
We Come from the Same World


1 week laterday of orientation




--Tsuki’s POV

I really didn’t want to get out of bed today. I’m not usually like this, I hate staying inside and I like to get out and do something, but I knew what today was and I retched at the thought. 

“Tsuki!! Get up!” I can hear Hsui Mei’s voice and I hear a knocking at the door, I turn over in my bed and put a pillow over my head trying to block out her voice. She’s not an annoying person, well maybe, but at moments like these I just want her to be quiet. I sigh since I am fully awake and I’m not able to go back to sleep. I roll over the side of my bed and accidentally fall to the ground, I make a mental note stating I should check where on the bed I wake up on. I stand up from the ground and walk to the door opening it. Hsui Mei stands there already dressed, maybe I had woken up late? I reach for my phone that was on a random nightstand, 7:03am

“Hsui Mei........” I say still staring at my phone, “What time is the event start at?” 

“Nine thirty, why?” I try to hold in my anger and instead I go to my room and take a pillow and bury my face in it. After I regained myself I look back at her, 

“Then why....are you here. SO DAMN EARLY?!” She looks at me surprised and I just sigh. “There’s still two hours left, I can get ready in 10 minutes and you’re here two hours early.” I lie back down on my bed and cover myself back up wanting desperately to fall back asleep, it had always been hard for me to fall asleep, and once I wake up I can’t go to sleep, even for a nap. 

“I thought you asked me to come over early,” her words then make me bring my head up and I look back at her, 

“No I didn't....” She places her head in her hands and then takes out her phone, she shows me a text message, it said to come early, it was my number, but I never remembering sending her like that. 

“I didn’t send you that,” I say checking my own phone, nope nothing. What the heck, did someone break into my dorm and take my phone or something? I sat there utterly confused for a bit, but Mei broke my silence.

“Alright, well, um I’ll go get something to eat and you get ready” She says patting my head and exiting the dorms. I hold my head and suddenly there’s a harsh throbbing pain, I shut my eyes and try to let it pass. I get migraines sure, but those are nothing to this. It soon passes and I sit stupefied. What the hell... I touch my body feeling for any cuts, or anything. I cough, nothing. Something happened to me, but I have no idea what. I shake my head, no it’s nothing I just haven’t been getting any sleep, I’m just being weird. I stand up from my bed and walk to the shower with my outfit for the day, it was going to be a long day I could already tell already. I couldn’t deny that lingering feeling that something was utterly wrong, but I didn’t want to think about it. 


Somewhere in Japan

“Did you do what I asked you to?” The old man that can be presumed to be the chairman, Yuichi Ryuu. The taller man that stands before him nods, one of his hands placed loosely in his pocket, while the other traces the rim of a cup before him. Stark black hair, tall, milky skin, young aura surrounding him, handsome to say the least. Some people don’t know who he is they’ve never seen him before, but all they know is that he’s extremely dangerous. He smiles a bit and looks back up at the elder man, 

“She’s grown up a lot, why don’t you at least speak to her or send her a messa-” 

“I didn’t send you to Korea to tell me how’s she’s been there, I sent you there for a specific task,” 

“I know,” he says drinking the liquid in cup that he was holding, he places it back down with a thud and looks coldly, but familiarly at the powerful man before him, “I placed the chip in her phone, she won’t notice it, and I’m monitoring it as we speak, but I had to drug her to put her back to sleep, she almost woke up.” He says lifelessly.

“You are dismissed, return to Korea and keep an eye on her we cannot trust those people, they are capable of anything ” The young marvels at the disinterest the old chairman has in his own family, but then again, this is a given he's always been this way. the young man looks back up at him and smirks before chuckling to himself.

“Nice to see you too, father.” and with that he leaves, his presence disappearing as if there was no one was there to begin with. 



