Chapter 5




The following days were miserable for her with the still remaining guilt in her. She had been struggling to overcome it by keeping herself busy with the latest promotion on her album and the constant flight to numerous countries to advance the released of her new album.

Staring at the screen of her phone throughout the whole flight from Japan to Korea, she was seen losing herself with her own thoughts which mainly consisted of issues and past incidents that resurfaced in her head once again. Even though work had occupied her for the past few days, but reality, she still cannot brush off the wounds she made on her friends. Every now and then, she could find herself scrolling through the contact list subconsciously, contemplating whether she should make the first move to call them for an apology and spilling some hints in the process, but she realized she just can’t, no matter how much she wanted to. She just cannot afford to risk them.

I hope one day you could understand me… I am sorry for being self-centered… 

She closed her eyes while leaning her head onto the side window of the plane, letting herself drown into her own thoughts until exhaustion and fatigue slowly overtook her without realization.

Her eyelids began to grow heavier, eventually loosing her grip onto her phone while allowing the sounds of the plane engine and light chatter of the passengers to fade away within seconds.

With the phone comfortably lied on her open palms, she had unknowingly fallen asleep soundly.


The only thing she knows when the plane had reached its destination was when she was awaked by her manager.

“Miss, your flight has reached Incheon Airport” The air stewardess informed the sleeping figure in front of her.

“No… please don’t…” She curled away from the source of the sound.

The air stewardess informed louder this time, “Miss, I am sorry but we have t—“

Her manager lifted up a hand, depicting a gesture while smiling apologetically. “Don’t worry. I will handle her”

The manager shook Taeyeon lightly, “Taeyeon, wake up”

“No… please don’t hurt me… “


“No… NO!!!” Taeyeon abruptly sat up while panting. Her forehead was still covered with sweat. When she finally realized where she was, she started to feel embarrassed with her unaware deeds. Without second thoughts, she quickly stood up and bowed apologetically to the two women who were staring at her with bewilderment “Erm… I am sorry that I had yelled just now…” She bowed again, “I sincerely apologized for that harsh behavior…”

“Oh, it’s alright. You were having a bad dream just now” The manager managed a smile while patting her, “By the way, Yuri is waiting for you at the airport now”

She immediately frowned at the mention of Yuri, seeing Yuri is definitely a joy to her but the thought of lying again towards her another friend make her feel restless. Furthermore, the bad dream she had just now was not helping either in her current situation.

Her head were still filled with worries when she headed towards the arrival gate, almost tripped onto the floor if she was not careful enough, totally not concentrating on where she was walking. 

“Over here, Taeng” A waved from the girl near the waiting area.

Her friend’s voice broke her thoughts. She saw the waved and pushed her trolley towards her direction.

“Hello, Taeng. Did I surprise you?” Yuri chuckled.

“Erm… yeah… a little…” Taeyeon only managed a few sentences.

Yuri realized the uneasiness from her once she stepped foot on the airport as if she was restraining something but she decided not to asked.

“Want to join us at your favourite ice-cream shop tomorrow?”

“Huh, us?”

“Yeah, I will be inviting Jessica and Sunny too”

She stared at her, “You knew?”

Yuri ignored the question and asked again, “Do you want to come along tomorrow?”

“Yul, can you go straight to the point?”

Yuri started to cross her arms, “I am the one who should be asking you this question. What happened in the alley, I will not push you further anymore, but what you did to Jessica is a huge mistake”

Taeyeon frowned instantly, “How is she right now?”

“She’s doing great but I cannot tolerate the fact that she’s crying in her sleep every now and then”

“I am… am sorry.” She lowered her head.

“Tell that to Jessica. I am expecting you to come over for an apology tomorrow.”

With that, she turned her heels and walked away, leaving her alone to contemplate with her mistakes.


Ever since the interlocution she had with her just now, she started to feel even guiltier after knowing what Jessica had been through. At that particular moment, she felt so fragile and weak.

