Meeting A Beauty

Noticed By You

Minhee was the first to recover from her stupor. She slowly escaped the memories (They hardly seemed like memories; they were so real. It seemed like she was actually back there with her best friend, reliving some of her life) of her past and regained the ability to think properly. It hit her: ​Where's Byunghun? Didn't I bring him here? She looked to the right and saw him some ways away with a faraway look on his face, his hand curled up into a fist, resting under his chin, like in that thinker statue's position. Minhee had to stifle a snort. His face looked so different from the usually calm faced boy he was.

She watched as the twinkle came back into Byunghun's eyes, as if someone had flipped on the power switch inside his brain. L.Joe finally awakened from his stupor and almost peed himself when he found himself a mere three inches away from Minhee's wide-eyed, curious face. He stumbled back a bit, taken back by their closeness. "H-hi.." he cleared his throat, recovering from his alarm earlier, and uneasily loosened his tie a bit.

Minhee let out a hearty laugh, as if frightened people's reactions were the funniest things ever. "Sooooooooooo......." she started, letting  the O drag on. "Want to see the stage?" She became suddenly jumpy and giddy and skipped to the other end of the auditorium. Girls... How does anyone manage to understand them? If someone can understand them, they deserve an award. L.Joe speed walked to attempt to catch up to Minhee who was already waiting in front of the velvet red curtains that blocked the stage. "Wait here," she said to him as soon as he'd reached her. She ran up the stairs to the stage and slipped in between where the curtains separated. Byunghun could hear her clumsy loud footsteps as they got fainter, Minhee getting further away from him, and the occasional loud thump or scrape as Minhee accidentally moved some things and almost tripped over her own feet. Soon, he heard the shuffling of her feet stop and silence took over the auditorium. L.Joe wondered if this was some prank and if she'd actually left and locked him inside, leaving him stranded and trapped forever until he starves to death. He realized he was really overthinking things. If Minhee wanted to make him fall for her, locking him inside an abandoned place was not the way to go. Besides, this was her special place, and she wouldn't trust some random guy she'd met today not to ruin the auditorium. Why did she even bring me here in the first place? Isn't she afraid I'm going to mess everything up in the auditorium and that her sacred building would be vandalized or something? Nobody would do that.... unless it's not actually special to her. What if she actually wanted this place to be burned down or something? What if it was like, her nemesis's place and she wants me to ruin it? He shook his head. You're really overthinking things today, Byunghun. Snap out of it. Enough "what if's" He managed to ask all of those questions and think all those thoughts in the time it took Minhee to pull a worn-out rope. (Yup, he's a super fast thinker I guess. Or maybe Minhee was just too busy fighting spiders. It is an abandoned place after all. And she never went on the stage after Taemin left because she was scared. Scared to touch anything. Scared it would break as soon as she touched it. [i'm not really sure what i'm writing])

The crimson curtain parted, revealing a lone white grand piano in the center of the stage. Minhee appeared from backstage and gestured for him to come up to the stage. Byunghun climbed up, not even bothering to use the stairs that were conveniently placed on the side of the stage just so you could get up to it. (The stage isn't very high up, ok) His eyes were glued to the piano, silently marveling at its beauty inside his head. He'd played piano since he was a little kid. His parents forced him to, but after a few private lessons with the spectacular Ms. Woo, he loved it and was addicted. Every spare minute he had, he would be tapping away on the keys of the piano, his inexperienced little fingers hitting multiple keys at once most of the time. He'd gotten better. A lot better. A decade of practice, dedication, and perseverance did a lot for a person.

"Can I play a song?" L.Joe asked, eyes never straying from the white instrument.

Minhee's face lit up. "You can play piano? I'd love to hear a song! Go right ahead!" She'd never expected that. She just wanted to show him the piano since it was a beauty.

Byunghun sat down on the matching white seat and the keys, as if afraid to taint it by playing it. He took a deep breath and started playing, willing himself not to cry and embarrass himself.

A/N: You thought the chappie would be about L.Joe or Minhee meeting someone else because of the title, right?? TROLOL nope the beauty is the piano LMAO it's like omfg i love you so much piano. Stay on topic, me! It's been like three weeks. I'm sorry. This author is just a big fan of sleeping, procrastinating, stuffing her face with food, and screwing around on Tumblr. I was lazy and didn't feel like doing anything work related. But on a brighter note, summer's almost here!! I can sleep as much as I want and no homework!! Just kidding. I have summer school :( y u ruin my dreams, parents?! Anyways, I should be able to update more frequently during the summer so expect more chapters! This update is short, but I tried to add in more details and memories and background info.. stuff like that. yeah ok. See you~

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Kpopgirl808 #1
Chapter 5: Oh! This is a good story! Well, going to be a good story! I can tell! Please update soon! Fighting!
4DRainbow #2
4DRainbow #3