don't play with my heart


pairing : Sichul (Siwon & Heechul) Hanchul( Hangeng & Heechul)

genre : romance- comedy

rating : NC =13

summary : Han And Siwon fall in love with Heechul in the same time but Heechul has a fun with their feels and this makes thier works so hard!


When he came out from his room,Han moaned :” oh my…GOD!”

He heard Siwon ‘s voice too :” oh Christ !”

Han looked at him!he had stood behind of him and gazed to heechul like him!

They eyes connected! Han was in the shock :”do you see him?”

Siwon nodded:” how can ‘t I  see him?”

Han turned his eyes to Heechul again and sighed! His  golden hair had fallen on his beautiful face and  His y body looks so lovely into white pants and black coat  siwon couldn’t control his emotions any longer   :” he..looks so…beautiful!”

Han added :” so lovely!”

Siwon added:”so sweet”

“so hot!”


Han looked at him but he hasn’t  anything to say! Heechul came near:” hey guys what do you think? Should I tie my hair or…”

Siwon and han both shouted :” NOOOO! “

Heechul scared :”  omo! What is the matter with you?”

Siwon bashed  :”I want to say …you look so good  …”

Han smiled :”let it be…”

Heechul nodded with shock:” ok….”

And went out!  they looked at each other again !han still has a shameful smile on his lips :”what happen to us?”

Siwon smiled too:”i…don’t know! it was looks like a spell …”



Ceremony was wonderful .they won the GDA awards 2009 and this made everyone happy !  but among the ceremony ,heechul felt something wrong about that two men !it was like they  were into  the  kind of race! Both were trying to speak with him, touch him and  hug him more than other!!! They even didn’t let him to sat in the leetuke ‘s car ,when they were going to the home! Han opened other limousine ‘s door and said :”come with us hyung!”

Heechul smiled:” us?”

Siwon waived his hand from car’s window  :”Han and me!”

Heechul sat beside him:” hey what is the matter with you tonight? You treat so weird !”

Han sat beside him and Heechul added :”are you drunk?”

Han gazed to him and took his hand:”no  we are just so happy…oh look at your medal …how suit  on you!”

And kissed his hand!!!! Heechul shocked but when siwon opened his hair pin and said :” heenim let your hair fall on your shoulder “ he shocked more!  :”hey you are scaring me! Tell me what is going on?”

Siwon’s hand still was playing with his hair!!!han still has his hand into his hands :”why?we are just love you so much! “

It just came out of his mouth! Siwon gaped to han!”what did he say?”han  gulped  and tried to smile ! but heechul hadn’t understood  what was his means ! he put his both hands on their knees and smiled :” I love you too guys !”


 “really really what is the matter with us tonight?”

Siwon said to Han! Han  was looking at Heechul that goes up from stairs :” I don’t know either !something changed into my heart toward him!”

“me too!”

Han turned his head !siwon had stared to Heechul too :”but we loved him always so…”

“no Han! We never love him this way!”

Both stared to each other now!” you right! …so what we should do now?”

Siwon seems so pale! :” what can we do?! We should change our thoughts and feels immediately !we should come back to our old person..”


“why?”Siwon became shock :”  What we can do else?  He is…he is  Heechul! our hyung! He is….a man! As like us!!!”

Han groaned :” I know ok!? But,…I don’t care! he is so…enviable! So…lovely so…y…”

Siwon groaned too:” enough!you think I don’t know  who is he?you think I am blind ? or deaf ? who can control his lust beside him? you don’t know how much I fought  with my feels …”

Han moaned :” you too?!”

Siwon moaned too:” you too?!!”

Both nodded :”but..but is wrong han and this is why I fought with my heart!! He trust us …we can’t betray him…”

Han sighed and leaned to the car’s door:”yes  but …but maybe we have  had a little chance  …”

Siwon shocked most:” ABOUT WHAT? Are you crazy? Do you want to  tell him?”

Han bashed :” yes…why not? maybe he chose one of us…then at least one of us will survived  !”

