Who can blame me?

Why can't you notice my feelings?

I wish for him to leave me alone already. I can't keep calm if he's in the room, and in my reach. But no, he's not moving not even an inch, he just lies there with a grin on his childishly handsome face. I tried hard not to look into his eyes, looking away from him was the right thing to do at the moment. 

"Look, just tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it." He said, I looked back at him with furrowed eyebrows. What is this kid talking about? He should now what had to be fixed. Was he that stupid? 

"There's nothing here to be fixed, Tao. Nothing is broken." 

"We are." My eyes widened of his words. I guess he isn't that stupid after all. I shook my head and turned to the door, ready to leave the room and begin the supper. I was about to walk out of the room when I felt Tao's arms around my waist and his warmth flowing through my body, he placed his chin on my shoulder and sighed. 

"You know that we are." I was happy that we were this close but he can't just hug his way out of this. He's not that cute to be able to do that, not to me. I've been his friend for a long time now and this isn't going to work, not this time. 

"I know that we're broken. But whose fault is it that we've become like this?" I asked and pulled away from his grasp. I turned back and faced him properly. I felt like crying but I had to be strong. 

"You're blaming me now?" 

"Who am I suppose to blame then? I've been trying to reach you but you haven't been available. Not in school or outside school. I'm not even sure who you are, because the only thing you think of is to escape those fan girls of yours. Are you that busy so you can't call your best friend?" 

"I'm sorry, but it's kind of hard to get to you when you're with Kris all the time." 

"What? Are you really going to drag Kris into this? I'm with him because I can't be with you or my girl friends, you're gone and my friends are running after you and is no where to be found, who can blame me for associating with him?" I yelled. Is he kidding me? I've been trying so hard to find him but he blames me for being with Kris who happens to be there when I needed someone. 

"You're my best friend right? And you're a girl who happens to hang out with my other friend."

"What are you trying to say, huh? So what if I'm with Kris. Why do you care anyway? You wouldn't care if I didn't tell you something was wrong."

"I would care! You're my best friend for goodness sake! Don't you remember? I cared for you when that guy broke up with you, I cared when you got rejected, I was there every single time. I care! And now you can't even talk to me properly and then betray me for my friend. And you can't even have some sympathy for me when I can't get away from fan girls? I start to wonder if you really are my best friend." Tao grabbed my arms and pulled me closer to his face, it hurt... a lot. Even though Tao cried like a baby sometimes, he's strong. 

"Tao, let go. You're hurting me." I whined and tried to pull away but it was useless, he had a firm grip of my arms. 

"I'm not letting you go, until you tell me why you're behaving like this." he said and leaned down closer to my face.

"You're so stupid! I'm behaving like this because I'm in love with you! But you're so blind that you can't see that! I love you, I'm jealous of other girls who are clinging on to you, and it freaking hurts me to see that you're not pulling away. There I told you the truth. Now let me go!" I said and pushed him back, my tears were streaming down on my cheeks while I was looking at Tao who was shocked. What have I done? 

- - - - - - - - 

Sorry if it took a while for the update, I'm really really sorry, but I hope you guys can enjoy it ^^

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Chapter 6: I can't stop smiling. Gosh, too much cuteness from tao
Chapter 6: tao's so cute
He's like there crying then stop and starts being adorable again <3
taoexotics #4
Chapter 6: THIS IS AWESOME!!!, and its more awesome cuz its with my bias and you can obviously tell by my user name.
Chapter 6: Tao ;a; great. Story. Ever.
Chapter 6: Awww so cute <3
Chapter 6: Why this story has to be so freaking cute???? Good job author-nim!
Sin_me_satan #9
Chapter 6: Ahh! This is sooo good! I absolutely love this. Falling in love with your best friend <3! Great Job!^^