Don't Cry

Noticed By You

C'mon Byunghun. You can do this. Don't be a wimp and freaking cry in front of a girl. L.Joe started to play a soothing piano piece  (<- click the music note for the song), his fingers gently pressing the black and white keys. Minhee stared at him in awe as his fingers seemed to glide across the piano to all the correct keys. It seemed as if his nimble fingers were magical and automatically pressed all the right notes. Gee, when Byunghun played, it looked like a piece of cake, but it wasn't, Minhee knew. She had started taking interest in playing the piano only very recently and was currently self-teaching herself at home, but she was having a hard time reading the music notes and figuring out where to put her hands and which finger to use. After long hours on the internet reading and in front of the piano playinger.. trying to play at least...Minhee had given up. Temporarily, of course, because the great Lee Minhee never gives up and always succeeds in the end.

She knew he had put a lot of work practicing the piano. It was visible (and audible..?) through his amazing piano playing. I wish I could play as good as that. I'm sure I can if I try hard enough and never give up! She mentally cheered herself on.

•  •  •

The last note seemed to echo endlessly throughout the enormous auditorium. There was a short silence, but it was broken almost immediately by Minhee's applause. She vigorously clapped and clapped, as if her life depended on it, a shining grin plastered on her face. "That was amazing, Byunghun!" she complimented.

"Thanks," L.Joe replied. Minhee looked over and saw that he was looking down at his dirty white sneakers, as if he was being scolded by an imaginary mom. Minhee tilted her head down up and bent down, taking a peek at his face. She was shocked to find that his eyes were watery, tears dangerously close to falling to the floor. "Hey... Are you okay?" Did I say something that offended him? I only complimented him... Was I supposed to sing or something along with the song?

"I'm fi" L.Joe's lie was abruptly cut off as the tears he held back slid down his flawless face. He dropped to his knees and kept his gaze on the wooden floor. Contrary to what his face depicted, he was not spacing out. He tried to ignore all the emotions he'd tried to hide from stirring somewhere deep inside his heart.

Minhee promptly wrapped her arms around him and rubbed his back, whispering soothing it's okay's, just let it all out's, and don't be afraid to cry's into L.Joe's ear as she stayed like that for who knows how long, not even bothering to ask what was wrong. Her presence is so motherly and her scent is so calming... I could stay like this forever. I feel completely at peace right now. 

Byunghun couldn't control his continous tears and within a few minutes, he was violently sobbing, the cries muffled since his face was buried into Minhee's left shoulder. She softened as she heard the of his sobs. Poor thing. I wonder what happened. It's probably not good to pry that information out of him, though. I'll wait patiently until the day you entrust that secret to me. Minhee whispered a final don't cry anymore as he started to quiet down.

After L.Joe ran out of tears to cry, he slowly lifted his face from Minhee's shoulder, revealing a huge trail of his tears left on her shirt. He finally found the nerve to look up at her, expecting to get a long lecture about how he ruined her shirt and how he would have to pay for this 50 dollar shirt, a typical queenka response (because you know they care more about their clothes and looks and hair than poor cute lil' L.Joe.[their priorities are all messed up. I mean how can you like make up and clothes more than L.JOE?!?!???!?! HE'S LIKE THE CUTEST THING EVER♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥]).

Instead, he found Minhee staring at him with kind eyes, her lips curved into a small smile. "It feels good to let out your feelings sometimes, huh?" she asked, taking in his pink eyes and tear-streaked face.

He stared at her, not being able to process the fact that the school's queenka wasn't yelling at him for crying and staining her shirt. "Come on, let's get you washed up," she softly said, getting up from the floor and gently tugging on his hand when he didn't respond. That woke L.Joe up. 

He got up and almost fell down again, his leg muscles cramped after staying like that for almost half an hour. Occasionally wobbling on the way there, he made it to the restroom with the help of Minhee. She took out the spare (new) handkerchief she always carries around with her and wet it under the sink. (um this is one of those one person uni restrooms btw lol. not those public restrooms where there're stalls) She gently wiped his cheeks and eyes, feeling a bit uncomfortable since L.Joe was intensely staring at her the whole time.

♫   ♪   ♫

As L.Joe stared out the bus window, houses and people and stores passing by in a blur, he couldn't help but think back to the event in the abandoned auditorium. He replayed all those scenes in his mind, analyzing Minhee's actions. He finally came to a conclusion as he walked up to his front porch (after he almost missed his stop because he was too engrossed in his thoughts). 

Lee Minhee, maybe you're not so bad after all. A tender smile took over L.Joe's lips.

♦ ♦ ♦

A/N: HI omfg i haven't seen you gaiz in like a month. SORRYYY~ I'm slacking off. A lot. I'm like oh hey I should probably update my story. Nah. None of my subscribers actually read my story anyways. (They're all probably.. pity subscribes LOLOL idk.) They can wait a bit longer. *repeat for next 3 weeks* I was gonna do a very short and quick update but I guess I got engrossed with my writing LOL this is a lot longer than I expected. I was just gonna give you guys the first 2 paragraphs 'cause I wrote that last month before I got lazy (lol jk i'm always lazy) but I was like oh well i'll just write a bit more.. *10 paragraphs later* oh... this works too. 

And omg I love Baby Don't Cry ♥ it's like my fave song from the album. But I can't really decide. *indecisive author right here* OK BAI SEE YOU IN A MONTH. I LOVE YOU GUYS

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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 5: Oh! This is a good story! Well, going to be a good story! I can tell! Please update soon! Fighting!
4DRainbow #2
4DRainbow #3