Siwon shouted :”how?!!  Oh I am going crazy!what happen  if he reject us? Or If he chose one of us what happen to other ? Oh my…I know if he knows about our feels ,we will lost him forever !”

Han sighed :’yes…I am worry too…”

Siwon grabbed his hand:” so let’s just try to forget him ok?”

Han gazed to him:”oh come on!you know we can’t! at least not until we see him everyday ! Please Offer another  solution!”

Siwon nodded :” ok then…just let’s wait  and see what will happen next!!! “

Han nodded too:” seems we haven’t another  way for now!”



After 4 days  guys threw a birthday party for kyu. Heechul had worn white blouse and blue jean .his soft hair had fallen on his shoulders again and his shining eyes makes crazy his lovers!!

When Han and Siwon saw him , they even couldn’t speak more than one word!:” wow!”

“thanks guys!you looks so …wow  too!” Heechul smiled  

He stood between them and wrapped his hands around their arms  :”let’s sit together ! ”

They  sat on the one sofa all the night! That was a crazy night! They danced ,sung and drank so much! For han and siwon,that was most beautiful night  without anything because they had him all along the party between themselves .It was midnight when sungmin brought the cake but guys were full and drunk  so nobody didn’t eat even one piece. suddenly heechul pushed kyu’s head into the cake! Kyu went crazy and threw some cake to his face ! Han attacked to kyu  and leetuek came to help kyu! In the next sec all  guys started cake fight! they jumped on the furniture and  made a mess everywhere. Dong hae closed kyu’s eyes with a kerchief and others  run everywhere to hide. Heechul was so drunk and he can’t run straight . suddenly someone took his hand and pulled him into the bathroom !there was dark and cold! he start laughing :”who are…”

 Siwon pushed his hand on his mouth and stopped him!kyu was behind the door! Siwon pulled him into the bathtub and closed the curtain !:” hishhh ….”

Heechul stood still and siwon held him tight! Kyu opened the door but eun hustled him in there and made him mad! so he closed the door and run to catch him.heechul laughed again and pulled siwon’s hand over:” oh your hand  smeared with cake!”he whispered! Siwon whispered too:”it’s ok..“

Heechul his lips :”hmm…it is so yummy !”

Siwon smelled his hair and his arms wrapped around his gorgeous  body oh how lovely moment !:”really? I wish I could eat some…” siwon said.

Heechul turned his head  and stared to his eyes into the darkness :”oh sorry….i shouldn’t destroy it…let me give some to you..”

And took a little piece of the cake  from his chin and pushed on his lips :”at least taste this…”

Siwon smiled and his finger :”hmm…you right! It is so yummy…I want more!”

  His eyes turned to his dirty face and stopped on his lips!heechul  pulled his finger on his cheek :”seems I don’t have any…”

suddenly  siwon put his tongue on his lips and  once!heechul shocked but he couldn’t say anything because siwon again and…again…Heechul stood  immobile as long as siwon was his lips!!! Siwon cleaned  all the cake then  his tongue went into his mouth! His arms locked around his armpit , pulled his body upper and start kissing him! that was most yummy thing in the world for sure!  heechul totally was in the  shock !siwon’s lips and tongue were running  all around his mouth and touched  every corner of it! Heechul  can’t come out of the shock! He just  entrust his whole body to siwon  and let him to does what he wants because ….what his  wants was his wants too! as long as heechul wasn’t complaining ,siwon continued !he turned him to the wall and pushed him between his body and the bathroom’s wall! Heechul closed his eyes and his fingers run between siwon’s soft hair! Siwon wants to shout from happiness ! how pleasure feels !he pushed his body on him and felt his body’s shape all over himself! oh he can him there!suddenly door opened and kyu shouted :”I know somebody Is here!”

Siwon bashed and run back! his arms opened  and Heechul couldn’t hold himself and fell out from the bathtub! Kyu caught him in the air and laughed :”oh I found you! This is the time to revenge! “

He pulled him out and left siwon into the love fire!


