Not an update. But soon.

We Come from the Same World

As pretty much the title entitiles, this is not an update. I was sick for a really LONG time, with something called Mononucleosis or Mono for short, it was a pretty ty time that I spent, pardon my french.

But yeah I was wiped out, and now I have a lot of studying and work to catch up on, so I do have somewhat of a chapter that I can update, but it is not edited very much, I do plan to update as an apology for not doing so for such a long time, but from then I'm going to be gone til the beginning of summer break since its TESTS TESTS and even more TESTS

I'm sorry you guys, I'll get back in actions as soon as I can! :33 

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Chapter 1: I hope you don't mix Korean and Japanese lang. in the story ..
whyleowhy #2
Chapter 3: You're setting up some interesting conflicts ^^ keep going!