Going against the Norm

We Come from the Same World


--Leo’s POV

“Damnit..” I woke up with a pang in my head, how marevelous.

I step into my bathroom and see my reflection staring back at me, 

“Jung Taekwoon? Leo?” I scoff who knows who I am anymore. I don’t ever care that I’m wearing my clothes as the cold water hits the fabric drenching me completely, the drops hitting like fierce rainfall, but it’s calming. What is this life that I live in, there’s nothing more than half-hearted commitments and lies. Everything the same thing. Tears, they alleviate pain? Just another over statement, another idea brought up to bring people comfort in the crevices of their souls. I’m not an idiot. I don’t fall for these things. Yet, the tears, this, they don’t stop flowing continuously. Where, where do they come from, I abhor it, to cry to feel weak to feel beaten, yet it’s that spirit. The one I can’t get rid of. I don’t know how long I stay in their, but I step out of the shower and put on some fresh clothes. Another day, another day to live, hm funny. It really is amusing. So many things to do, what does each do for me, money? food? I walk to the door putting on my blazer,

“Taekwoon-ah,” I hear my mothers voice, I’m not upset with her, she doesn’t deserve to recieve my anger,

“Yes mother.” I don’t turn, 

“Have you eaten?” 

“No, I’ll eat something at the office. If that’s all I’ll be o--”

“Eat here, I can have Mrs.Lee prepare you something” She insists 

“Mother, I don’t have time for thi--”

“Leo, please.” I look up meeting her, she didn’t sleep. She hasn’t been sleeping.

“You’ve been in France and Italy this whole time and not one time did you come visit us here.” I sighed,

“Alright, I’ll stay,” I say taking of my coat and walking towards the dining room. I really don’t want to say it’s awkward, but it is. I haven’t seen my mother in over 5 years, maybe it’s my fault, but coming here is nothing but trouble, I’d be lying to if I said I didn’t miss her, she’s the only one that hasn’t been totally corrupted. She looks different, her youthful glow, its dimmer it’s going away, slight bags under her eyes. 

“Are the things with the Robideaux settled,” I look up at her before settling my gaze back down and picking at the eggs on my plate. 

“Yes,” I say before placing some of the food in my mouth,

“Ah, and how has Adelina been?” at that name my fork drops and I my hands go to my face,

“Mother if there is something important in this conversation please just get to the point.” I say slightly irritated. She smiles and moves some of the food around her plate, why is she smiling, why? 

“You’re exactly like your father. Straight to the point,” she says lightly and looks up at me a glint in her eyes. I never saw any resemblance in me and father we were always opposites. 


“Yes, your father wants you to report to the office, there’s some problems with a Japanese rival now a days,” 

“You mean the Ryuu?” the name makes her look up with wide eyes,

“I had a rather unpleasant run in with them yesterday.” I say standing up and bow slightly to her, there was no reason why I should treat her with disrespect, she is my mother. She nods and I walk out the door and get into the car. We get to the building and we head for the top floor. We arrive and I sigh walking over to the arranged drinks and serve myself a cup. Mr.Lee approaches me and hands me a medium sized envelope. 

“I’m sorry, I looked into all our most confidential files and offices, but we couldn’t find her in anything, all we found out was her current place of staying, she is attending Seoul University.” the man said

“That’s it? Are you kidding me? I didn’t hire you to just tell me what I already know,” I take a large sip of my drink before I hear the elevator door open and a loud laugh fill the room, crap. 

“Taekwoon! My brother!,” It’s Haekyeon, he’s part of the partner company and constantly thinks he’s my friend even though I tell him otherwise almost every single time we meet. I don’t really say anything, but walk to the aligned drinks and serve myself some more to drink. 

“Hey hey, you might want to take it easy on the Scotch,” He says snatching my drink from me and drinking it, then laughing, 

“This stuff will really mess with you, I’m glad I could help you,” He says returning the cup to my hand before walking around and sitting himself down on my couch and placing his feet on the coffee table. I walk over and kick them off and look down at him. 

“What are you doing here.” No matter how much I was used to his presence I still demanded answers.

“Well,” He stood up and straightened his own blazer and the smile disappeared from him face. 

