When you two make up

BigBang Scenarios ~ You and BigBang



It had been 1 month since you last saw or talked to Seunghyun; you were still madly in love with him, but you weren’t so sure about him. You wanted to open up to other people but you just couldn’t do it, every night you would just cry your self to sleep at the thought of Seunghyun being with another girl. Today you thought would be an ordinary day, one of those days you go to work, walk at the park to think and come home depressed to cry your self to sleep. You weren’t eating properly lately, and because of that you had lost some weight, it wasn’t the good kind, and you were just too weak to even look humane. At this time of the day you were walking in the park, it was around 7:00 and it was getting darker. You sat on a bench alone just thinking about Seunghyun, his smile kept appearing in your head and so you smacked your head over and over again to get rid of his face. “Stop that, you’ll hurt yourself.” Someone said as they sat beside you, the voice was familiar, the deep husky tone of his voice made you happy, you really wanted to just hug him but you knew you couldn’t. “You look weak. Is it because of me?” he asked, yet you didn’t reply. “Have you been eating lately?” he asked once again, yet you still didn’t budge, he placed his hand on your back, which caused you to move away from him. Seunghyun frowned and hit himself just as you were, you saw from the corner of you eyes as to what he was doing, and so you said, “Stop… you’ll hurt yourself” you said in a low voice. You wiped your tears before looking at him, he tried to smile but it was hard for him, he tried to fight off his tears while looking at your red eyes. The two of you stayed quiet for quite some time, “Listen…” Seunghyun said slowly, you looked up at him, “I don’t know about you, but… it’s been hard.” He stated in a low voice, it made you happy that he wasn’t over you yet just as you weren’t over him. “I just want to say… I can’t let you go, I can’t forget you, I at dancing even more now, not that I didn’t before but I-I-I just can’t stop thinking about you… I haven’t been able to focus on anything I do-” before he could finish you cut him off, “What do you want me to say?” you asked him in a light voice. “I want us to start over, fresh.” He said straightforwardly without beating around the bush. You couldn’t help but jump for joy in your heart, but you knew that your heart was stupid enough to fall for him in the first place. You had to go with your brain at this point, “Why?” you asked confused, he looked down and began to tear up. “I still love you, there is no way on earth I can leave you so easily” he cried out, you felt your stomach twist and turn, it hurt your heart to hear those words, you could sense the sincerity from his words. You then began to sob lightly joining Seunghyun as well. “Please, just one chance.” He tried to say between his sobs, before you knew it, you wrapped your arms around his broad chest for a hug, he hugged back and you slowly let go. You wiped his tears and did the same for yourself you then smiled and nodded. “Let’s start over.” You said and kissed his cheek, he took a hold of your hand and began to walk. “Let’s go to our home.” Seunghyun said lightly while walking home with you.


3 weeks had passed, you would occasionally remember Jiyoung and cry but you would always end up cursing at him in your head for making you like that; depressed and gloomy. It was time for you to start living your normal life and forget about the life you had with Jiyoung, just as you were ready to get pass that Jiyoung knocked on your door. You opened and saw him standing there with roses and chocolates; it wasn’t even valentine’s day you thought to yourself. “These are for you…” he said lightly and shoved the flowers and chocolates in your hand. “I don’t want it…” you replied, just as you were about to close the door on him, he placed his hand right at the edge, you accidentally slammed his hand with the door. “Ow Ow Ow~” you heard him silently cry from the other side; from your reaction you quickly opened the door and took a hold of his hands. “Sorry, where does it hurt?” your sensitive side came out in front of him, he let out a cute smile because he could see you still cared for him. “It’s better now that you’re holding it.” He said, you rolled your eyes, “Ok, well since it’s better, you can go now and take your chocolates and flowers with you.” You said in a cold tone. “No.” he replied, he walked in without your invitation because he knew you would not allow him to come. He closed the door behind him and sat down on your couch waiting for you to join him. Clearly you had no choice but to join him, you sat down slowly beside him leaving a gap between the two of you. “I want to talk.” He said lightly, “There is nothing to talk about. It’s done.” You said with an upset voice. “It doesn’t have to be.” He replied, “Jiyoung, please. I’m not in the mood for all this crap.” You said looking at him. “Just listen to me. I was stupid ok? I was wrong for leaving someone so precious like you. I miss you so much, I can’t even write songs anymore, and the other members are lost thanks to me. It’s my entire fault, every bit of it. You can hate me all you want, but I just really need you. There is no way I can continue the rest of my life. You don’t know w-” you cut him off, “I don’t know what? What you’ve been going through? Maybe it’s worst for me, you know why? The fact that you think you can go around making out with so many girls’ kills me. I thought you were MINE. Just go.” You said and sobbed while covering your face with your hands. “I was wrong, I know I’m not allowed to go around kissing other girls, heck no guy is. But you need to trust me when I say this. I-I- I love you!” Jiyoung cried out and burst into tears. The two of you shared a moment with tears, it was hard but you knew it was time; you held on to his hand and lifted his chin to look at you. “I love you too.” You said slowly, he then gave you a great big hug and with no cue he quickly crashed his lips on yours.


