
Mrs. Im: Surnames (HIATUS)

So I think this is a boring chapter.. Hahaha. but please guys bear with me. It'll going to be an exciting fic for the next chapters. I promise! so please keep reading. Here's my update, again. :)



Tiffany silently staring at the silver picture frame, it was their wedding photo. She smiled. She looked so happy and so was Yoona. Was that how she looked more than years ago? 2 years and 1 month to be exact. On her 22nd birthday, Yoona married her.

Jessica was on the other side of the house. She slowly stood up and walked closer to her best friend. She touched Tiffany’s arm.

“Yah, Tiff. You didn’t eat since yesterday.” She said carefully and thoughtfully. “Other than coffee and milk, you didn’t have eaten any decent food yet. You will get sick if you don’t eat. I’m worried about you, are you okay?” she continued.

She looked at Jessica and smiled weakly. “I…I’m okay, Jessi. Thank you.” She smiled again. Tiffany holds Jessica’s hands. “I’m so glad you’re here…” she said with the tone of sincerity.

Jessica had arrived from Jeonju, their hometown, when Tiffany called her and told about what happened between Yoona and her. While Jessica was there, Yuri was the one who’s taking care of their three years old son, Kyungsan.

“What are friends for, Tiff.” Jessica smiled and stood up. “I’ll make a sandwich for you. Whether you like it or not, you’re going to eat it okay?” she said, convinced.

“No, Jessica. Stay there. I’m going to prepare it.” Sunkyu said, the Im’s caretaker.

“And Jessica was right, Tiffany. You have to eat.” Sunkyu added while walking to the kitchen.

Tiffany bit her sandwich but before she could bite again, she suddenly cried.

Jessica doesn’t know what she will going to do. She doesn’t want to prevent Tiffany from crying. All she can do is to watch Tiffany helplessly crying. Since yesterday, that’s the only time she saw Tiffany crying her heart out. Maybe that’s the reason why Tiffany didn’t let Yoona’s funeral and buried him immediately. She didn’t want the people to see her in that state.

Even though she announced earlier in the Ims Advertising Company that there is no vigil for her husband, other workers and close friends still arrived in the morning. And she faced them without the hint of sadness and vulnerability.

“I’m…sorry,” she weakly said while wiping her tears and as she calmed herself for a while.

“Sorry? For pity’s sake, Tiff. I’m glad you cried like that. It wasn’t right that you’re going to hide that forever.” Jessica answered.

“You don’t… understand, Jess,” her voice was hoarse due to crying. “I-I’m not crying because—Yoona was dead.. I’m crying for myself.. Even though I don’t know what am I crying for. Is it because Yoona cheated on me or is it because I’m free from him?”

Jessica’s eyebrows knitted in confusion. “Cheated? What are you talking about, Tiff? I don’t understand.”

Tiffany got a glass of water and she gulped it before standing up. She walked back and forth with her hands crossed in front of her chest. After that, she stopped and looked at Jessica.

She smiled bitterly and started talking. “You know what’s written on the news, Jessica…” her voice was rasped. “….that Yoona was with another girl when the accident happened, right?..” Jessica didn’t answer Tiffany’s question, she just stared at her best friend with full of sympathy.

“But you never asked me once about it,” she continued. “Of all the people since yesterday, you’re the only one who’s not asking me about the accident, what happened, how it happened and where it happened. And who’s the one with him in the car.” She smiled bitterly. “Such tact you have, my best friend.” Tiffany said.

She sighed long. That’s one of the reasons why Tiffany doesn’t want to have a formal and long funeral for his husband. She doesn’t want  people asking about what happened.

“I’m here for you, Fany-ah. And people have asked you those things already and I don’t want to hear that anymore. What I know is, your husband died in a car accident. Details of his death are secondary. You may or you may not tell me about it.” Jessica reasoned.

Tiffany suddenly seat down and again burst into tears. “I didn’t know anything, Jessi,” she said after awhile. Jessica took her handkerchief from her pocket and gave it to Tiffany. “What I know is, he’s in Hongkong. He said to me that he will be there for one week.” She wiped her tears using Jessica’s hanky. “And little did I know that he’s only here..” she cried.

“And this woman….” Jessica doesn’t want to eat the sandwich in her front anymore. She lost her appetite after what she had heard from Tiffany. “Do you know her?”

She shook her head. “The news doesn’t know the name of the girl. No identifications. My husband died on the spot.”

“For all you know, she could only be a friend or a business associate, Tiff..” Jessica said although she doubted it. Why did Yoona lied about his whereabouts?

For the nth time, Tiffany smiled bitterly. “I doubt it. He lied to me. He was supposed to be in Hongkong. Most often than not, he’s always out of the country and he’s always saying that it’s for the business.”

