"What did you call me?"

We Come from the Same World

--Tsuki's POV

A week passed by and we were visiting Korea already. Although our classes don’t start until the fall, Orientation was in the spring, once everyone had received their letters and Orientation was mandatory. At the moment we were waiting to board in the lobby, she was excited as always, but my mind was on other things. I didn’t like the idea of an ‘orientation’ to me it was just another way that the colleges made us talk to people that we probably wouldn’t speak to otherwise for the rest of our lives. I sighed in defeat and Mei kept on trying to show me things on the school website, finally I gave in and just started listening to her,

“…and also the campus spread out so that it intertwines with the actual city, isn’t that awesome?” she asks while I have a blank face, she sighs and places her hands on her lap and looks at me,

“Why don’t you want to go? It could be fun,” she emphasizes, I sigh back as well mimicking her pose,

“Well for starters I wouldn’t have come to an event like this to begin with, but this is mandatory, so they’re making us come here and talk to people we otherwise wouldn’t even give a second-glance to,” I say simply, she shakes her head and shrugs,

“I guess, but maybe you never know, you could meet someone that you’d like? You know a guy~” Hsui Mei, says poking my arm continuously, I glare at her and she takes her hand away and pokes my side once more before resuming whatever she was doing. I nod with a smug smile and return my attention to my book, but that was short-lived since a few moments later the speaker announced that our flight was now boarding. Hsui Mei jumped up happily dragging her suitcase giving the flight attendant her ticket before boarding the plane. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her behavior before giving my ticket as well and walking inside stepping through the catway and looking around for our seats. We sit next to each other on the plane, I don’t travel much so I just stay alert for the time being, while Hsui Mei gets a neck pillow ready, I look at her, and she glances back up, 

“What? You never seen one of these before? You want one?” She asks me, I raise a brow and she holds her hands up, 

“Fine! Fine, just asking,” she says laughing. A few minutes later we’re up in the air like nothing. I sigh and take out a piece of paper and pencil, tapping the end of it on the paper, trying to come up with a sketch, Hsui Mei had long fallen asleep. I looked outside the window, I didn’t really know what to expect what when we would get to Korea, but I didn’t really mind, as long as everything turned out the way I planned than its all good. But of course I can’t control everything. 


--Authors POV

“I’ll go back when I want to. Yes, I have taken care of the documents, I’ll fax them over once I get to the office, No I haven’t eaten yet, I’m hanging up, good bye.” he let’s out an exasperated sigh and throws his phone in another direction, a person, that looks to be a sort of butler picks it up after him, placing it on a side table, then quickly backing away. 

“All passengers, please fasten your seatbelts and get ready to land.” The pilot says over the speaker. Taekwoon, who at time had instead chosen to listen to music didn’t hear and was just freely walking around. A frightened maid approached him and tapped him on the shoulder, he didn’t seem to feel it and instead kept doing was he was doing. She tapped his shoulder again and he grasped her arm, gripping painfully, causing for the girl to let out a slight whine. He turned his head, coldly looking at her as if what he was doing wasn’t causing her harm in the least. With his free hand he takes out an ear bud,

“What is so important, that you think its fine to bother me?” he asks not faltering in his grip,

“S-Sir...the plane...is going to land...” she says quietly, 

“Good enough,” he sighs and lets go of her suddenly, causing her to fall against the floor. The other maids walk to her helping her up glancing at the man they called ‘Sir’ and shook their heads,

“He’s a monster...” one of them whispered,

“Why is he like that?” the girl on the floor said rubbing her now, turning red wrist.

“He’ll never change....” one of them; the eldest, mentions wiping her hands on a towel, sighing sadly. 