You received a text from every one of the bigbang members, it seemed like there was trouble and they really needed you to fix it. “________, COME HERE AT YG NOW!” Jiyoung texted you, all the other texts where the same, you were slightly afraid as to what was going on and so you headed towards the YG building. When you arrived you heard loud noises of screaming coming from the studio. You slowly walked in and saw Seungri drunk and screaming your name. “_________! I LOVE YOU! AHHHHHHHHHH!” he screamed, you didn’t know whether to leave because this means no good or to see what they have to say. Taeyang noticed you and pulled you in, “after your breakup he has been drinking like crazy, there isn’t one day he is sober. We can’t even seem to get him to work. Please, just help us!” he cried out for you, you nodded and sat down on the couch next to Seungri, once Seungri saw you, he passed out on your shoulder, he drifted off to sleep. After what seemed like a year, Seungri finally woke up after 4 hours. He had a headache when he woke up. He found himself lying on his bed at home, you were down in the kitchen making some tea and soup for his hangover, you really didn’t have to do this but just for the sake of the others you decided to help. You walked up the room to find Seungri rubbing his head; once he saw you he quickly got up and rushed to take the tray from your hand. He put the tray down on the dresser beside him and pulled you in for a hug. “I missed you so much! You don’t realize how bad I feel, I’m really sorry! Just please forgive me!” he broke into tears once he spoke to you, you his back and made him sit down on the bed, you handed him the tray and didn’t speak much, “Eat.” Is all you said and left the room. He quickly followed your orders and began to drink the soup and tea, he felt much better, and once he came down he saw you were about to leave. He ran down to you and pulled you away from the door. “Please don’t leave.” He cried, you had no feeling in your heart anymore after crying over him for the past few weeks. “I have to go.” You said coldly and walked for the door, “No. Please. Don’t.” he cried once again for you. You felt tears brim down your cheeks, you knew he held a special place in your heart, he would always have 90% of your heart, you just needed to get over this guy. “Seungri…I can’t anymore. I just can’t!” you sobbed with him, he began to babble to you all the feelings and things he wanted to say to you for a while now. “Yeobo! These past weeks were hell without you, no loving girlfriend to wake up to, nothing. Just a cold day, a cold world this is. I really can’t express enough how much I need you more than you need me. Just one last chance, I guarantee you this won’t happen, if it does, which it won’t you have the right to kill me, leave me do whatever you want. Ruin my image, I don’t care because that’s what I deserve, but I really need a second chance to prove it to you!” he cried, your sobs began to become louder, “Seungri…I don’t know what to say.” You said in a low voice, “Don’t say anything, just take me back, and show me you love me. Please.” He pleaded, to show your answer you pulled away from him and crashed your lips on his. He pulled away and smiled, he wiped your tears and said, “Komao. I know I’m not deserving but-” before he finished you took his lips with yours once again to shut him up.


You put your head down on the table and sobbed to yourself lightly, you were sitting at the café you once met Daesung at; you were sitting at the exact same table the two of you began to date. After your break up you had been depressed and upset, you always cried at the slightest memory. It had been close to a month since you last saw or spoke to Daesung, he called but you cut your phone on him, he texted but you didn’t text back. “Don’t cry.” You heard a voice in front of you, you looked up and saw Daesung sitting there, trying not to cry as well. “I know Oppa did wrong, and you probably don’t want to forgive him, can you just give Oppa one last chance?” he asked in a low voice. You shook your head and cried some more. “Why? Why do you deserve a chance? Why did you do that? Did you even love me?” you asked him many questions, he really didn’t know what to say as he watched you cry because of him. Tears glided down his cheeks, “But I still love you. I don’t deserve a chance but I know that you have a kind enough heart to give this big goof a second chance. I can’t say I didn’t love you because if I didn’t I would have never spent over 1 year with you, it was a stupid choice that I made. Just, I know you shouldn’t overlook it, just do it this one time.” He begged and sobbed to you. At this point you had no idea what to say to him, you stood up and began to walk away, leaving Daesung sitting all alone on the table that you two once shared sweet memories on. “Don’t go.” He said lightly, but loud enough for you to hear. “Please don’t go. Just stay here with me.” He begged, you sat back down, you don’t know why you did it, but your body was controlling over you. You sat down and stayed quiet, you were staring at this man you knew once who never hurt you, didn’t even look at another girl before, how did this man hurt you? You asked yourself. It hurt to see that the man sitting before your eyes was the most kind-hearted person you once knew, so why did he have to do something stupid? You asked once again in your head. The two of you finally calmed down, he wiped his tears while you did the same, Daeusng sniffed and then began to talk. “How have you been?” he asked you, clearly still worried about you. “Fine.” You stated, “You?” you asked trying to be kind. “Not so good.” He said in an upset voice. “Listen” the two of you said in unison, “You first.” you said while trying to smile. “Mianhae. I know you probably hate me, but I think we should start over. Just one last chance.” He said while tearing up again, you could sense that he was upset and was really sorry about what happened and so you chose to forgive him and start off fresh. “Ok.” You said with a smile, he looked up with a hopeful look, “Chincha?” he asked, you nodded and smiled, and you then leaned in and wiped his tears.