“I know it’s useless to talk about him, Tiff,” she said calmly. “But why did you allow him those alibis?”

Tears are streaming down on Tiffany’s face. She wiped it again. “It didn’t really bother me a bit. I was busy with my own business.”

“What do you mean by that?” Jessica asked, confused of what Tiffany had said. “I mean, you couldn’t be that busy to…” Jessica said incomplete.

Tiffany avoid Jessica’s gaze. She hesitated before speaking again. “While we were in America, our marriage is an act, Jessica.”

Jessica can’t connect the dots. “But you’ve only been married for more than two years!”

“Our marriage has ended after my skiing accident in California. He blamed me for what had happened and after that, we’re only married in our names.” Tiffany explained.

“That was barely four months after your wedding!” Jessica exclaimed.

“Three months and one week,” Tiffany specifically said. “When he brought me to the one of the clinics in California and the doctor said that I will not going to have a baby anymore. Yoona had changed. A lot.”

“Then why he didn’t divorce you then? It is easier there in California.” Jessica asked.

Tiffany smiled sarcastically. “He can’t do that. He can’t get his inheritance from his father.”

“What do you mean?” Jessica interestingly asked.

“He didn’t really love me, Jessica. He never loved me.” She said bitterly. And then she said one of the reasons why Yoona hated her so much. “And that is one of the reasons why I am disgruntled. Yoona was a prude, a double standard hypocrite. He hated me so much for being a non- woman but there he is, hiding his own affair.” She said gloomily.

“Yoona wanted a woman he could manipulate.” She continued. “I am too smart for him. He hated my brain. He hated me because my company is doing well while him, he couldn’t manage his own company.”

“Yoona’s family had this company for a long time ago. I worked for them as a secretary and during summer, Mr. Im asked me to work for his company as the marketing supervisor,” she smiled small at that part. “Yoona’s father is so kind to me. I respect him so much. He is the one who chose me to be with Yoona.” Tiffany stated.

Jessica didn’t ask furthermore. She waited for Tiffany to go on.

Tiffany continued. “Yoona’s mother is Korean, while his father is American. He was in college when his mother died. My father-in-law loved his wife so much that he wanted his own son to marry a Korean…”

Yoona introduced himself one time in the anniversary party of their company. He was three years older than Tiffany. A handsome doe-eyed guy with a perfect smile who danced and flirted with her all night. He knows how to speak Korean because they always visit Korea once he is a child. Just like any other woman that night, he was attracted to Yoona. And she thought that the feeling was mutual. She would have to learn later that his father was the one who will going to tell them that they are bound to marry each other.

Every night, Yoona and Tiffany always see each other. Countless dates, dinners, lunch and even breakfast they had shared. Yoona proposed to her. Attraction was different from love. She definitely knew it that there are different meanings. But she believed that one day, she will learn how to love Yoona. On her 22nd birthday, Yoona married her. One month had passed since they met each other.

Four months and one week after their wedding, she got pregnant. They only did ‘it’ once and she can’t believe it. That was the only night they did it because when Yoona knew that Tiffany was not a anymore, Yoona distance himself from Tiffany like he was disgusted by her.

Yoona’s father was so happy when he found out that Tiffany was pregnant. But little did Yoona’s father know that their marriage has a crack. He treated the couple a two plane tickets to California for their 2nd honeymoon. First day, when they arrived in the hotel, Yoona quickly suggested going for a ski. And that’s where the accident happened. They were on a lower slope when a teenager accidentally hit Tiffany and both tumbled on the snow.

“And you were brought to the clinic bleeding,” Jessica gasped. She knew this part of the story.

“Yoona blamed me for that, Jessi.” She said bitterly. “And he blamed me a lot when the doctor said that I will not going to have a baby anymore, as in never. When my father-in-law found out, his heart sank. In fact, he blamed himself because he is the one who had this 2nd honeymoon idea. But that didn’t last long. He was still hoping that I can still have a baby. Yoona doesn’t want his father to find out about my prognosis so he decided to come back here in Korea.” Tiffany explained.

“But why? What he is going to worry about when his father found out that you can’t have a baby anymore?” Jessica questioned.

“On the day of our wedding, his father had told him what his last willing testament is. Yoona will going to inherit his father’s business at the age of thirty provided we are still married by then. But there’s an added provision too that he will inherit the business immediately, even though he’s not in his 30’s if we are going to have a baby.” Tiffany explained.

“And you’re the one whose Yoona blaming why he can’t get his inheritance?” she asked while shaking her head.

