Checking in

Work and Romance

Halmeoni POV:

I decided to leave the kids alone so that they could talk for a while, while I made lunch because
Ae-cha had not said a word all day. It was quite enough to here a pen drop in the kitchen, however I couldn't hear what they were talking about downstairs. I could hear WHEN they talked though. 
Those two are just so cute together and they both like each other; I wish they would just confess and get married already. Get it all over with. Oh! I should start to plan it out for them!  With Ae-cha's new look, she would need to  have a more suiting dress than a classy white one that she could have pulled off before. 
I didn't dislike her new look at all, I actually quite liked it and thought it would suit her well.  She looks good for a career in music business, a classy look would have set her off and made her seem out of place so it was reasonable and Hoon didn't seem to mind it. Which was really just a plus. 
I always wanted what was best for him ever since I first knew that my baby sister was bearing a child. I knew it would be a boy and I knew we would be close. My little sister was never very good at taking care of herself let alone a pet, especially a child.
I knew that there would be a problem with her raising him on her own and it would be difficult for him to have the life he deserved. After I found out, I started preparing myself to take care of the baby for her.  It only took her a few years for her ro realize that she couldnt do it on her own, that was when our mom died, she had started begging me to take him, even though she need only ask. Ever since then I had practically raised him myself.  Though she would often take him back, claiming to have changed.  He was her child so I had no room to object even though I knew she was the same. She could never change. 
His mother took him back a few times but always brought him back.  Once he ran stay and I found him in my bed.  He was always such a sweet boy too and is still.  I always felt bad giving him back though, I ha grown attached to his small shinning face and when she would come for him, he knew an would give me a sad look of betrayal. As sad a thing to say, at least his freedom came with her death. 
And I knew that once I saw Ae-cha that I wanted to take care of her too and that I wanted what was best for her as well. Even if it costed my own life, I would make sure of that.  I loved those two kids as if they were my very own honest and true.  
I sigh knowing that they are two grown men and women and are rather capable of tending to themselves well enough, but I just-...
"Ajumma!" my thoughts are interrupted by Hoon calling to me. He calls again an I drop the food and even burn my hands. He was calling for help! What was happening?!
I ran down the steps as quickly as my old legs will allow. Reaching the bottom my heart instantly breaks at what I find. Hoon had heavy tears flowing down his cheeks and was beginning to lift Ae-cha's body onto his lap. 
What had happened here?! She look like she had been punched in the face and nocked out cold.  She looked near dead. I ran over beside him gracefully falling to the floor bubbie side. Her nose was crooked an you could see where the main bone had broken of to the side of the main piece.  All covered in blood. 
Hoon took out his phone an dialed for an ambulance telling them what happened. Listening as he talked I too learned what had happened, I couldn't believe it. If I was falling, my instincts would have told me to try to catch myself. I wonder why she had let her face take the blow. Hoon was off the phone and I asked "So she just fell?" 
"She tripped over her own feet and didn't even try to catch herself. I would have caught her but she was too far away." he says still crying but not enough for it to crack his voice. He brushed her hair around her face gently like a broken and still fragile doll ready to shatter. In that moment I felt confident that I had raised him right.  Despite the constant influence if his own eomma, he retained what was right. 
The ambulance came very quickly and with much noise, waiving my thoughts aside.  Hoon stood, Ae-cha still in his arms and met the paramedics at the door who had a stretcher out and ready as Hoon met them at the door.  I couldn't help it, I had tears forming in my eyes an I let them out. A few tears never hurt anybody. 
Hoon reluctantly placed her on the  long thin stretcher, still afraid of breaking her. I stepped forward to follow but realized that I needed to stay behind and tend the shop...I wasn't sure if I want to leave her like that, but Hoon could take well enough care of her there at the hospital, right? 
He was just before following her out when I called to him "Hoon, you're going with her? How long are you off today?"
His voice is a little shaky now "I'm off all day, I'll go with her, Ajumma. You should stay and run the shop."  
"My plans exactly, and you take good care if her. I don't want any more harm on the poor dear." I was holding my chest as If my heart was so sad as to chase after her in that ambulance. 
Hoon stepped closer and kissed my forehead "It will all be alright, Ajumma, I will make sure she is okay."


I nod and kiss his cheek dismissing him to follow her out now.  I hope she will be okay...