“Head of International Affairs at your service sir,” he bows and then laughs punching my arm.  “I’m here because I work here,” he says taking the package from my hand, “And I was giving you a visit.” He says walking over to the bar and serving himself a drink.

“More importantly I was informed you ran into some trouble on your way back,” he says more seriously. “And technically I’m in charge of making sure that things like these don’t happen.” He opens the yellow manila folder and looks through them until he find the passport. He opens it and laughs a bit,  I look at him weirdly what’s so funny that he’s laughing?


“Why are you stalking this chick?” He asks me holding the passport up slightly, 

“It’s none of your business,” I tell him reaching for the passport, he backs away still holding it,

“I saw her, well actually spoke to her,” he says with a smug smile, 

“When?” I ask 

“Oh, so you want to know? I’m sorry but that’s none of your busin-” I grab him by his collar and look at him 

“I’m not playing around.” the once childish smile is gone and he cough slightly as I let him go and he straightens his clothes.

“You know that cafe I own? They went there, she moved here not too long ago uhm she has this friend, kind of cute actually,” he says laughing a bit, I hit him upside his head.

“I don’t care about your relationship problems, anything else?” He rubs the back of his head and feigns pain

“No, not that I would remember now after that..” he says clearing his throat “I can look into it for you though, but why?” He looks back down at her passport and I sigh,

“Nothing, just ran into her at the airport and she cal-” I’m stopped by him placing him hand over my mouth I move it away forcibly and he looks at me,

“Did you even bother looking at her passport?” He asks me 

“Yes. Why?” I ask retrieving it from his hands. I look at the picture, yup it definitely was that brat, I look at the name below and I re-read it I hadn't paid, much attention to it when I first had since I just gave it to the closest person to me at the tiems.

“Tsuki Ryuu” Hakyeon emphasizes, “She’s a Ryuu.” He says again, I looked at him for a little then scoff,

“The Ryuu’s hold the longest line of legacy in Japan, highly reputable and distinguished people. She’s the opposite.” I say remembering the incident exactly. 

“Fine, but don’t let your guard down man, you never know,” he says putting all the papers back in the envelope and handing it to me. 

“I don’t really care who she is, who her family is, she’s still going to pay,” I say and looking back at him. 

“Okay... anyways I have to get back soon, so have fun, doing whatever you do around here,” He says before walking to the elevator and leaving. I sit down and look back over the info, 

we weren’t able to find any other information

She’s a Ryuu

These thoughts, are they really true? Please, she’s not even one sixth of what those people are. Right? No, why am I questioning myself, I know I’m right. I send him a text instead: 

To: Cha Hakyeon

From: Me

From our conversation today, find out as much as you can about her. 


I don’t know what part of myself I convinced to trust him to find out more, but this seemed to be the better way to find information than depend on some dim-witted intern. I felt my phone vibrate and I took it out, 

To: Me

From: Cha Hakyeon

Okay! ! But in return I get to come over to your office whenever I’d like, oh wait I already do that ㅋㅋㅋ I’ll report back to you soon.

I shake my head, this idiot really thinks he can do whatever he wants. But he’s the closest thing I have to a friend than anything else, even though I usually hate business related things, our families have been partners since I could remember and Hakyeon was part of it too.


--Hsui Mei’s POV

I wake up, and realize it’s around 8:00, way too early for a day that I don’t have to go to class. I get up get myself dressed, not really knowing what I would do. I could probably show Tsuki the inside of the Arts department since she’ll probably spend most of her time there. Sometimes I would do something similar stay overnight at the lab waiting for results, sure it’s stupid and unhealthy, but I enjoy it and that’s all that matters. 

I finally reach the dorm building and walk inside for her, the thirteenth floor, almost all the way to the top. I shrug she’ll get a lower floor next year. I step out of the elevator and look at each room trying to find the right one, but all of a sudden I trip. 

“What the...” I look to my side, and behold there is a paint can. I should have known she would do this, sadly enough there isn’t just one, there are various. I curse silently to myself and knock on the door before opening it. She’s standing on a small ladder painting the wall. 

“Oh, nice to see you stop by,” She says to me a little too casually for my liking. 

