
We Come from the Same World


--- Tsukis's POV


The paper on the top of the medium sized envelope ripped on the top as I cut through on the top. I was sitting on the steps of my apartment as I opened the envelope I was way too excited to even think of the cold at a moment like this, snow? Its not that bad. My hands were trembling as I read the first few lines.


You have been accepted to the Visual and Performing Arts program and the largely notorious college of Seoul University.

I smiled out of disbelief and jumped around a few times,

“YES YES!!” I yelled out as I smiled like a complete idiot. Truthfully speaking I never actually had an interest in going to college, I would think that a stable job would keep a roof under my head, I didn’t bother with the daily now, ‘necessities’ that others bothered with, people always constantly telling to do things I didn’t want to, ‘Grow out your hair,’ ‘Be more polite,’ ‘Keep your voice down,’ ‘People are looking,’ and truth be told, I couldn’t care less. I walked up the stairs, and quickly entered into my apartment, it wasn’t big or small it was perfectly fine, and that’s how I planned to keep it, a big apartment wouldn’t do well for only one person. I walked into the kitchen pulling out some leftovers that I had cooked yesterday and stuck them in the microwave as I skimmed through the rest until I got to the personal letter…personal letter?

Dear Miss Ryuu,

We very thoroughly looked through you’re the pieces that you included in your portfolio and found them to be quite impressive, there is much room you can improve and develop your skills and we would like you to join us in Seoul, Korea. Although we know it might be a stretch we would be honored if you chose to attend our school. I am quite aware that you will have noticed that this isn’t just a copied letter that we send to every student accepted here. I actually asked to send you this, since I see potential.  I highly recommend giving at least the school a few nights and see if you like it. We are prepared to pay completely for all your expenses while you stay here, Food, Board, and of course the materials while you’re here. Of course if you do choose to permanently attend, the Scholarship will…..


My juice went flinging to the wall at the last sentence. EVERYTHING. Paid for, food materials, a dorm, supplies….FOOD. I sat down on my table reading through the others things, of course most of the classes for the college freshman to take as required were added, but an additional space for 3 classes was available, I practically squealed as I ran to my room immediately taking out my laptop and vigorously typing in the school website to look through the classes. I seriously must be dreaming, how can the classes be that awesome? I let out a slight laugh, I’m seriously going to college, and not just any college either…..Seoul University, I repeated it in my head a few times to get it to stick, grinning to myself before just letting my laptop rest on my stomach. Before I could say anything Hsui Mei came into the room and collapsing on the other bed in the room and groaning. I roll my eyes and throw a pillow in her direction trying to make her look up, I eventually stand up and just start hitting her with the pillow,

“WHAT?!” she yelled finally sitting up in the bed and hugging the stuffed animal on the side. I grab the letter that I had received and placed in front of her face, she took the paper angrily and then started reading through it, her expression going from anger to surprise to happiness all in one go. 

“Y-Y-YOU GOT ACCEPTED!!” she says jumping up and hugging my, I never was good with hugs so I just stand there patting her back. She had been anticipating that I get accepted to Seoul University since she started attending there for the medical programme, which is why she was constantly probing me to get the applications for this school done in the first place. I had chosen to go on a different path and instead take a year off considering I wasn’t doing anything that would require multiple years of strenuous work. And also I could get in with just a snap of my fingers. 

“Yup~,” I said simply and take back the letter making sure that it wasn’t ruined from her excitement. I sigh as she continues to talk about all the supposedly things we’re going to do once we get in Korea, the dorms, the guys, food, blah blah, I place my earphones in and start listening to something while she blabbers on and nod occasionally. This was going to be a long year, but in a way, I almost looked forward to it. Almost. 











I know. I know what you guys are thinking "Why are you writing another story when you haven't finished the first." BECAUSE I CAN. that's all I say. 

And I also know this is short, but it's only like a piolet, so I already have a lot of it written I just need to upload it ^^

I also wanted to do this because Vixx is a semi-new group and hasn't gotten a lot of attention compared to other groups so I thought why not

This fic was inspired by Leo from Vixx, he isn't really my bias anyways, but I just thought he looks so much like that type of person I needed to write this.^^ 

Hope you enjoy! Remember:




LOVE YOU GUYS <3 사랑해요~~




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Chapter 1: I hope you don't mix Korean and Japanese lang. in the story ..
whyleowhy #2
Chapter 3: You're setting up some interesting conflicts ^^ keep going!