A Makeover Can Do Wonders

Noticed By You

"Let me go! I don't want a haircut! I like my hair the way it is right now!"

"Now now, Byunghun, it wouldn't hurt you to have a better hairstyle."

L.Joe struggled around in his seat. His friends had him pinned down on a barber chair. "Okay, I'll get a haircut. Just let me go." L.Joe comprimised.

Teen Top (minus L.Joe of course) slowly lifted their hands off of him. He sighed, rubbing the sore spots where his friends had gripped. That was gonna leave a couple of red marks.

"Hey, hyung, which color do you like the most?" Ricky asked L.Joe, shoving a piece of paper with a ton of color choices in his face.

"PINK!!!!" he immediately shouted.

"Really, Byunghun? I thought you were supposed to be manly." Chunji remarked.

"Hey! Pink is a manly color! Pigs are pink! Pigs are manly.. Like.. Really manly.." he defended.

"Yeah. Pigs are super manly... Totally" Niel said, sarcasm coating his words.

"I think this color matches you the best!" Changjo pointed to a purple color on the paper. "Hm.. Yeah." everyone agreed. That color would fit our Byunghun the best. "Okay so it's decided then!" Chunji shouted.

Everyone nodded in agreement and L.Joe was the only one who was baffled. "Wait what? What's decided? I don't get it. Would anyone like to explain this whole thing to me? Am I being left out of something?"

Teen Top notified the barber of what they decided on and he walked over, a pair of scissors and a comb in his hands. At this point, Byunghun didn't care anymore and just hoped they would do it fast. He spaced out and stared blankly at his feet. The barber didn't waste any time. He immediately started snipping little bits of hair here and there.

When L.Joe had finally woken up from his daze, the barber was already done, just making a few adjustments and making sure that his hair was perfect. He could hear his friends whispering things like, "Oh my god, is that really still L.Joe hyung?" or "No way this is the same L.Joe! He looks completely different! I think maybe this is someone else and L.Joe's somewhere else in this salon" or "Wow! A makeover can do wonders!"

"Perfect!" the barber clapped his hands and set his comb and scissors down. "Would you like to see the new and improved you?" he grinned at L.Joe.

"Uhm, yeah, I guess." L.Joe prepared himself (how do you even prepare yourself to see yourself.). The barber spun the chair around so it was facing the mirror. L.Joe's jaw dropped to the ground. He stared at the mirror, not believing what he was seeing. He touched his hair and saw that the reflection in the mirror was doing the same.

His hair got dyed purple. That was probably the thing Teen Top had all decided on. His hair got waved as well. L.Joe had to admit that he didn't look half bad.

"Wow.. I bet hyung will score lots of girls now!" Niel commented. 

♪ • ♫

Niel was so right. As soon as the boys walked out of the salon, a swarm of girls appeared and whispered things to each other. Their giggles could be heard all over the city. Some of them sent L.Joe a flirty wink or smile. However, no one was brave enough to go over and actually talk to him. He was glad about that. He didn't know what to do if there was a cluster of girls around him asking him for his phone number and calling him oppa. L.Joe shuddered at that thought.

He wondered for a brief second how everyone at school would react. There was this one special girl he wanted to impress. Maybe if she saw his new style, she would like him. Maybe. After all, a simple makeover can do wonders.

♦ ♦ ♦

A/N: Omg hi so like this is my first fanfic and i'm sorry if the story or something. and i know the posters for the fic look weird. i made them myself cuz.. I wanted this fic to be .. special.. LOL yeah sure that's it. I wanted my first fic to be done all by me (and maybe by my co-author 4DRainbow. she's gonna help me come up with things and stuff..) So i made it on paint and that was like my first time doing anything on paint ._. and btw i'm really unprepared (did you see my description) i don't know who the love rivals will be but i'll ask my friends and stuffs. okay so I hope you enjoyed my first chapter XD and if you like it, comment, subscribe. suggest the love rivals. I felt like making like a different picture for each chapter ok. I just feel like it. ok i'll be going now. (ps idk if i can update that regularly because i still have school and whatnot but I'll try to update it whenever I can, which is probably on weekends. My goal is to update this story twice every week kbye)

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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 5: Oh! This is a good story! Well, going to be a good story! I can tell! Please update soon! Fighting!
4DRainbow #2
4DRainbow #3