“Don’t the colors look awesome, I spent so much time looking for just the right ones, it took me over 3 hours this morning,” She says with a smug smile while she climbed down the ladder. 

“Ryuu Tsuki.....I TOLD YOU, PAINTING THE WALLS ISN’T ALL-” I get interrupted by a piece of paper being shoved in my face. 

Tsuki Ryuu, 

We received your request, and your argument about painting the inside of your dorm. I’ve never seen such a student with a divergent way of thinking. Very admirable indeed, I have allowed you to modify your room allowing that it stays in the same space of land and does not interfere with the other students ways of living and saftey regulations. 


Dean of Student Administration 


“I think about these types of things before, I don’t do things without thinking Mei” She says to me and hands me a brush. 

“Now if you don’t mind, start painting the other wall, I want to get this all painted and then have time to go out while it dries,” I hold the heavy brush and shrug, well at least this is better than being a tour guide again. I paint the walls, it really was awesome too, leave it to Tsuki to transform a boring college dorm to an actual home. Then I remembered the other reason why I came here.

“Oh that’s right, Tsuki, you have to choose more than one major for your first two years, after you can choose one or continue with both, but it’s mandatory.” I say then look back and she’s painting something in close detail. I can’t really tell what it is, but she’s sitting down starting at the corner and I can tell already this is going to take a while. I call her name again, but she can’t hear me, I sigh and take in a deep breath 

“RYUU TSUKI LISTEN TO ME!” I yell out, she turns with wide eyes and makes a shushing motion with her hand. 

“Oi, be quiet, seems like you’re the one that isn’t respecting the rules now,” She says back to me, I roll my eyes slightly.

“Anyways you have to go to the administration office for that and fill out the paperwork there, there’s a list of all the overflowed classes and available classes for your major.” I explain

“Okay, well now that we’re at least done with the base coat let’s go,” She says standing up and pulling out her ear phones that’s why she couldn’t hear me well.

“Alright, but are you sure you want to go out like that? You’re a little messy since some of the paint got on your clothes.....and face,” I say pointing to her cheek where the paint was.

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t bother me, so it shouldn’t bother you, but knowing you it does.....Whatever let’s just go!” She says pushing me out the door. Well at least she’s not wearing something too exposed like other times. I walk with her to the administration building, and surprisingly there are a lot of students there. Must be the time everyone is changing and choosing their majors.

I had chosen the same two for all my four years, so there was no reason for me to look at these, but I did it out of curiosity. I then feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around, I step back to see who it clearly was and blink trying making sure what I was seeing was right, 

“H..H...Hakyeon-ssi” I say lightly 

“See I told you we’d see each other again,” he says with a smile, a bright smile, I might as well just die here. 

“I guess so,” I say laughing a bit, god dammit why am I so nervous. Okay breathe....breathe

“Where’s your friend?” He asks looking around a bit, I look back up, was he asking for Tsuki? Why would he want to speak with her, what am I asking, maybe he wanted to talk to her about classes or something. 

“Mei, where are the applications again?” I can hear her voice and I turn around and run to her side and pull her by her arm, 

“Right here, Tsuki you remember Hakyeon, from the cafe,” I say motioning to him, he bows slightly and she nods,

“Yeah, I remember what about it?” I look at her giving her a face, why is she speaking so informal like that when we just met not too long ago.

“Oh, well I remember you two saying you came here and now that I ran into you two I was wondering if maybe you two would like to go out for some coffee maybe this saturday?” I smile and nod, but she shakes her head and I look at her with wide eyes. 

“I’m sorry I’m a bit busy with other things,” She says I laugh a little and pull her a little closer 

“Yah....what are you doing, he’s just casually being nice to us and inviting us over to the cafe for coffee,” I whisper in her ear. 

“Actually I had some things I wanted to speak to you about, and you too Hsui Mei,” wait, I never remember telling him my name I only know his.....