“he kissed me! “

 Heechul murmured and again fainted on the car’s chair! Han felt some hot oil pouring on his head!:”WHAT? Are you…sure?”

heechul was totally drunk :”when we had hid in the bathroom…  he my lips first….then…he start kissing me…so wildly ! “

Han pushed his lips together to hold his wrath !heechul continued :” I am so confuse now..what do you think?he fall in love with me?or just did it because of….i don’t know  maybe he was drunk or…”

“I am sure he was drunk  !”han groaned!

Heechul was trying to stay awake :”I hope so…but you know what?...i like it! i wanted he continue to kiss me more…even I wanted to kiss him too but…oh Han i am scare to fall in love with him…”

Han wants to cry! He should kill siwon  betimes! They had decided to wait but siwon betrayed him and destroyed everything!

As soon as he embedded heechul into his bed,he run out of the house and called siwon:”where are you now ?”

“in the car to home way ,why?”Siwon said.han groaned :”we should talk…. now!”

“what?but is it 3 PM!”siwon shocked!han groaned again:” I said now! I am waiting  in our bar!”

Our bar was the big but silent place for them.han had ordered some drink but before he can drink ,siwon reached to the bar.he was out of the breath :”you made me upset! What is going on?”

Han pulled him down and murmured :” what was our decision ? “

“about what?”he sat beside him.han shook him:”about him and our feels!”

Siwon shocked ! had he known what he had done?  he couldn’t say anything but han continued :”you said to me” let’s waiting” but you are traitor !you kissed him!”

“ did  you know it?!”siwon shocked more!

han grinned :”is this our problem now? tell me why do you did this?”

Siwon bashed:” oh han I am sorry !i couldn’t control my emotions !”

“WHAT?you liar  ! I saw you! You pulled him in to the bathroom ! if kyu hadn’t attacked to me I were coming there and killing you!”

Siwon grabbed his hand:” oh Han I am sorry I … I love him so much! I can’t hide my feels any more…oh  you right I shouldn’t kiss him, because that made me more crazy more desire and more lover !”

Han threw his hand over:”so…what do you want to do?”

“I don’t know…”

“don’t tell me you want to confess to him!”

“no…no no! i…I promise I won’t do anything anymore!”


“yes…what can I do else?”

Han nodded:’ nothing  !because now you are one step ahead of me so  before we go next step , we should be equal ! “

Siwon got worry:” what do you means?”

“you kissed him but I don’t! i should take a kiss from him too!”

“ Nooo…please don’t touch him!”siwon moaned!

“why? You can do but I can’t?” Han sulked :”I am sure you hugged him too and touched his body completely ! i am sure you kissed him more than one more time!”

“is he…told you?”

“oh my God!so as I guessed ! “han groaned :” you bastard tell me how much you kissed him?did you use your damn tongue or…”

Siwon groaned too:” oh don’t continue !you reminder me and…I get ual arouse again!!!”

Han fisted his hand  :” you know what? I should cut your member  now! then you can’t  get ual arouse again!!! “

 siwon still was into his dream !  “what did he say exactly ?did he talk about me?did he said he like it or…”

“shut op!stop thinking about him! You make me jealous !”

“don’t worry I am sure he won’t remember anything  this morning! “siwon sighed

Han got mad:”do you want he remembers? if you like  to live longer  you should  pray he doesn’t remember anything! “

Siwon smiled so shameful :”ok ok…let’s go..but,..”he  was so upset:”please han…promise me you won’t kiss him …”

Han stood up:”ok I promise! “


But he kissed him! he hadn’t slept  that night! He can imagines , how heechul sleep in the next room and how much he wants to be his side and kiss him makes him crazy but more that that,siwon’s kiss had made him mad! He can’t control his mind to doesn’t  draw their kiss scene in the front of his eyes!!

It was almost morning  but he still was awake! He couldn’t sleep even a wink all the night! yes it was his right to take a kiss from his lips!