If I were to say that the way I imagined the orientation was bad, then the reality was ten times as worse. Besides getting grouped into groups of similar majors, we had to go on a treasure hunt around the campus and finding idiotic things. I would think, such a well known school would be more sophisticated, boy was I wrong. It all ended quickly though, while everyone else stayed to talk to their newly found acquaintances I seperated from my group immediately looking for Mei. While I was walking around though I saw that one dude, what was his name? Jakyeon, something like that, his arms were around two girls, giggling like little school girls. I swear I threw up a little in my mouth. I can feel another person approach me, by her immediate blabbering about the orientation I could tell it was Hsui Mei, I moved her head so she would look at the same thing I was and she immediately shut up. Her lips turning into a line. She cleared and looked away, 

“Um, anyways I wanted to introduce you to someone, he’s a mentor at for one of the classes I signed up for, I just need to find where he went..” she said trailing off, she was hurt it was obvious I kept looking and he finally looked up. His eyes went wide and his arms fell of the girls shoulders and he whispered something to one of them before walking away towards me and Mei. I rolled my eyes and pulled her arm

“Let’s go,” I started walking away quickly, Mei following behind me, but she suddenly stopped. Amongst all those people we were away from him for now, but before I knew it she pulled someone else closer. He could easily be a foot taller than me and I backed up to look at him better. Black hair arranged on his head, a smile gracing his lips, pale almost white skin like he’s never seen the sun, and he looked directly at me. I would be lying if I didn’t say it creeped me out, but for some reason that look in his eyes it seemed, familiar. 

“Tsuki, this is Takeshi, he’s a japanese exchange student, kind of like you, he’s a senior here at the school.” The supposed guy stretched out his hand and I took it shaking it 

“Nice to meet you,” He said, I nodded 

“Nice to meet you too.” He kept looking at me until he took his hand back and placed it in his pockets and looked out at all the different people around, I almost jumped when Mei’s voice came out of nowhere,

“You guys look alike too, it’s scary, are you sure you aren’t siblings or something,” she laughed and the guy’s gaze flickered to me for a slight moment and chuckled to himself before his gaze traveled to another place,

“It was nice meeting you two, and I’ll see you around Mei,” He says before turning around without another word. I shook my head and looked around and behold there was Mr.Pretty face coming our way. She tensed up a bit, but she put on a smile and waved to him coming our way. 

“Hey you two,” He says a grin plastered on his face, I could punch it right now,

“Hi,” she says a little less nervous than last time. 

“So are we still on for our little meeting, I’ll pay for lunch,” He says casually, before I could speak up and reject him flat out Mei spoke up first. 

“Something suddenly came up for both of us and we won’t be able to attend I’m sorry,” She says and bows before pulling me away and walking away. 

“And I actually thought you wanted to go,” I asked her carefully, it moments like these she would be a little sensitive on the inside like a firecracker ready to light and if stepped on would blow. 

“No, we should start packing though we can go back home now,” She says a little less happy, but then she suddenly lit up like she remembered something. 

“Oh yeah for some reason this was in my pocket, it had your name on it, I didn’t remember borrowing a memory stick from you, but here ya go.” She says taking out a small black portable drive. I look at it and nod, 

“Alright, I’ll check when I get back to the dorm, but can you help me look for something? I can’t find my passport.” I say a little sheeply, I lost a few things here and there, but not things of this importance. 

“I’ll check in my stuff, maybe you accidentally put it in my bag or something.” She mentions before waving and walking in the direction of her dorm building. Maybe I did, who know’s I’ll probably find it sooner or later. 








So I know that this is a little shorter than the other chapters, but this is kind of the climbing factor to the next chapter there's going to be a lot. So I just wanted to establish a few things, before I got to the jist of it. I know it might be annoying that it's only side characters and such, but it will really start now, thank you for staying with me this far so far~. And I know I didn't update for a long time...I'm soooo sorry, but school really side-tracked me ㅠㅠ but I am back^^ I'll upload the next chapter hopefully sometime this upcoming week....

I hope you like the rest of it and remember





 너무너무너무 너무 사랑합니다~! My lovely readers 

                                                                       (Love you a lot a lot a lot a lot )


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Chapter 1: I hope you don't mix Korean and Japanese lang. in the story ..
whyleowhy #2
Chapter 3: You're setting up some interesting conflicts ^^ keep going!