“What things?” Tsuki ask crossing her arms

“Well, I happened to see that both of you are taking business and marketing as a major as well, and whether it be a side major there are internships available at our company right now and I wanted to speak to you two in more detail about this, if Saturday doesn’t work next friday maybe? After the orientation?” I pull at her sleeve a little and she sighs, 

“Okay next friday it is,” She says nodding her head, I tug a bit more and she smiles stifly bowing her head slightly, “And thank you,” 

“Thank you,” I say and bow as well 

“Oh that reminds me, for this class,” He says pointing to one on the bulletin board “I’m an Assistant Teacher with a friend of mine, so if you’re joining a class, join this one,” He says with smile, we both nod and he leaves,

“Well I can tell you’re going to change one of your classes,” Tsuki says to me and jabbing me hard at my side, 

“Maybe and ow!? what the heck was that for?” I ask her rubbing my side

“For tugging at my shirt, you know I find things like that annoying.” She says sighing, I roll my eyes and pull her to the main part of the office taking the proper paperwork for her and I. This was really going to be an interesting year. 


--Hakyeon’s POV 

I chuckle to myself as I leave the building, I don’t think I would have even been able to convince the chick to come if Hsui Mei didn’t help me. I shouldn’t make it too obvious that I looked into both their records on the University's database though. I take my phone out and begin to text Taekwoon, but instead decided against it just give him a little surprise visit and tell him there. He wouldn’t mind, even though he puts of to be a really cold guy all he really is, is misunderstood, shy, maybe a little violent, but all good things have their flaws right? I’ve known Leo, or how his father wants everyone to call him, Taekwoon since we were little tikes, and he actually used to smile too, where did those days go, even I wouldn’t know. I step out of the car and walk into the building, one of the secretaries comes to me and smiles a little too friendly

“Hakyeon sir,” she says batting her eyelashes, god it’s times like these where I wish I had a paper bag available to not even communicate with people,

“Is there something of an important matter?” I ask with a sigh placing my hands in my pockets 

“Huh? Oh yes! Um the chairman had these sent to you, but I chose to deliver them personally,” She says smiling, I force a smile back and nod, 

“Thanks, you may go back now,” I say and step into the elevator and look through the packet she handed me. My eyes scan over the papers and my eyes go wide at the realization of what they say. I hear the ding of the elevator and I step out, Taekwoon is playing pool again, I sigh and throw the papers on the table interrupting his game. He glares up at me, and I just keep his stare

“They were extorting money from some of the VIP clientele. I thought I told you guys this, and now you’re planning some sort of party to get back at them? Taekwoon, go talk to your father about this, this is a reckless plan and it won’t work.” 

“It doesn’t matter I’m not going anyways, you don’t have to go either, it’s something they set up and are in charge of not me,” He says with way too much disinterest

“You’re the only heir of this company and they gave me this....” I point at the papers, “They want you to set the whole thing up,” He sighs and looks back up at me 

“Just tell them that I won’t do it.” He says this as if it was so easy, it angers me

“It’s not just that, I would tell them that, but first of all my boss,  your father will never listen to me and second of all there is a rumour, more like a hunch that there is someone else running this behind the scenes. This is why this party in so important not only is it a time to get back, but their home in Japan won’t be as guarded since most of them will be accompanying them. This is the last chance before everything goes to hell, There has to be another way....” I might be a fool most times, it’s because I can I don’t want to spend my life not enjoying it and withering away with a frown imprinted on my face, but at this moment I was nothing more than serious. He looks up and nods, he knows that I mean what I say, sometimes words aren’t needed only actions. 

“I won't be able to stop this at all. You're not the only one that he doesn't listen to. We just have to go through it, but you have to help me,” He says placing his pool stick aside and walking up to me taking the envelope from my hands and observing the papers. I wasn’t able to convince him to do otherwise, but one thing is better than none. I smile again and take the last paper that had all the list of names of the members of family. 

“And I know exactly where to have it too,” I say twirling the pencil in my hand and scribbling the address of the place on the back.










Kind of lame I know, but I'm getting sick, and this is the best I can do at a time like this. I'm sorry!!! I'll try to edit the next chapter to make it better :D. Anyways thanks to all who have subscribed. And maybe, maaaaaaaybe I'll upload the next chapter tomorrow, that is if I get to editing it soon. Thanks again! and please please please 





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Chapter 1: I hope you don't mix Korean and Japanese lang. in the story ..
whyleowhy #2
Chapter 3: You're setting up some interesting conflicts ^^ keep going!