
Mrs. Im: Surnames (HIATUS)


“Are you leaving?” asked Tiffany when she entered their room and found her husband packing his clothes. Yoona had just arrived from London for a business trip.

“Three hours from now, I’ll be leaving for Hongkong, Fany-ah.” Yoona answered while packing his clothes.

“You’re never home,” Tiffany said. No accusation to her voice was shown, no blaming. She was stating a fact.

Yoona looked at her with a sarcastic smile plastered on his face. “You know ours is a sham marriage, Fany.” Yoona said.

“Then you should have ended this while we were in Vegas!” Fany shouted as her face was now red because of anger. “And if only you’re not in a hurry to claim your inheritance from your father, we should be free from this marriage!” Fany shouted.

Yoona closed his suitcase and gritted his teeth. “I didn’t want to marry you! My father chose you for me. I often wonder why he didn’t marry you himself,” Yoona said while gritting his teeth. “Anyway, I want to tell you that those three months from now, we are going back to America.” Yoona said happily. If Fany was not mistaken, she could see that Yoona’s eyes were gleaming. “I am divorcing you, my dear wife.”

“What?!” Fany exclaimed. She was shocked by what she heard right now.

Yoona titled his head and examined Fany from head to toe while saying, “Poised, cold and contained, Tiffany Hwang. Smart and clever, I see. You fooled my father. But you’re nothing like my mother,” and he said those words that made Tiffany wants to cry.

“ I married you because Dad said that you’re clean woman. And you don’t have a boyfriend since you’re in school and even when you’re working,” and Yoona laughed. “Little did my father know that you had one, in bed! Or should I say, you had more?” Yoona said in annoyance and Fany was now on the verge of crying. Tiffany sighed to prevent her tears from falling. “Are we going to talk about that again, huh, Yoona?!”

“It’s because you fooled me!” Yoona shouted. “I can’t forget that the girl that I married is not a anymore. I have always dreamed of marrying a , Fany. And father made me believed that you were!” Yoona shouted once again.

“Yoona look, I didn’t fool you. I happened to take it for granted,” She explained. “I’m in a permissive country and you’re a half-American. How would I know that you wanted a for a wife? And how would I know too that you were expecting me to be one,” Fany continued while gritting her teeth. “And again, why didn’t you tell me your father and divorced me the next day?” She was now fuming in anger. “Didn’t you think I want this marriage, too?”

“Oh, yes, you do. You were after my inheritance, Fany.” Yoona annoyingly answered. “That’s your main reason why you accepted my father’s request, right? My god, you were cold as ice during our first night on our wedding day, the day I want to feel that you love me and to feel security for my being. A frigid non- sonofa---“

“Shut up, Yoona!” All those times, Yoona insulted her again and again but she stayed silent and not answering. But this time, she answered back.

But Yoona still continued insulting Tiffany and throwing hurtful words at her.  “I’m willing to forget the fact that you slept with other guys, Fany, when we’re in Vegas. I would have made love to you again that night and forgive you for your coldness towards me when we’re at it but you just ignored it and—“

“You’re like a broken record, Yoona,” Tiffany interrupted. “And your plan of divorce is long overdue, I couldn’t wait the next three months.” Tiffany added.

“Damn you! You wouldn’t get a cent from me, Tiffany!” And he got out and slammed the door behind.

After Yoona had left, Tiffany was still staring at nothing. Does Yoona had said was true? How? Why? Although she is in relief that finally, their nonsense marriage was going to an end. Those two years of marriage that full of accusations and yes, she was hurt. Yoona kept on accusing Fany like she is a numb and doesn't have feelings.  

She looked at clock beside the night lamp lifelessly. It is already 9 in the morning. She got up and prepared herself because she is going to her company. She got out from her room and came back hurriedly.

Tiffany just took a bath when her phone rang. She pressed a button for the speaker phone.


“Fany, honey, this is your Dad.”

“Oh, Dad!” Fany exclaimed showing her eye-smile. She looked at her speaker phone. Her dad was calling her from America. “How’s Mom? What’s the time there now?”

The other line was silent. “Ahm… uh.. Is Yoona there?” her father asked.

“No. He just left, Daddy. He’s on his way to Hongkong. Why Dad?” Fany asked while removing the towel from her head and dry her hair while talking to her dad.

“Listen, Fany-ah, I don’t know how will Yoona going to accept this news but….”


Fifteen minutes after ten in the evening. The door opened in Taeyeon’s apartment and search for the switch.

“There’s no need to turn the lights on, darling.” Sunmi said while hugging Taeyeon from waist. “We’ll see each other in the dark anyway,” and she giggled.

“There you are,” Taeyeon said when he switched on the light. He had his arm at Sunmi’s shoulders and he closed the door using his foot.

“I’m hungry, Sunmi-ah,” he said and walked to the kitchen.

“Me too, Taeng.” She said while ing Taeyeon’s polo shirt.

“C’mon,” he said while giggling.