Tiffany nodded. “And the irony of it all, a week ago, the day Yoona left supposedly for Hongkong. Daddy went overseas. My father-in-law died of a heart attack and Yoona has nowhere to be found. I don’t know how can I contact him in Hongkong. I don’t even know what his hotel room is.”

“Ironic indeed,” Jessica favored and smiled blandly. “And what will happen to Yoona’s inheritance now that both of them were dead?”

Tiffany doesn’t know what to do. “I don’t really know, Jessi.” She said. “What puzzled me the most was Yoona’s parting words that we’re going back to America and divorced me. Then, my dad told me that my father-in-law’s solicitor said that all of his property was transferred in Yoona’s name and his future grandson.”

“Grandson?” Jessica confusingly said. “So, your father-in-law did assume that you and Yoona will going to be a parents soon.”

“Maybe,” she was confused as Jessica. “And maybe that’s the reason why he’s not afraid to divorce me in the next three months because he got what he want already.” She shook her head.

“Then you’re a rich woman now, Tiffany,” Jessica joked.

“My husband didn’t leave a will. And the law is different when it comes to property, Jessica. Unlike here, we are protected by our partners. And I’m not interested in his money or his inheritance. And death did part us, my only consolation.” She said.

She is sad but at the same time, angry. She was fooled. Yoona had his affair and this is a big embarrassment for her. And now he’s dead, but few of their close friends and colleagues have a little knowledge about Yoona’s affair.

“I called dad yesterday and I told him what happened. He was so shock. And both my parents were so frantic about my health condition as if I’ll not going to handle Yoona’s death.” She smiled sarcastically.

Jessica took a deep breath. She holds Tiffany’s arms again. “I’m sorry to say this Fany-ah, but after you came here, I met Yoona two times. He is handsome, yes, but I never really liked him. I love Yul with all of my heart and you know it.” Jessica defended.

“I know.” She answered. Even though he showed some respect to Yuri and Jessica, he was cold to them when Tiffany had introduced him to her friends. Maybe that’s the reason why whenever Jessica was going to visit, he will make sure that Yoona was not home.

“How did he meet this woman?” she asked again.

She shrugged. “I-I don’t know.” She smiled unwillingly. “Yoona always telling me that he wanted a simple housewife,” she answered brokenly, with the hint of hurt because of what Yoona did to her and pity for herself.

“What’s your plan now?” Jessica asked while looking at her best friend with full of sympathy.

Tiffany didn’t respond quickly. She stood up and looked around her unit. She walked to the windows and opened the curtains. She can clearly see the Namsan Tower from her unit and the Han River beside it.

“I’d sell this unit or have it rented. I don’t know yet. I’ll probably hire someone to manage my company.” Tiffany said.

“I wanna go home, Jess.” Tiffany said cheerfully showing her eye-smile.

Ever since Yoona and Tiffany got married, Yoona didn’t let Tiffany to go home. She just wanted her to be with him all the time. Jessica knew it. She and Yuri knew Yoona who was so polite to the point of rudeness.

A long silence engulfed the both of them. Then Jessica stood up quietly. “I really hate to leave, Fany-ah, but I’m not home for almost two days now and Yuri wasn't there also because he has to leave for his upcoming project. And I’m worried about our son, he is not used to it when both of us are not home.”

Tiffany nodded. “Thank you so much for coming, Jess. And give my kisses to Kyungsan.”

“I will. And give me a phone call if you need me.”


A/N: Boring eh? I'm sorry guys, YoonHyun is dead here. :3 My bad. But that is the part of the story. :D

Please bear with me. ^^ I will update tomorrow. Lovelots! Please leave a comment and subscribe. :)


- eonjengan x_x

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Chapter 6: please update soon
blackjackswag #2
Chapter 6: Omo those two need to talk it out so thy can be happy :3
Chapter 6: ah so that's what yoong meant~ something happen to taeny first.. i thought fany played around in america after getting married.. sigh if they just confess their feelings and let it out go with the flow see where it will lead them.. and someone must take care of the baby right it will make them closer if they take responsibility~
TYK309 #4
Chapter 5: omg if fany rejects tae i wont pity him
blu_angie08 #5
Chapter 5: I don't know why but I'm angry with Tae.. poor fany
ah_lim #6
Chapter 4: i hope taeny gets married n raise the child!! happy ending!! :)
blackjackswag #7
Chapter 4: Ooo getting really interesting! Taeny gonna raise the baby together?
blackjackswag #8
Chapter 3: oo Taeny met again. interesting story author. can't wait to read more :D
TYK309 #9
Chapter 3: awww the maknaes died
Chapter 2: Aww... my otp. Why did they have to die? Yoonhyun. :(