She didn’t have the strength to face them anymore, especially Jessica. After what she had put them into, she felt that it is better for them to detest her instead of getting harmed by her indirect deeds.

“Yeah, maybe it is better this way… to start abhor me… ” She murmured to herself, “At least it is better than my deeds which hurt you more”

She took out her phone and started typing to Yuri,

I am sorry I can’t go tomorrow. I have schedules to follow.

After finished typing, her thumb was seen lingering around the send button. She was clearly hesitating, her mind was still battling with her guts endlessly. Struggling with the right decision, she asked herself, was she doing the right thing or not.

After contemplating for the umpteenth time, she shook her head furiously, “Damn it, what was I thinking..."

Childish and immature. Her head thought.

In the end, she threw her handphone back into her bag and resolved by taking the time to clear her mind before acting recklessly, reminding herself not to be affected by emotions instead. She heaved a breath before settling down in the studio with her guitar on her lap, trying to ease her mind by working on what she knows best – Music.

After hours of strumming and throwing out her frustration through singing, she eventually found herself became relief and part of her mind has now free from rash decisions. Satisfied, she decided to just end the day and planned to deal with the invitation later.

Packing her guitar and sheets, she walked out from the company and headed towards the alley to retrieve her car.

While passing through the alley, her heart suddenly pumped rapidly. She gulped. It was the thought of the past obnoxious incident, causing a feeling of uneasiness and anxiety in her. She quickly increased the rate of her footsteps, trying to walk past the alley as fast as possible.

Normally her walking intensity was subtle, but tonight it was as clear as crystal.


, why is it so loud.

She abruptly cursed at the silent night for the steps she took were unusually loud and clear, echoing through her ears even though it was her usual walking intensity.


Seriously, how loud can this go. 

She started to walk more hurriedly while noticing that the blood in her veins started to race simultaneously.



Her mind warned her.

She suddenly felt eyes on her when she was turning into a corner, but she did not dare to turn around so she continued heading forward. She was afraid that if she turned around, she would find herself in an even more dreadful situation.  

Sensing something amiss, she started to run towards her car. The only thought she had right now was to leave this damn place at once, praying that the origin of her fear would leave her away. She was almost 3 feet from her car, just that close until a husky voiced gained her heed.

“Going somewhere?”

She abruptly stopped in her track. Her body eventually became stiff at the familiarity of the voice. The rate of her heartbeats unknowingly raced ten times faster than the previous she was having just now and her hands were now involuntary shaking frantically. She tried her best to control the tremble, but to no avail, the quiver got worsens.

Dumbstruck, she turned her rigid body to face whoever who was waiting for her.

When she had finally adjusted into the dark surrounding and looked onto the owner of that familiar voice, she held her breath while standing transfixed by the unexpected visitor.

A smirk was plastered on her face. “Hello Taeyeon. We meet again”



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utamio13 #1
Chapter 9: Finally an update ㅇㅠ.ㅠㅇ
I really like your storyline...
Wondering what Tiffany's boss want to do with Taeyeon...
krystalhasna #2
please update soon I love your story and please make it longer Thanks!!!!
ihearttiff #3
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update. The story becomes more complicated. I know how hard to write a fic. Especially this kind of plot. I just hope you will manage to finish this before you get tired.
okasan9520 #4
Chapter 4: Poor sica. She's been hurt. Wondering why taeng wanna protect fany...wooo
_ak15_ #5
Chapter 3: this story seems interesting so far :) and idk but the selca part ahaha was funny XDD
ihearttiff #6
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update. I'm excited. Seems your story is kinda fast pace. Keep it that way please. :)
ihearttiff #7
Another Taeny in the making. :)
Please update as fast as you can. :)

The plot is really interesting. While reading the Chap 1, since you didn't reveal first who's the villain, I was hoping it's Tiffany this time. And I'm so glad I got it right. Woot~ Badass! Kzzzz...super hot! Lol. Done subscribe. Please update kay?