that she’d never had an interest in sign language before, but who knows when it might come in handy. What caught Zora’s attention though was that Luhan’s care taker was never with him. Luhan was always walking around by himself. She even occasionally spotted him buying drinks from the vending machines that were only used by the caretaker and share them with her.  It must’ve meant that Luhan didn’t need to be watched all the time. Which was good, she assumed.

There were moment where Zora just wanted to take a stroll though. And being the kind hearted and reasonable person she was, Taeyeon agreed to let her walk around the garden for 15 minutes max. As she strolled around in Taeyeon's coat, gloves and shoes, admiring the frost covered flower, she only just realized how much she missed drawing and writing. However, she remembered the very specific order that the very intimidating man from the first day had said to her…and it has still been scaring her to this day. Her mind wondered on thoughts until she suddenly saw Luhan sitting on the bench nearby, gazing at the sky with a blank yet peaceful expression on his face.

She’s seen the boy with the said expression in more than one occasion; with that mix of peacefulness and longing in his eyes. And as if by instinct, Luhan turned directly towards her and smiled, bowing yet again. Zora bowed back as she stepped closer to him. The boy straightens slightly before asking, “What brings you here?”

Before she could even answer, she noticed the thing that had looked almost like a sketchbook on Luhans lap. She tilts her head at it quizzically before asking him through sign language ‘What’s that?’

Luhan chuckled, “Are you not going to greet me first? I am an oppa you know”

Zora pulls a face at him before mouthing a quick ‘Hello’ to him, causing the male to laugh even more. He grabs the sketchbook along with the blue marker before standing up and handing it to her. “A sketchbook…For you” He said.

Zora’s eyes widened at him. She points at herself quizzically.

Luhan smiles, “It’s a Christmas present…take it” He said softly. “You can use it for whatever you please…perhaps it will come in handy, for when no one can understand you” There was a knowing look behind his gaze however Zora hadn’t detected it as it disappeared as quick as it came. She softened at his kind gesture before carefully taking the sketchbook and the marker. She turns the front page and writes on it.

Thank you. She wrote.

Luhan suddenly gazes at her. This time Zora can detect not only the peacefulness, but the solemnness that was beneath his eyes. Suddenly worried, Zora uses sign language again, ‘Are you alright’? She asked. Luhan doesn’t seem to have a reaction. He just stares at her…he gazes at her beautiful eyes with the olden shards and feels a sharp pain of nostalgia shoot through his body.

“I’m just glad…” He finally replied, although barely audible. “That I finally met you” He finished with a whisper.

Not grasping what he said, Zora tilts her head at him before sighing. She flips the page of the sketchbook again and starts writing.

Are you hungry? She wrote.

Luhan gave it a thought before he nodded, “How about some ddeokbokki?”


A few more days pass and the pains seemed to have subsided a little, although she did wake up with bruises on her arms, Zora chose to ignore it. As Baekhyun said, she was a bit of a klutz, even if she didn't remember how she got them, it was probably just her fault. Just the thought of him scolding her brought a small smile to her face- as stupid as it sounds. It was a Thursday afternoon, she was going visit home on Saturday so she was high in spirit.

With Taeyeon as her new care taker, Zora was getting out of her room more often which was great. She’s been on every floor so far apart from the very top which was apparently for ‘staff only’. Zora got to know a few people…well, she tried to get to know them. The chuckling girl didn’t seem to want to stop laughing and the other boy just kind of scared her by how…‘unhappy’ he seemed. Then again, these people must be in a mental institue for a reason. She and Luhan grew closer though. Taeyeon would smile whenever she watched the morning sign language lessons you had with Luhan and she was amazing by how quickly you learnt the alphabet. In fact, Zora probably learnt it in under ten minutes.

Luhan noticed how Taeyeon was watching her with wide eyes and chuckled, “She’s a fast learner” He said as-a-matter-of-factly.

