When he asks you to move in with him

BigBang Scenarios ~ You and BigBang

Hey everyone!

Alrighty, well... everyone was hoping for a make up; this is just a fight, so i didn't make a "make up" scenario. When I make the "break up" scenario then I will make a "make up" scenario. Sorry if everyone is bummed; please don't shoot me!

Anyways, I hope everyone likes this one, because after this chapter, you and your favorite bigbang member will be living together! 






Seunghyun was over today, the two of you were just sitting together, not really sitting together but rather Seunghyun was sitting with his legs crossed as your head rested on his lap and you laid on the couch. He was watching TV while you were focused on your phone. “Jagi…” Seunghyun said slowly, you weren’t really paying attention to him and so you didn’t really hear him, because of that you just stayed quiet. He snatched your phone away from your hand, which led you to whine to him. “Oppa~ give it back!” you whined like a little child. He smiled and put it away; the two of you began wrestling like a cute little couple. You slowly snuck your hand into his pocket and snatched your phone back; “HAH!” you said and went back to what you were doing. “Jagi…” he said softly once again, “Hmm?” you made a slight noise to let him know you can hear him. “I was just wondering, you know how… we have been dating for about a year now…” he said nervously and stopped, “Mhm.” You said once again not really paying attention to him. “Well, I was thinking it might be time now. For you to… you know.” He said lightly. “Yea.” You said quickly, his eyes widened at your response, “CHINCHA? For real? You’re not lying right?” he asked like a little kid whose mother just agreed to buy his favorite toy for him. “What? Huh? Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.” You said as you slowly put your phone down. He let out a big sigh, “Well, you know… we have been dating for almost a year now… right?” he asked slowly, you nodded and looked up to him with your big eyes. “Well, I was thinking it’s time that you should, you know… move… in with me.” He said the last three words quickly; you were a little stunned by him bringing this up. “W-What?” you asked a little happy yet shocked. “I think you should just move in with me so that you know, I know you’re safe at our home and when I come from work late I get to see you and eat food made by you, instead of getting take out and stuff.” He said as he tried to make excuses. You nodded your head while you quickly got up to give him a hug. You let go of him and said lightly, “Oppa…” he looked into your eyes as you did the same; you leaned in and brushed your lips against his giving him a soft yet memorable kiss.


You were at Jiyoung’s house just doing the usual, snuggling with him on his couch. “Oppa, you’re so warm.” You said as you hugged him tightly. You could smell the sweetness of his cologne, which drove you bonkers. You leaned in and kissed his neck, you continued giving light sweet peck on his neck, moving up to his jaw and up to his cheeks, before you could reach his lips Jiyoung let out a sigh, he turned his head towards you. “You shouldn’t start something we can’t finish. It’s already late.” He said lightly, you could feel his breath against your lips. You smiled and began to kiss him passionately. Jiyoung lightly pulled you away, “Yeobo, as much as I love this, we can’t, because you have to go home.” He said lightly while looking down to the floor, he wanted badly for you to stay with him, he wanted badly for you to move in with him. “Who said I have to leave? I can just spend the night here, my clothes are here Oppa.” You said lightly, your words made him smile, “Then, stay Yeobo. Move in with me.” He whispered in your ear, you were slightly shocked at his words, yet your mind was screaming with joy at the words that he just said to you. You wanted to slightly, so you chose to ignore him and continued what you were doing. You began to kiss him lightly on his neck, moving down to his collarbone, “Yeobo, you didn’t answer me.” He said lightly, you giggled while kissing him, Jiyoung then pulled you away slightly upset, he got up and began to walk away. You grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, “You should have just said no if you didn’t want to move in with me.” He said with an upset voice as he looked down to your feet, you lifted his chin with your fingers so that his eyes met yours. “Were my actions not enough to answer your question?” you asked him teasingly, he smiled and asked once again for reassurance, “So is that a yes?” he asked, you giggled at his words, “Pabo, of course it’s a yes!” you said lightly and pulled him in for a kiss.


Seungri came over because he had a day off; he decided to spend the day with you. You promised him a day out after you took a shower. You walked in to take a nice warm shower, after the 30 minute shower you walked out wearing your robe, you went towards your dresser to take out a bra and pair of , you opened the drawer that had your bra and . You were slightly confused as to why there was only one bra and one pair of left in your drawer, you thought a little and figured out the answer to your questions. “LEE SEUGHYUN!” you yelled out for him, he walked in slightly scared because you used his full name. “Listen, I was going to tell you but I was scared.” He said as he walked towards you, you were slightly puzzled, “Why would you take all my bra’s and underwear’s?” you asked him with confusion. “What are you talking about? I thought you found out that I lost the tie that you got for me.” He said casually, now you were ticked off about two things, the tie and your undergarments. “You lost the tie I bought for you?” you asked him with a low voice. He nodded and walked in to give you a hug, “I wore it to a party and then I took it off and put it somewhere, I know it’s in my house but I just don’t know where.” He said trying to make you feel better, you gently pushed him away and nodded. “Ok well at least explain why you would take my undergarments.” You said as you placed one hand on your waist. “What are you talking about?” he asked with a confused look. “Seungri! Don’t act like you didn’t take my undergarments.” You said once again. “I didn’t!” he exclaimed, you thought a little to your self and remembered that you left it at his place accidentally, you frequently spent your nights with him at his place, and so you now knew you left them all there. “Aigoo, I think they are all at your place.” You said and smacked your head; he chuckled a little at your stupidity. “I guess I’ll get it from your place.” You said, and continued to walk into the bathroom, “Instead of bringing all your stuff back home, might as well move in with me Yeobo.” He said confidently. You turned your head and smiled at his statement. “Are you asking me to move in?” you asked him with a smile on your face, he shook his head, which lead you to frown. “I’m not asking you to move in, you HAVE to move in.” he said with a cocky tone and pulled you in for a hug.


