When it’s New Years Eve

BigBang Scenarios ~ You and BigBang



You were invited to a New Year’s party along with Seunghyun. Both of you got dressed and ready for the party, you both were heading out and into his car. Seunghyun began to drive towards the New Year’s party. “Do you know where it is Oppa?” you asked him while looking around to notice that the both of you are in an area where it is completely empty. “Yea” he said while driving. “Are you sure?” you asked a little scared. “Yes. I’m sure” he said again. The two of you ended up at a parking lot that was high in the mountains. He opened the door for you; you got out to look around to notice just you and another car next to yours. “Where are we?” you asked a little confused, he went to the trunk and took out two blankets, he placed one on the floor. “Sit down.” He said, you listened to him and sat down on the blanket. “Why are we here?” you asked with a little disappointment that the two of you weren’t going to a party. “We’re going to watch the fireworks from here and celebrate the New Years together, alone. Just the two of us.” He said happily as he sat down next to you and wrapped a blanket around the two of you. You looked down, not that you weren’t happy but you just really wanted to go to the party. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “It’s just, I love that you did all this. But I really wanted to go to the party.” You said while looking down. He lifted your chin and said, “Mianhae yeobo, I just made up the fact that we’re going to a party to get you dressed up and so that you wouldn’t catch on to my plan. There is no party.” He said. You smiled and said, “It’s ok Oppa, being with you on this special day makes me happy, no matter where we are I’m happy we’re together like this.” He smiled at your response and kissed you. As soon as he kissed you the fireworks began to blast. “Happy New Years yeobo.” He said softly. “Happy New Years to you too Oppa!” you said and crashed your lips on his again.


“You promise that after your recording we’re going somewhere special for New Years.” you said while pointing a finger at him.  He nodded his head. There was only 20 minutes left till a new year. ‘Great, my friends invited me to a party and I rejected to be stuck in his studio?’ you thought to yourself, you let out a huge sigh to try to gain his attention, but it didn’t work. You tried it again. “I’m almost done.” He said to you while smiling. You tried to smile but you couldn’t. 10 minutes before a new year would start he got up, “Kaja” he said and took your hand. “Where are we going that it will only take us 10 minutes to get there?” you asked a little disappointed. He smiled and said, “Just wait and see.” You nodded your head. He covered your eyes and made you sit down. “Where are we oppa?” you asked him slowly. “When I let go, keep your eyes closed. Don’t open until a tell you to. Arrassso?” he asked you. You nodded, and he slowly let go. 2 minutes later he said, “Ok now you can look.” You smiled to notice the park that the two of you first met at. In front of your eyes was Jiyoung standing with fireworks in his hands, “Let’s blow some fireworks together!” he said happily and you nodded. You got up and set up everything with him. Once the clock hit twelve he lit up the firework and ran to the bench with you to watch the fireworks. “Happy New Years YEOBO!” he said while nuzzling in your neck. You giggled and softly said, “Happy New Years Oppa.”


 You just called Seungri half an hour before a New Year to know where he was. He told you he couldn’t make it, you told him you understood but you were still bummed. Fifteen minutes before a new year your doorbell rung. You opened and saw a handsome guy standing right before your eyes. “Oppa! You made it!” you yelped and hugged Seungri. He smiled and hugged you back. “Since there are 15 minutes left, let’s go somewhere to watch the fireworks. Ok?” you asked him. He shook his head and said, “I’m too lazy.” “BUT OPPA! I want to go!” you whined. “Shiro!” he whined back and sat on your couch to turn on the TV. You went to your room and slammed the door. He stayed on the couch for 3 minutes and came to check up on you, “Yeobo…” he said as he slowly crept the door open. You looked up and said, “BWHO!?” you were clearly upset. “Let’s watch the fireworks together.” He said in a low voice. You smiled and said, “YAY! OPPA! OK LET’S GO!” you screamed with joy. He laughed and held on to your hand, there were 5 minutes left till a new year. “So where are we going to watch the fireworks?” you asked with joy. He sat down on the couch and made you sit down as well. “On the TV.” He said and pointed to the news channel where they would broadcast the fireworks. “WHAT? THE TV?” you asked with anger. “Listen, yeobo. I’m just really lazy ok. I couldn’t come but I asked my hyung to take care of my job so I could be with you. It hurts that at least I came and you’re being ungrateful.” He said in a low voice. You felt a little bad so you hugged him and said, “Mianhae Oppa. I didn’t think of what state you would be in. Let’s watch the fireworks on TV and eat some take out. Arrasso?” you asked, he smiled and said, “Arrassso.”