He went to heechul’s room directly and reached to his bed! he looks like an angel .his shining hair was diffused on the pillow and  his y body was obvious under blanket …han sat on the bed and …kissed his lips without any hesitate !that took out his breath ! once? No of course he can’t consent only with one kiss! so he kissed him again…and again! Wow he wants to eat him completely !suddenly heechul woke up and pulled his head back:”han?”

Han scared and jumped back!” oh…hi!”

Heechul  still was sleepy :”what are you doing?”

Han stood up .he was shacking :”nothing…nothing! ….”and he run out of the room!”



“he kissed me!”

Heechul whispered  and put his head down!

 ”w..what?...when?...why?” siwon  said plaintively

Heechul bashed :”last night..he came to my room and kissed me in the bed… !”

Siwon wants to shout !:”oh…that…ed chinese !”but he changed his words:” why?!!!”

“I don’t know!”Heechul whispered  : ” I am so confuse now..what do you think?he fall in love with me or just did it because of….i don’t know…maybe he was drunk?”

Siwon nodded  “maybe!”

Heechul put his head on his shoulder :” but you know what?...i like it!i am scare to fall in love with him…”

Siwon groaned spontaneously :”NO you shouldn’t!”

Heechul lifted his head and stared to his sad eyes:”why?what happen? Do you know something?”

Siwon gazed to him too! God how much he was beautiful !!!  “he…he…loves sung min!”

Heechul shouted:” WHAT? Are you sure?”

Siwon doesn’t know how to repair his lie!:”i…I am sure because he wanted from me to help him…he…had confused  and….last night he got drunk and….and….”

Heechul  took  his hand:” oh my God! This is terrible !because you know…sungmin loves kyu and…wait a minute! If he loves sungmin why he kissed me?”

Oh he needs another lie!siwon got panicked “he has wanted to take a revenge  from me!”

“what?why?”heechul shocked more!siwon tried to find something:”we…we argued last night …”but he couldn’t find anything! Heechul  whispered :”about what?”

damn! what he can say? “i…I can’t say it to you…”

Heechul smiled :”by the chance….it was about your kiss ?”

Siwon shocked and bashed :”W…WHAT kiss?”

Heechul have a nasty smile on his shining lips :”you know …birthday night in the bathroom…”

Siwon ‘s cheeks color  turned to red:” omo! Do you remember  it ?i…I thought you were drunk and…”

Heechul rose his brow:” I were but I can remember it completely !”

 Siwon couldn’t hold his shameful laugh and put his head down :”I don’t know what should I say…”

Heechul brought his face near to his face:”so… you love me?”

Siwon’s eyes turned to his naughty  eyes and  whispered :” Yes…yes…yes….oh my God! Yes I love you hyung!”

Heechul laughed  so load  and siwon breathed so load :”oh hyung… what do you think about me?do you….do you love me too?”

Heechul put his finger on his lips:”shush…don’t  say anything…”

Siwon grabbed his hand and pushed it on his lips :”tell me..tell me you love me too!”

Heechul patted his cheek :” oh Siwon…you know I love you but …”

siwon  didn’t let him to  continue…hustled him on the sofa  and fell on him! heechul stay still till siwon’s lips kissed him …. His lips rubbed that pair rotund lips for at least one minute . until heechul put his hands  on his chest and pushed him back:”but siwon…I  am in love with someone else…”

siwon couldn’t say anything!he put his forehead on heechul’s soft chest and stay silent .heechul his hair :” I am sorry my dear…”

“who?”siwon whispered:” who is he?”

“i..i don’t want to say his name!”

Siwon  lifted his head and stared to him  :”why?”

This time Heechul couldn’t say anything!siwon  groaned :” tell me who is he? Is he…Han?”

Heechul moved a little to sat up  but  Siwon  pulled his body on him :”say his name…I won’t let you go until  you say his name..”

Heechul can’ look at his eyes!:”you are hurting me…let me go!”

Siwon kissed his lips so wildly but short  !:”tell me!”

Heechul moaned :” no…”

Siwon  kissed him again!this time he pushed harder and longer :”say who is he?”