“He was a cute child when he was younger, I’m not quite sure what happened.” Leo had taken his seat and occupied himself with something else. Who would know how this young, practically adolescent had such a huge role in the success and production of his family’s company. One would think someone as smart and fit as he would also be kind and warm to others, but this was the exact opposite. He wore an expression of pure distaste, and was never amused by anything. It was rumoured that he hated himself for purely being produced from two people that were forced into marriage. This was kept to him as a child, made to think that they actually did love each other when in reality it was nothing more than business. He figured this out a little too early, and that smile that used to light up his face, disappeared completely.


--Tsuki’s POV

"Passengers please get ready to land"

Finally. God I thought that I was going to be stuck on this damn plane forever. I buckle the belt on and we were quickly on the ground once again. I sigh out of content and look to the side, Mei was still bent over to the side sleeping like there was no tomorrow. I shake her quickly until she wakes up and glares at me with tired eyes. I point up motioning that we had landed she takes out her ear phones, 

           “We landed, smart one.” I say packing up the stuff I had brought along in a backpack. She looks around a little confused for a moment, but then it registers in her head and she shoots up hitting her head and I laugh. We step out the plane and into the airport, to say the least there were no foreigners in sight, so we fit in for the most part. We both walk through the airport stopping by to buy a snack before heading over to the luggage pickup. When we got there though a hoard of people surrounded a particular section. I sighed in annoyance as she tried moving her way through.

            “Yah, where are you going?” I ask her

            “Hurry,” Is all she says successfully getting through and trying to find our luggage. I sigh out of defeat and try to get through, but before I could do anything else all the girls that were crowding the area started moving in a particular direction, their previous mumbles turning into shrieks. I try to call out her name, but she was too busy trying to find our luggage, whilst I got pulled in an unknown direction,

             “WHAT THE HELL! GET OFF! MOVE!” I say trying to get back, but it all was useless. Before I knew it I was squished against a lot more people, but this time it wasn’t female. I look up, I wasn’t too short, but most people were indeed taller than me, which in fact didn’t help me at the moment. I met the eyes of guy who was looking down at me as well, while all the other fan girls pushed against me trying to take my position. ‘So this is the prick they’re trying to get to,’ I think to myself and roll my eyes. I take in a breathe before I let out a blood-curdling scream, all the girls around me turned silent and I sigh. 

             “Move.” I say to the girls who were blocking my way, they look at me weirdly and make a little lane I step forward, but then I remembered the person who caused this whole predicament. I stepped back to face the unknown male, he was wearing sunglasses so I couldn’t see his eyes straight, but I crossed my arms slightly,

             “Next time you fly, please make sure to arrive in the middle of the night if it you wouldn't mind too much,” I ask feigning politeness and the smile on my face quickly changes to an expression of anger, eyeing the other up and down, sure he was cute, but dips like these were never to my liking. 

             “Stuck up prick,” I scoff before I turn and begin to walk away. I can hear a murmur of words from the girls around me and then I feel a hand grasping my arm in a deathly tight hold.

             “What did you call me..” It was clear that he was pissed, it was written all over his face. I laughed and retrieved my hand from his hold and thumped him against the forehead, 

             “Stuck up prick, what are you deaf too?” I say walking away before he could say anything else. Why was it just my luck that I always run into the stupidest of people. I walked back to the luggage pick up, Hsui Mei was just pacing back and forth looking at her phone obviously she had tried calling, once she sees me she gives me a ‘what the heck!” face and I shake my head

             “Don’t ask,” I says taking my luggage from her hand and proceed to walk out the airport and call for a taxi. Days like these called for nothing more than time alone to de-stress, why me, always me. 







Woo a little bit more longer chapter I know! Thank you to all who have subscribed it really is a good thing and comments are always liked ^^ I want to wait for a few more subscribers before I share the other chapter [yes it's already written] I hope you don't think that's too selfish

Thank you again and remember





I love you, my lovely readers~!

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Chapter 1: I hope you don't mix Korean and Japanese lang. in the story ..
whyleowhy #2
Chapter 3: You're setting up some interesting conflicts ^^ keep going!