Hoon's POV:

Ajumma looked so upset, I knew she cared for Ae-cha but I never knew how much. I walked out of the store and asked the paramedics if I would be able to ride with her to the hospital. 
"Relation?" they asked. 
"Oh...well, you see, she has no family so...we have adapted" I had to come up with something that would let me ride. I couldn't leave her like that. "She is my cousin." I finally say hoping that will be well enough, and unable to say we where any closer. 
The first one looks to the other, who intern does a little shrug. The first then looks back to me and sighs nodding his head waving for me to climb into the back of the van. 
"Thank you." I say trying to climb my way in. 
Once they have finished locking her in the first that had let me in, left to drive the van moving at an incredible speed.  The remaining one moved to the other side fixing needles and bags of fluid into her wrist. I sit half scared and curious of what he was doing and how shes doing.  
Her face was still swelling, So much so that if I didn't know it was her, I wouldn't be able to recognize her as her.  I could tell that she had landed at an angle because one Sid of her face was much worse than the other almost like a before and after side even though the before still a sad sight. I want to reach out an touch her, hold her hand. Just the thought makes me nervous and she was unable to tell me no. That doesn't really help though.  The paramedic could easily tell me not to. The thought makes me even more nervous, so I grip my hands to each other on my lap.  
The ride is hushed and I'm left to my own thoughts, I can't help but feel that this is a lot of mine own fault. I could have gone with out asking her and in turn reminding her of what ever, I could have kept her from running off, and I could have, should have, chased after her to be able catch her when she couldn't catch herself. 
I sigh out loud unintentionally and the man gives me a strange look like I've lost my mind. I shrunk back an inch and look away. Tears start threatening my eyes but I fight them back. Looking over to Ae-cha again one escapes and does a dance of victory all the way down my face.  Just seeing her so broken feels as though a knife though my heart. A pain like I should have helped her. I simply can't stand seeing her anything but perfectly healthy. 
I realize that though I nearly now this girl, she means a lot to me. Probably a lot more than she should but I can't help it i think  she has stolen my heart. 
When we finally get to the hospital  my hands are sweaty and white from holding themselves so closely together. I rub them on my pants as the doors begin opening. I jump out of the vehicle first and watched as they pull out her seemingly lifeless body. As we walk down the hall to admissions and rooms I take comfort in the beeping of the heart monitor. I, of course, have to sign her in and fill out a few forms. At first they wanted a family member to sign the sheet but I told them she had no family and was currently under my care. After that they let me do just about what ever needed to be done so I was happy not to have to deal with doctors fighting me any more. 
I waited for what seemed a lifetime after first arriving, an sitting in the waiting roomwhile they entered and diagnosed her.  They told me after a while that she was fine and would wake up in a few hours. That was a great relief. They also said that she had broke her nose and fractured her cheek bone. They put tape on her nose after readjusting it into place, which I could not bare to watch, an said her cheek bone would heal in a few weeks just as long as she didn't sleep on that side, and said that they would have her dismissed after she woke up. 
After letting all of this set in I decided to call Ajumma. 
"Yaboseoyo" she answered
"Hey Ajumma, they've let us in now, she is going to be fine and we should be home soon."
"Oh that's great, so she is awake then?"
"Aniyo, we'll be going when he does though.  They gave us some medicines too, for pain and swelling." I told her
"That's good, I'll see you soon then?"
"Neh majayo"
"okay then child, I'll have to go now, you know how busy Fridays can be." she says
"Neh agassi, annyeonghigyeseyo."
"Bye bye dear." and with that I hung up. 
It took about an hour but we were finally sitting in a room alone. I was seated in a chair next to her bed and had gotten a headache from all the doctors machines and smell of chemicals. I sat very still there for a while. It was quite and I didn't know what to do at that point. 
I got bored and gave up and turned the tv on. Hearing 'Stop girl, in the name of love.' I turned it off, I didn't want to deal with that right now either.  I sat and stared at her for probably another hour and she never once stirred. I reached out and traced the clean side of her face, she was soft and warm and looked like a sleeping angel. 
She was asleep at a half way sitting position so I folded my arms and sat my head down in the corner, to tired and with to much of a headache to rightly care. I had stared at the floor for a while then pushed my chair in as close to the bed as i could an turned my head to the foot of the bed. Right in front of my face though, was her little hand. I gathered my courage and laced may hand in a cup around her palm.  Her hands were so tiny and dispute the smell of the hospital sheets I could still make out her sweet scent.
I sat that way for a while but The world seemed to get heavier and my eyelids even more so. I fought off sleep but at some point, I'm not sure when, I fell asleep. Still holding her hand. 


okie i know this is a bit late, or maybe it isnt i dont remember many more.....i hope you like it though comment and subscribe!! next chappie should be up soon!

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I forgot to say...the poll was closed earlier. actually it should have been sooner. but the good news is......Hoon is the winner!! yay!!


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Chapter 24: update soon~
Chapter 23: Please update :)
Chapter 22: Please update~~ ^^
Chapter 18: omo I love this fanfic ^^ can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Chapter 14: Awesome chapter! :D

Can't wait for the next update. ^^;;
Chapter 13: Update please! C:
the halmeoni is really kind! :) you know, you relly have a great vocabulary ^^~ hehe.. update soon :)