Future Plans

Noticed By You

Minhee beamed at her new friend. "What do you have for second period, L.Joe?" she asked, trying to start a conversation. "Um.. History" he replied. "So do I! We can walk there together!" she grinned. Why is she so smiley today? And it's so obvious she's hitting on me. Like that's ever gonna work. She's putting up a nice girl image so she can make me fall for her or something.

"Hey," Minhee said out of the blue. "Can I call you by your real name?"

L.Joe hesitated. "Uhhhh.." Should I let her?

"It's okay if you don't want me to. I was just curious," Minhee immediately shrunk back.

"You can call me Byunghun if you'd like," L.Joe answered. That is such a fake act. She really wants to win that bet, huh? She's going to such extents to sway me.

Her eyes lit up instantly. "You mean it?" He nodded. She smiled and jumped around. I don't know why, but I'm really happy he agreed. I guess I'm happy to have another friend. I feel like since he allowed me to call him by his real name, it makes me special. It makes me stand out from all his other friends from his old schools. (she still thinks L.Joe is a new student and doesn't realize it's a nerd she never noticed)

♪  •  ♫

The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. A stampede of students poured out from all their last periods, eager to do who knows what. Minhee anxiously scanned the front lawn for her new purple-haired friend. (dying hair is common in their school, so she's not surprised at his hair being another color) He wasn't in sight. Minhee's eight friends, blabbering loudly about girl stuff and whatnot, gradually approached her, their way hindered by their other not-so-close friends that wanted to talk to the queenkas. At last, the circle around them somewhat cleared up; At least to the point where they could walk up to Minhee. She was turning to all directions, searching for Byunghun. Minhee went up onto her tiptoes and tried to see if she could spot him past or in a cluster of people. She was unsuccessful. 

Girls' Generation stared at their maknae, bewildered at her behavior. Sunny decided to break the silence. "...Minhee, what are you doing??" Minhee jumped up in surprise at the sound of her friend's voice. "Oh! Unnies, I didn't see you there! I was just--"

Minhee found who she had been looking for, stopping midsentence. L.Joe was walking with his friends, laughing and joking with them. He didn't forget our plans, right? You see, earlier, during second period, they had agreed to meet up afterschool. It was Minhee's idea. She said she was going to take him to a secret place she'd never shown anyone before. Is she gonna take me on a date or something? L.Joe had thought when she told him of her ideas. That's a bit quick. I mean we've only known each other for like three hours. She wouldn't be that fast to make a move... right?

 ♦ ♦ ♦

A/N: omg hi guise, LOL i haven't updated in forevverrrr. i'm sorry about that. that was my fault. i was super lazy. and i was kinda brain dead. there's so many ways this story could end up. i think i have a basic basic basic idea or what's gonna happen. really super basic LOL i have ideas for upcoming chapters but i have a hard time putting in words that make sense and sound.... "professional" i don't even know.. but i have testing this week so i probably won't be able to update this week. maybe next next week. i'm not sure. i'm not good at managing my time wisely LOL. it's been like 3 months and i only have 3 chapters XD omg i'm such a fail

and this is a really short update, but i thought it was better to give you something rather than to leave you people thinking i'm dead (which i might be right now. jk) i'll try to be good and update this week or next week. i probably won't though (i'm a huuuge procrastinator)

oh yeah, happy birthday to Baekhyunnn~ <33 i'm really obsessed with exo right now. bacon's turning 21 (or 22 in 'korean age')~ TT^TT *age difference* bleh why do idols look so young when theyre actually pretty old? 생일축하해, 백현 오빠~ 사랑해요~^^

 Baekhun LOL what a derpy maknae they have

 yes baekyeolll~ is bacon eating a lemon or

 lol your beautiful face deserved that

LOL i didn't plan to turn it into a bacon spam but i guess it kinda happened. well anyway happy birthday you clumsy old person~ <3

P.S. i stole them all from tumblr. like one post too LOL 


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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 5: Oh! This is a good story! Well, going to be a good story! I can tell! Please update soon! Fighting!
4DRainbow #2
4DRainbow #3