On Last Friday.....

My Real Life Situation...

Tiffany's POV

I was sitting with my friends in the last round table of the classroom. We arrive at the classroom quite earlier than expected so we were just chatting with eachother. Then i saw yoona arrive the classroom and  walked toward us. As our table had only one chair, yoona just sat at the chair that is facing infront of me.

My heart beat quite fast at that time and i looked at her while she just stare at me. I decided to look away and focus on my game while she used her phone AGAIN.  After the teacher took our attendance, i started talking to my friends. My voice is naturally loud and deep, that is why yoona kept staring at me while i was talking.

Then i shared sweets with my friends, so sunny asked yoona whether she wants the sweets which she politely refuse AGAIN. The lesson was quite boring and yoona had to face the whiteboard by shifting her chair.I decided to play my game again so that i can avoid thinking about yoona.

After the lifeskills class, my friends and i quickly rushed to our next classroom as we were afraid that others may take our usual seats.Luckily not many of my classmates came today so the class was not so hyper.As i was chatting with my friends, sooyoung asked yoona to sit with us.

But yoona just refused polietly AGAIN. I was busy playing in my handphone so i asked sooyoung what did yoona said. Then sooyoung imitate on how yoona shook her head and smiled. Sunny and my other friend burst out laughing on realising that sooyoung can imitate her so perfectly. Luckily yoona was seated at the far end of the classroom or else she would have been hurt on thinking that my friends are mocking her.

"Oh how cute" i though of her while smiling. Then sooyoung stared at me like as if im crazy or something while i just ignored her and listened to songs instead.

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Chapter 12: Please update soon
Chapter 12: Yes, you doing the right thing ^~^
Chapter 10: to me, i think she have feelings for you.
if she don't dare to talk to you, it's because she's so shy...maybe try to talk to her.. ^~^
maybe she will answer you ^_^
Hope that i help you^^
Chapter 8: i think you should do it
if i was you, i will do it
Chapter 8: Try to talk, it's better than just wondering
snsd_t-ara #6
Chapter 8: Why don't you talk to her instead of writing a note. If you didn't have the courage, ask 'Sooyoung' to accompany you. :)
Chapter 4: it is good
please update
and thanks for your sharing
Chapter 2: Is this going to be a yoonsic
Chapter 4: Nice story unnie...