A battle?

Work and Romance

Hoon’ POV



“Ae-cha!” Eli’s voice rings through my ears.  The smile spread across my face fades and my heart sinks in about two inches. My…? My…girl… No she’s not my girl, but…

The members must have picked up on my reaction and are staring at me, waiting for a response.  “What’s that face, do you know her?”

That’s crazy, coincidences happen every day, her name is probably just the same as hers. “I don’t know what does she look like?”

“Really cute baby doll face, big eyes, short red hair.  Its strange but it suits her face well actually.” Kevin says.

 It’s a coincidence right!!?? My heart beat is racing and I feel the room closing in.  They can’t really be fighting over her, right?

“And a nice !” Eli throws out.

I shoot him a glare and his face instantly turns innocent. “Wow, my bad!” He raises his hands then looks around the room confused.

“You do know her, huh?” Dongho prodded, scooting closer to me on the couch. “You LIKE the noona! Don’t you?  Oooh this is baaad news!!” he shook his little makni head.

“I…I..” I stumble with my words and feel my face get hotter and hotter.  Everyone’s staring at me questioning and confused. I sigh and reset my thoughts…”Yes, I know her.  Don’t you guys listen to me? I have been telling you about this girl for at least a week? Eli, Kiseop, you guys are my roommates I expected at least you to know this.”  I was actually a bit mad now, that was true! If they would have listened to me then this won’t be a problem in the first place! I can’t believe my members don’t even listen to me talk.

“That’s why her name seemed familiar!” Soohyun said snapping his fingers and bit the corner of his lip.

Of course hyung pays me attention…I guess.

“Oh, yea! So that’s what you were talking about then.” Eli said.

“I can’t believe you guys weren’t paying attention to me when I told you about my feelings… We all used to be so close..” tears weld up in my eyes.

Dongho sprang up and rapped his arms around my shoulders. “Look what you all are doing to my hyung!! Making him sad!! You’re breaking his sweet little heart!” He pretended to cry on my shoulder.

Doesn’t he know I told him this too? I dismiss the thought and wipe my face. I am to sensitive I guess…

Eli ran his hand through his hair scuffing it all up and sat on the couch next to Dongho. “So, she is your girlfriend? She told us she was single.”

“No-no not my girlfriend, just-“

“Then why can’t we all have a shot at her heart? See who she likes  more?” Kiseop says putting himself in the center of the living room.

“That’s ridic-“ I scream.

“How so? Are you just stingy?” he says

Every one has gone silent, gapping at Kiseop. He cant be serious right now, right?

“I am not.” I spit at him!

“He saw her first, he has known her longer! He disserves this! He would be far better for her than you would be!” Eli stands and begins screaming at him.

Kiseop remains with a smug look on his face. “But what if this girl likes you more, or me, probably me, but what if? Did you think of that much? Let her have the choice to flirt with who she likes and fall for the one she really wants.”

As much as I hate it right now, Kiseop makes since.  It’s very possible that she could develop feelings for one of the other members but… but what about me? I have already fallen for her.  I can’t stand not being with her I couldn’t imagine ever loveing some one who is not her! But what can I do, this is only what is fair for her. I nod in silence and stair at my lap.

I hear a few members gasp and Kevin says “What? No why, why would you do that? You like her don’t you?”

I have a hot trail of tear right down my cheek and I wipe it away before meeting his gaze. Kevin, you are almost as sweet as me, always thinking of others too. “Yes, I do. A lot but it’s only fair to her that she have the ability to choice who she loves right?” I smile a painful little smile.  I can see the hurt in Kevin’s eyes for me, but he knows, they all know, that if I have made my mind for something then that’s it.

Kiseop’s hard expression fades, he has a week spot for Kevin, at seeing his saddened eyes. I always suspected something, that Kiseop might like Kevin.  I mean a lot more than the rest of us do.  That might be why he tries so hard to prove other wise.  Well if he’s gay then I won’t have to worry about him to much, except for the fact that he lives in my dorm…  Okay, this is enough sadness and such.

“What’s for dinner?” I randomly pop up.

Silence, then laughter. I smile, glad to distract.

“How about we go to this girls place and take her out for dinner?” A.J finally says something.

We all laugh at him. Where were his comments before?

“I’m serious! We could pass it off as a business thing, ya know get to know the new girl type deal.”

Everyone paused looking from me to Soohyun, who in turn only gave me a look of ‘should we?’

Oh what the heck. I shrug and the room erupts into cheers as everyone races to change clothes.

I take a quick shower and dress up a bit. I can tell most of the guys have done the same, going to there adjacent dorms to shower and change.

Great, now I can’t believe I agreed to this.  They’re all going to be trying to win her over now! Maybe I should stay home, I am sick after all.

“Hey, Hoon, why don’t you call your lady and let her know we are on our way to kidnap her.” Kevin says. He can get away with this, he is probably the only one who can too.

Call her? She doesn’t have a… I’ll just call ajumma. I call her and ask to talk to Ae-cha. Ajumma has an absolute fit about this, calling her and asking if I got a ring appropriate for the wedding and why I didn’t tell her sooner and when it would be.  Then she had a fit at seeing no ring on Ae-cha when she came to the phone I could hear that much. all the members see me continually blush and decide to poke fun at me as well.

“Yabosayo?” she answers “Who is it?” I can hear her whisper to Ajumma.  I don’t hear what she says to this.  “Oh, hey Hoon. What’s going on?”


Hey these chapters have been getting shorter huh?? i just noticed that myself....well i only have so much time in class.....i wish i could just sit for hours and make amazing stories for you guys but sadly that doesnt always end that way huh? well I said on my other story that i would be getting my laptop back soon buuutt that didnt happen....SO SORRY!! anyways short is okay right? as long as the story is still moving? I hope you are likeing this...you should say so thats right go ahead and comment.

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I forgot to say...the poll was closed earlier. actually it should have been sooner. but the good news is......Hoon is the winner!! yay!!


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Chapter 24: update soon~
Chapter 23: Please update :)
Chapter 22: Please update~~ ^^
Chapter 18: omo I love this fanfic ^^ can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Chapter 14: Awesome chapter! :D

Can't wait for the next update. ^^;;
Chapter 13: Update please! C:
the halmeoni is really kind! :) you know, you relly have a great vocabulary ^^~ hehe.. update soon :)