Taeyeon nodded in agreement, “You can say that again”

Zora smiled before she took out her sketchbook. Before she could even search for a pen, Luhan took out a black biro in front of her. Zora chuckled a little before taking it. It was weird how well Luhan knew her already despite only having met each other for a few days. 

‘I’m not that great at it yet, but I’m learning’ she wrote and showed Taeyeon.

Before Taeyeon could even argue, the appearence of a certain man startled her. “Kim Taeyeon?” The deep intimidating voice called. 

“Y-Yes?” She stuttered, quickly getting up from her seat.

The man’s gaze fell onto Zora and Luhan before returning to Taeyeon, “A moment of your time if you please?” Although he seemed polite, the tone in his voice said otherwise.

Taeyeon cleared , “Yes” She quickly dashed towards the man who then led her out of the room. 

Zora glued her eyes onto the man until he and Taeyeon were out of sight before she turned back to Luhan, concern and worry present in her eyes. Luhan sighed and shook his head; indicating for her not to worry. “It is probably a small matter…Although if you wish, you can always ask them about it later” He said.

Zora shuddered at the thought before starting a sentence off in sign language; however, after realizing that she didn’t know how to say it, she grabs the sketchbook instead.

‘I don’t want to talk to them’ she wrote.

Luhan’s expression hardened, “Talk to who?” He asked as though he didn’t already know the answer. He just wanted her to say it. He just wanted to know that she knew who they were. 

Zora started writing again, ‘You know who’ she wrote. Although it wasn’t quite what Luhan was looking for, he dropped the subject about the superiors.

After that, a simple conversation started to flow between the two with answers of which Zora knew how to reply in sign language and questions she knew how to say. She found out that Luhan was actually four years older than her, making him 22 years of age. And that he’s been living here for 9 years of them. The information was shocking to Zora. For one, she imagined Luhan simply being a year older than her at most. She would have never guessed that he was 22 just by looking at his face. But the fact that he’s been living here for almost 9 years was a great shock to her also. 

“Surprised?” Luhan figured. Zora hadn’t realized that she wasn’t doing a very good job to hide her shock. “It is true…I have lived under this mental institute for nine years, three months 12 days and counting”

Zora was stunned speechless. How could someone…She couldn’t imagine it. And the fact that he's beemn counting the days, from the very beginning to now...there was just something heart breaking about it. Zora sighed lightly before hesitantly asking him ‘How?’

Luhan paused for a short moment. For that split second, there was a glimpse of pain in his eyes. “A very…a very close…friend of mine…a man whom I thought of as my own father…had a very special gift…He was a very brave, kind and loving man who treasured his family and his friends very much…However there came a day when his gift was seen as a threat…as something that was too powerful…so he was unfortunately assassinated”

Zora listened as diligently as she watched Luhans every move. How his eyes lowered, how the peacefulness in his eyes was starting to break down as he continued.

“The people who assassinated him, however, were never interrogated; as it was forged into a suicide act…and those who assassinated him do not rest…they still wish to track down every single one of his relatives and friends…perhaps for other purposes” Luhan paused for a short moment before taking a deep breathe in, “Unlike many, I am not as good at running away and unfortunately got caught for an act of pure innocence after a good three years of hiding…another friend of his, however, did a very good job…she not only saved herself but also others” All of a sudden, Luhan looked up at Zora. What she had thought to had been pain in his eyes had suddenly vanished into a gaze of thankfulness and relief, “Including his daughter”

Before Zora could find the time to put the puzzle pieces together, Luhan suddenly added. “So, how did you end up in here?” He asked, catching her off guard with the sudden change in topic. 

Zora wasn’t hesitant in telling Luhan her reasons, but for that short moment, she’d forgotten why she had been put in here in the first place. When she finally remembered, she shot Luhan a look that told him not to be too surprised before writing it down on her sketchbook.

‘It's a long story she wrote. 