The two of you were sitting on his couch like a bunch of slugs. “Yeobo, let’s go watch the fireworks.” He said out of nowhere. You looked at him with an I’m-too-tired look. “Come on!” he whined. “Shiro…” you said softly. He picked you up and said, “If you’re too lazy then I’ll carry you there.” He said with a cheeky smile. You smiled and said, “Ok. I just shouldn’t end up walking.” You said, he nodded and put you back on the couch. “First let me change.” He said happily. You nodded your head; he came out with a disguise on. “Oppa, you look weird.” You said, he smiled and said, “I thought since people in our neighborhood are going to be doing fireworks, why not watch.” He said, you just shrugged you shoulders. He took you on his back and grabbed a blanket to wrap you in. He began to walk out and around the neighborhood. You looked around to see many couples walking hand in hand while you were being carried on his back. You felt a little bad considering the fact that he’s probably really tired as well. “Oppa, I’ll walk.” You said, he shook his head and said, “Anniyo! I want to carry you on my back!” he wined, you giggled and said, “Arrasso.” The two of you spotted Ahjuma’s lighting up fireworks, he carried you there and waited. The fireworks began and you began to make the sound of OHH’s and AHH’s come out of your mouth. You looked like a little kid again; Daesung looked up and kept staring at you. You looked down and said, “Happy New Years Oppa.” And kissed him, he smiled and kissed you back.


“Oppa. Thank you for bringing me to this party.” You said shyly while holding his hand and anticipating for the fireworks to begin. “Yeobo, of course I would bring you here. If not you, then who would I bring?” he asked you, you smiled at him, “Oppa…” you said softly. “Hmm?” he asked while looking at you, you shook your head and said, “Never mind.” “What? Just tell me yeobo.” He whined a little, you smiled and asked him something that made him quite hurt, “What would you do if we didn’t have each other? What would you do if I left?” you asked him softly while crying and thinking that he might not even love you. “Why would you ask me that? I would go crazy if you walked out of my life.” He said in your ear. “Chincha?” you asked, he nodded with a smile. You needed reassurance that he really did love you, because a guy with six-pack like his, can get any girl, so why you? “Why did you choose me? Do you even love me?” you asked while tears glided down your cheeks. “You’re the girl who caught my eye at the fan meet and greet. You’re the one who made me know what love is. So why wouldn’t I love you?” he asked as his eyebrows furrowed a bit. “I keep thinking I’m not good enough for you.” You said while letting out soft cries. He cupped your face and made you look at him. “If anything, I’m not good enough for you. You deserve someone better than me, someone who is there with you all the time. I’m not a good Oppa right? I’m never there for you right? I’m always busy right? This is all my fault right?” he asked you many questions. You shook your head at all of them, soon enough he crashed his lips on yours just when the fireworks began. “I love you and only you, don’t think you’re not good enough for me.” He said and kissed you again.

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Chapter 27: When eunhyuk confesses to u but you're already taeyang's u know eunhyuk is my fav in SJ but taeyang is my UB *-* <3 good choice my dancers
bingubingoo #2
I love reading these! I subscribed~^^ I'll make sure to comment!
Chapter 8: lol i thought gd's was the funniest. they are all funny tho. hehe ><
missy18 #4
Chapter 16: I really love your scenarios! Hope you'll post more :)
foreverYB518 #5
Chapter 30: aaawe really gutted that this is the last chapter. I enjoyed your scenarios. waaah I have been to germany before with some friends and we actually went to the place you described! And to think YB js my bias.. well thank you for the scenarios!
LoLobabygirl12 #6
Chapter 30: Awwwweee well bye thx for the Scenarios!!!
iloveJiyongoppa #7
Chapter 30: I'm going to miss your scenarios soooooooo much! I might have to start writing my own now. Boo! *pouts*
TaeilsLittleFishy #8
Chapter 30: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Germany! XD Haha, I'm from Germany! :'D
This was so cool :)
Chapter 29: Aww~ that's sweet
cupcake_wannabe #10
Chapter 28: Awwww!! TOPs was soo cute!!! I love these♥♥