“why you want to know?”

“because I have to !i want to know who is that guy that you can love him more than me?”

“it is my privacy …I don’t want you know him!”

Siwon kissed him so painful that heechul had to beat him!:”how rude! Let me go!”

Siwon got mad:” I swear to God if you don’t say his name I you here right NOW!”

Heechul laughed :”oh my…oh you are…so bastard !”

Siwon wanted to kiss him again but heechul turned his head and whispered :” yes he is Han!”

Siwon  fell on his back and heechul  sat up and went out




His blanket moved .Han opened his eyes.

 “han?!”someone crept into his bed!!!Han turned and came face to face with heechul!”oh!what are you doing here?”

Han bashed ,panicked, excited !heechul smiled :”my room’s heater doesn’t work and there was cold !can I sleep with  you tonight ?”

Han wants to scream from  happiness  :”oh…oh…yes!come here!”

He pulled his hand and hugged him under blanket !heechul smiled :”but promise me,…don’t kiss me again!”

Han’s eyes wide opened  !:” …remember it?!”

Heechul couldn’t hold his laugh! “yes…but I don’t know why you kissed me?!”

Han tried to doesn’t say anything but how he can?”I kissed you because I love you…”

Heechul shocked :”WHAT?”

Han pulled himself up :”oh heechul I love you so much…I really fall in your love…”

“but how this possible? “heechul lifted himself up too :”I thought …I mean…siwon said you love sungmin!?”

Han sat up!”WHAT?NO NO NO! how ridiculous !no! why he said something like that?”

Heechul sat up too:” so this is a rumor ? you don’t love him?”

Han got angry :” no…damn siwon! I love you hyung!”

Heechul panicked :”really ?....but..”

Han hugged him so suddenly :”oh heechul I love you since long time ago but I couldn’t confess…oh I didn’t know what can I do or what should I do…I tried to bury my feels but…I couldn’t!”

Heechul hugged him too:” oh Han…I am so sorry …I didn’t know…”

 Han grabbed his arms and  looked at his eyes:”oh heechul don’t reject me please… tell me you accept my love… tell me you love me too…”

Heehcul stared to the floor:”I am sorry Han but..I  love another person!”

Han moaned :” oh  oh no…really?...who?”

“i…can’t say…I don’t want  to say…” Heechul  whispered 

Han shook him :”  please…don’t say he is..siwon?!”

Heechul smiled :” why not?”his eyes had turned to Han’s upset face!

Han wants to cry!:” so he is…oh my …why him..why….?”

 Heechul hugged him:”please  calm down…”

Han  hugged him so tight:”oh why him ,not me?”

Heechul rubbed his back:”shush…let’s finish it here ok?”

“oh I love you more than him…”

“please!don’t speak anymore….”

“ok...ok…I am sorry!”

Heechul opened his arms and whispered  :”this conversation will be our secret ok?”

Han  just nodded but his heart got pain so hard and heechul came out of his bed..


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Sooooo sweett!!
loveisfree #2
i wont play with your heart! "D
I kinda feel that Siwon doesn't deserve it.. he broke ALL the promises he had with Hankyung, kinda infuair :S
oh i haven't live journal but my yes friend posted 2 story of mine to her live journal(i don't know anybody else did it or not) ...and in the other hand, i have still grammar problems and i am embarrassed to post my fics! :D oh you make me shy ..thank you 10000000000 times for your support and good words....
I also love to wait & read your fanfics.<br />
Why dont you update ur fanfics in Livejournal too.<br />
I also read your fanfics in livejouranl in your friend account!!!!<br />
I love to read ur fanfics especially sichul...............<br />
You are great sichul maker!!!!!!
really? omo loser you make me happy you support me so much i love to write only for you! so you love this too?but can you see?i have so many mistakes ! :(
heenim such a playboy.........<br />
I love sichul a lot and then SIHANCHUL love triangle is hoTTTT!!!<br />
Missing & waiting ur fanfics everyday