“I believe we have the time” He pushed. Agreeing with that statement, Zora wrote more down...

‘Attempt of murder’ she wrote.

Zora wasn’t surprised when Luhan furrowed his eyebrows slightly. She then continued to write…

Accused of attempt of murder’ she wrote.

Luhan, although certainly knew she hadn’t committed the crime continued to ask, “What happened?”

Zora thought deeply about it. Everything that happened that day felt like a flash…like a dream- a nightmare even. But it was a blurry memory that she couldn't forget. She bit her lip, wanting to let it all out, right there and then. But she knew she wouldn’t be able to. She couldn’t if she wanted to.

‘I don’t think I can answer that on paper’ she wrote, praying that she wouldn't regret her decision. That she wouldn't regret not telling at least a single soul about it. 

Luhan nodded understandingly and the subject was quickly dropped. 


Taeyeon didn’t show up later that day and Zora began to worry. Concluding that she’d be a while, Luhan took her back to her assigned room. He stopped in front of the door, reading the gold plaque that read ‘I24NK’ and his heart clenched along with a queasy uneasyness in his stomach. He lived here long enough to know what that meant.

Zora thanked him for dropping her off with a little bow, not noticing the look of remorse in Luhans eyes that was present for that split second.

“Are you…alright?” Luhan suddenly asked her out of the blue.

Zora raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled. It was nice having someone look out for her…she…she kind of missed having someone there. She nodded her head at him before telling him Goodnight in sign language.

Luhan chuckled at Zora’s slow but persevering sign language and ruffled her hair. “Goodnight” He said soothingly.

“Get inside…I’ll get your stuff for you” Baekhyun offered, quickly ruffling her hair as if to make up for nearly saying the forbidden word. Zora just about nodded her head before taking her sketchbook and scurrying inside.

The quick flashback from months ago brought a bittersweet feeling at the pit of her stomach and almost tears to her eyes. 



[A/N: Okay- so results from my poll said that you guys wanted a Christmas special so HERE IT IS!!!'s not much of a christmas special as much as it is just a freaking long chapter written in a different perspective with the word 'Christmas' mentioned a few times in it but- HEY IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! *Happy dances* And also, this chapter was a freakin HUGE clue...Like seriously HUGE...Please take the next poll too! LOVE YOU ALL! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! <3]

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Blueberrryy #1
Please complete the story
Chapter 14: coh cute angry baek hihi (in my mind)
Chapter 11: I dont really like when the main character getting slandered by who knows .. but I'm still going to read ≧﹏≦
a minute ago I search my name on google, and this page took my attention. well since the oc has the same as mine its quite awkward yet exiting .. and I'm going to read XD
Gonna start reading this story ❤
Chapter 26: I'm definitely going to check out the wattpad version of this fic! I'm a little disappointed tho, Baekhyun suits this character so well, I don't know if I could get the same feels from a different lead. Anyways, expecting the best from you! Good luck!
Chapter 24: I've reread this story and its awesome! What's the deal with kai and baekhyun?! At least tell me that authornim! Whether or not u complete the story is up to u...
Aliiioooo #8
Chapter 24: I love this story just as much as Growl. Hopefully when you get better you could update this story because that would be awesome!
stephanfelix #9
Chapter 24: I'm anew reading but I love your story
And I can't put it down uncle max is a buzz kill please find your inspiration again and update please this story is amazing I am a writer to but not on here you have many supporters don't stop the story here
Chapter 24: So I read this amazing story in two days and I'm devastated because I don't know if you, dear author still have intensions in continuing this story. It hasn't been updated in a year and as an author myself I know that when someone doesn't write new things for such a long time it's because the initial idea has been lost. Or at least this goes for me and the stories I write. When I take a break I forgot the reason why I start a particular story and then - baam!! - I don't have the desire to finish whatever I started.

If you had lost your inspiration, I hope you'll get it back magically ♡♡♡