“Oppa!” you whined and giggled as he tackled you and began to tickle you. “Oppa, its hehehe it’s getting ahahah late!” you said as you giggled in between your words. He then stopped tickling you and just stared at you while you did the same. You were occasionally coming over to his house more often, staying late, and going home alone at a late hour because you insisted for him not to drop you off. He looked at you seriously as you were lying underneath him and he was sitting on you. “You’re leaving me?” he asked and made a pout. You nodded and smiled, “I’ll come back tomorrow.” You reassured him, trying to make him feel better. “I don’t want you to come back tomorrow.” He said, you looked at him with an upset look. “Why not?” you asked softly. Daesung kept looking around for an excuse for you to stay over or just move in. “Well, I don’t want you to leave. It would be safe for you to spend the night here.” He said as he stared at a picture that was hung on his wall. “Oppa…I can’t. I have to go home.” You said while you tried to get him off of you. “It’s not safe for you to go home alone.” He said in a low voice, you smiled and said, “Oppa, I go home alone everyday and return to you everyday alive. I think I can handle it.” You said with a smile on your face. “NO!” he whined, you giggled and said, “Oppa. Get off.” “No!” he pouted. You smiled and laid there thinking, ‘I wish I could stay Oppa, I really do. I just don’t want to spend a night with you unless you ask me to move in…’ you thought to your self. “What are you thinking about?” he asked as he saw you staring blankly at the TV. You shook your head and said, “Nothing, Oppa, please.” You said and held his hands. He pinned your wrists down and said, “Why don’t you just move in with Oppa, It would be best for you, and defiantly for me as well. I will know you’re safe and come home to awesome food.” He was trying to make his offer sound awesome. You giggled and thought, ‘FINALLY’. “Yeobo! Please!” he whined, you nodded slowly, he then let go of your wrist and leaned down to kiss you.


The two of you were holding hands late night, strolling around the park nearby Taeyang’s house. “Oppa, I can’t believe it” you said out of amaze he was slightly confused, “You can’t believe what?" he asked you as he swung your arm back and forth with his. “I can’t believe I’m dating Taeyang from Bigbang.” You said happily, he smiled and kissed you on the cheek. “You better believe it, I mean we have been dating for about a year now.” He said with a smile. You began to blush a little, you let out a heavy sigh that caused Taeyang to look at you. “What’s wrong?” he asked you, you smiled and said, “Well I was hoping for a kiss somewhere else, but I guess the cheek is fine too.” You were teasing him, he smiled and stopped walking, and he then let go of your hand and took your head in his hands, “Aigoo, chincha. My girl.” He whispered and planted a soft yet passionate kiss on your lips. He then let go; you smiled and took a hold of his hand once more to continue walking. “You know I was kind of thinking.” He said softly. “You were kind of thinking? Not fully?” you asked him jokingly, he laughed a little and said, “Annii, I was thinking, that maybe you might want to spend the night over at my house-”, you cut him off and looked at him, “Of course, I always spend the night when you want me to.” He smiled and stopped you, “You didn’t listen to the rest.” He said softly, you smiled and asked, “What is it?” He took a hold of your hands in his, and began to play around with them, he was slightly nervous as to what he wanted to ask you. “Oppa… what is it?” you asked a little concerned. He smiled and said, “Well, I don’t want you spend the nights with me sometimes, I rather want you to spend the night with me all the time.” You were a little shocked as to what he was trying to say, “What do you mean?” you asked with a slightly confused look. “I was wondering if you want to move in with me… officially.” He said the last word slowly. You couldn’t believe your eyes, you began to tear up and so you nodded quickly and smiled, he wiped your tears from you eyes and kissed you passionately.

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Chapter 27: When eunhyuk confesses to u but you're already taeyang's u know eunhyuk is my fav in SJ but taeyang is my UB *-* <3 good choice my dancers
bingubingoo #2
I love reading these! I subscribed~^^ I'll make sure to comment!
Chapter 8: lol i thought gd's was the funniest. they are all funny tho. hehe ><
missy18 #4
Chapter 16: I really love your scenarios! Hope you'll post more :)
foreverYB518 #5
Chapter 30: aaawe really gutted that this is the last chapter. I enjoyed your scenarios. waaah I have been to germany before with some friends and we actually went to the place you described! And to think YB js my bias.. well thank you for the scenarios!
LoLobabygirl12 #6
Chapter 30: Awwwweee well bye thx for the Scenarios!!!
iloveJiyongoppa #7
Chapter 30: I'm going to miss your scenarios soooooooo much! I might have to start writing my own now. Boo! *pouts*
TaeilsLittleFishy #8
Chapter 30: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Germany! XD Haha, I'm from Germany! :'D
This was so cool :)
Chapter 29: Aww~ that's sweet
cupcake_wannabe #10
Chapter 28: Awwww!! TOPs was soo cute!!! I love these♥♥