You were walking down the street minding your own business and contemplating on what to do with your life now that Taeyang wasn’t in it. You still loved him, but who are you kidding, why would you ever return to him after what he did? You let out a big sigh out of disappointment, you never saw this coming, it was hard the first two weeks but now you got used to it. Having to cry and feeling your heart filled with pain, it was too hard on you. You were looking down while walking that you didn’t notice a person in front of you, you accidentally bumped into the man. “Mianhae.” You said lightly and stood there with your head hanging low. The person lifted your chin up for eye contact, you looked up to see Taeyang right in front of your eyes, at that moment you couldn’t take it anymore your eyes became teary, and so you pushed Taeyang and ran away. Taeyang ran after you and followed you from a distant. You finally stopped and sat down on a hill looking out at the scenery and crying. Taeyang slowly came and sat down next to you, you continued what you were doing and ignored his presence. “Mianhae…” he said softly, you continued looking straight waiting for him to say more. “Yeobo, chincha mianhae.” He said once again. You wiped your tears and rested your chin on your knee while hugging your knee. “I-I-I don’t know what I did to get someone like you. To be honest I don’t deserve a person like you, but I just really want to apologize and hopefully get you back into my arms.” He said softly and looked down, now you were ticked off, “So you want me in your arms again so you can do that again?” You asked with a hateful look. Taeyang shook his head vigorously and stared at you, he then began to tear up as well. “No. I just really want you back Yeobo, I swear I’ll do anything to get you back. Just hear me out. -sigh- I really love you and regret everything I did that day, when I saw your text I was shocked at my self as well. I didn’t realize that I might just lose the one girl that I loved all along. I regret every minute of my life knowing that I hurt you a lot. I just want to make it up; I want us to make up. We can go really slow, and I don’t mind but as long as you’re back in my arms!” he exclaimed and bursted down into tears and sobs. “You know I never thought you out of everyone would do this. Yea maybe Seungri, or Jiyoug but… you? Taeyang… why did you do that? Was I not good enough for you?” you asked him while sobbing; he shook his head and replied. “A-Ani. You’re perfect for me; I’m just a pabo that didn’t realize it. I’m really sorry Yeobo! Without you I don’t know if I can continue with Bigbang and focus anymore.” He sobbed out to you. “Listen, Op –Taeyang. I just don’t know what to say.” You sighed at the sight of his tears and his heart paining just like yours did. You could sense the sincerity but it all looked too good to be true, “Please, I was fine up until now.” You said to him, you lied to him of course you weren’t fine. “Don’t lie to me. I know you were hurt, I felt it.” He said in a low voice. At this point you didn’t know what to do. “Mianhae.” You sighed once again and let out tears, he then hugged you tightly. “Don’t leave me yeobo! Please!” he exclaimed and pleaded out to you.  You shook your head and moved him away, “I don’t know how I can leave you… it’s hard. Just promise me one thing that you will never do this again. Please. It hurt too much, if it happens again I don’t think I can go through with life anymore.” You said in a low voice, “I promise, if I make that mistake, kill me. I allow you to.” He exclaimed and grabbed your chin and pulled you in for a kiss.

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Chapter 27: When eunhyuk confesses to u but you're already taeyang's u know eunhyuk is my fav in SJ but taeyang is my UB *-* <3 good choice my dancers
bingubingoo #2
I love reading these! I subscribed~^^ I'll make sure to comment!
Chapter 8: lol i thought gd's was the funniest. they are all funny tho. hehe ><
missy18 #4
Chapter 16: I really love your scenarios! Hope you'll post more :)
foreverYB518 #5
Chapter 30: aaawe really gutted that this is the last chapter. I enjoyed your scenarios. waaah I have been to germany before with some friends and we actually went to the place you described! And to think YB js my bias.. well thank you for the scenarios!
LoLobabygirl12 #6
Chapter 30: Awwwweee well bye thx for the Scenarios!!!
iloveJiyongoppa #7
Chapter 30: I'm going to miss your scenarios soooooooo much! I might have to start writing my own now. Boo! *pouts*
TaeilsLittleFishy #8
Chapter 30: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Germany! XD Haha, I'm from Germany! :'D
This was so cool :)
Chapter 29: Aww~ that's sweet
cupcake_wannabe #10
Chapter 28: Awwww!! TOPs was soo cute!!! I love these♥♥