Lee Sunmi is a one of the famous models in Korea. And has been his bed partner for almost 4 months now. She lost track for how many times they have done ‘it’.

“You want us to go straight home, so let me eat first..,” he opened the refrigerator and started preparing food.

“Alright, alright.” she said while laughing and raising her hands up. “Mind you’re cooking and I’ll just take a shower.” She winked.

“You’re not going to help me?” he asked with his pleading eyes.

“Oh no, Taeyeon. That’s not going to worked on me. And you know that I hate preparing meals, right? That’s why I ate outside most of the time.” She said and left.

Taeyeon sighed and put the frying pan on the stove. His phone rang. He cursed on his mind. Who is going to call him in this time? Everyone was at the meeting this evening and they talked all the things that they needed to. He doesn’t want to pick up the phone but it didn’t stop on ringing so he cursed again.

“Damn!” he said annoyingly and then he turned off the stove. He picked up the phone from the table and pushed the button. “Hello, Kim Taeyeon, speaking..” he answered impatiently.

“Mr. Kim.” Answered the other line. A guy. “Seoul Sky Hospital…” the guy continued and Taeyeon raised his eyebrows in confusion. Taeyeon sighed and he started to feel nervous. He doesn’t know why.

When he finished talking to the guy, he quickly stood up and got his car keys in the table.

“Sunmi-ah! I’m leaving! I’ll be back.” He shouted. “There’s an emergency…” he continued.

“What?” she peered in but she was only able to see Taeyeon’s back.

“What’s wrong with him?” Sunmi thought.

After twenty minutes, he arrived at the hospital. He parked his car and then he rushed inside the hospital.

“Where’s the room of Mrs. Im?” he hurriedly asked the nurse in the counter and carefully thought about the surname. He’s still not used of his cousin’s surname.

The nurse raised her eyebrows. “If you’re talking of the one whose involve in the car accident, she’s now on the ICU. Second floor, on the right si—“ the nurse wasn’t able to finish her sentence when Taeyeon hurriedly left without even saying thank you. In a minute or two, he reached the 2nd floor.

“Who’s that hot guy?” one of the nurses said. She was looking to the stairs.

The nurse from the counter just shrugged. “I don’t know. He could be the husband.” She said and sighed. “The patient’s lucky if she will make it until the morning.”

On the 2nd floor, Taeyeon looked from left to right to find the ICU. He ran until he found the ICU.

“I’m Mrs. Im’s cousin,” he quickly introduced himself to the doctor. He was literally gasping for air because of his running.

The doctor nodded and shake his head sadly. “I’m sorry, Mr. Kim, but she lost a lot of blood. We did our best to save her..”

Taeyeon gasped and was now on the verge of crying. “Can I talk to her?” he asked while hiding his tears.

The doctor nodded and signaled to enter the room. “You’re the one she’s been looking for, go ahead.”

He entered the room with heavy heart and footsteps. He can’t believe what’s happening right now. He saw his cousin lying lifelessly in the hospital bed with her head and legs bandaged. Her swollen face was showing due to the accident.

He looked to his cousin and gently holds her right hand. “Seohyun-ah...,” he whispered. Even though Seohyun can’t open her eyes properly, she immediately opened her eyes when she heard his cousin.


“I’m here, Juhyun.” He can’t look straight at Seohyun, because every time he does, his heart was shattering into pieces.

“C-come clo..ser and ….listen…” she said. And she continued even though she can’t clearly tell it.

“P-promise to me, Taeyeon, please..” she added.

He’s still not recovering from the shock and fear of what happened to her cousin and the fact that the doctors were not able to save her. And he didn’t understand what Seohyun just said to him. He quickly nodded and agreed.

“I promise, Juhyun. I promise.”



A/N: Soooooo, how was it? Hahaha. :D I know that you're confused of what just had Seohyun said to Taeyeon. And I'm sorry Seohyun died. :(( I didn't mean to. :3 :(


BTW thanks for the subscribers and please leave a comment. Thanks a lot. A LOT. 

I love you readers! ^^


- eonjengan. x_x

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Chapter 6: please update soon
blackjackswag #2
Chapter 6: Omo those two need to talk it out so thy can be happy :3
Chapter 6: ah so that's what yoong meant~ something happen to taeny first.. i thought fany played around in america after getting married.. sigh if they just confess their feelings and let it out go with the flow see where it will lead them.. and someone must take care of the baby right it will make them closer if they take responsibility~
TYK309 #4
Chapter 5: omg if fany rejects tae i wont pity him
blu_angie08 #5
Chapter 5: I don't know why but I'm angry with Tae.. poor fany
ah_lim #6
Chapter 4: i hope taeny gets married n raise the child!! happy ending!! :)
blackjackswag #7
Chapter 4: Ooo getting really interesting! Taeny gonna raise the baby together?
blackjackswag #8
Chapter 3: oo Taeny met again. interesting story author. can't wait to read more :D
TYK309 #9
Chapter 3: awww the maknaes died
Chapter 2: Aww... my otp. Why did they have to die? Yoonhyun. :(