Wedding Day

Only For Three Days.


Wedding Day.

Her POV.

Sitting inside one of the room, in front of the mirror, in the church makes my hand trembled with fear. Fear of walking down the aisle. Fear of making empty promises that will tie two separated bonds together in front of God. Fear of looking at Seung Hyun eyes that is full of hope and sincerity. Fear of the third day of our marriage.


As I was just staring into space thinking about Jiyong, Seung Hyun, Omma and the wedding, I heard soft knocks coming from the door.

At this moment of time, I felt like being stabbed a thousand times and my head felt too heavy to be even lifted up to face the door when it was opened.


I heard 'click, clack, click clack' noise coming from high heels and my mind I instantly thought that she was my make-up artist. She was making her way to stand behind my chair. My current state doesn't enables me to have any tolerance to any single noise made around me. Even the sound of my own breathing frustrated me and the noise coming from the heels doesn't make me feel any better. 


"I've made it clear to you right to leave me alone for a while. Isn't my instruction clear to you?" I voiced out not bothering to look at the person that was standing behind me but just fiddling around with my fingers.


She placed her hand on my shoulder and rub it softly.


"Bommie ah, your Appa and I always wonder how pretty you are in wedding dress. He always said, "On one fine day, I want to be able to see my little Bommie grow up and marry a one fine man that she could rely on whenever things went bad when I cannot be there because I can no longer be there to catch her when she fall.

And as a father, I have 2 dreams for my little Bommie, first is to see her success in everything that she do and the second thing is to walk down the aisle with her hand link to mine and hand her over to a man that I trust, to strengthen her when she is weak, to hold her in his arms whenever she feels vulnerable and protect her like an armour and to cherish her like she is the only one matter in this world, in front of God." But sadly, he couldn't be here to witness this moment, his second dream of you." Soft voice and a faint sobs of my mother could be heard.


I turned around and hug her as tight as I could, not leaving any gaps in between us. As I hug her, I could feel how vulnerable we are in our state. Tears that we have been hiding from from one another has finally started to flow. Make me thought that we can create another Han River here in the church.


Our silence comfort one another. It has always been like this whenever one of us feel sad or vulnerable, we hug each other and no comforting words spoken but just the warmth that helps to calm the emotions.


"Omma, I’m sorry for scolding you just now. I thought it was Leena, the make-up artist." I said in between sobs.


"Bommie ah, your Appa said that you will be the prettiest bride in the world. Nothing could beat your beauty that shine as bright as a star at night. You used to hold his hand whenever we went out together, as young as you are, I still remember what you told your Appa whenever he asked you why you never want to let go of his hand. You always said that you never want to let go of his hand because his hand makes you feel strong and secured. And Bommie ah, today, you will belong to someone else that will take good care of you and your children in the future. That will protect you like how your Appa used to be." Her voice, her sorrowful voice made me forget about the promise that me and Jiyong made to be together till our last breath.


I am clueless. Which is more important? Promises made with Jiyong or Ommas' tear if I goes on with the plan? Should i be selfish and thinks about my own happiness with Jiyong or create new happiness with Seung Hyun?


Wedding Dress song that came from my phone indicates that there was a message from Jiyong, interrupts my train of thoughts. Omma let me out of her embraced, enables me to reach out to my phone so that I could read up the message.


"Bommie ah, Omma will go out first ne? Your Uncle Lee will come in half an hour time to walk down the aisle with you ne?" She said while putting my phone that was in my hand on the table and hold my both hands.


"No Omma, no one will replace Appa. I will walk down the aisle myself. I don't want another man to achieve his dream." I said sternly.


She let go of my hands and wipe my tears on my cheeks. 


"Aish, my stubborn little girl. Okay, Omma understand, just don't fall while walking okay? And I will call Leena to touch up on your make up. Is that alright for you?" She said while cupping my cheeks and a smile plastered on her porcelain face. 


I nodded and slowly the 'click clack' sound faded as she walked out the door. I took my phone and read his message while Leena walked in and without a word, she touched up my make-up. Since she used water resistance make, there's not much area that needs to be touched up.


From Gee Baby:

How's my Bomtaro today? You must be the prettiest bride in the world. Send your Gee Baby a picture of you right now. I miss you so much. Will be seeing you at our usual place 3 days from now okay?



From My Bomtaro:

Aigooo, Ji. I'm scared. And do you know that its bad luck to look at their bride before the wedding starts? And what's with you and XOXO. Since when you start being mushy and acting cute? This is so not you..


From Gee Baby:

This is the moment you should unleashed your Bominator mood. Be strong Bomtaro.  And picture juseyo. I want to see my beautiful bride, whether it is bad luck or not. Palli. And I have always been the cute boyfriend of yours hmm. Keke.


From My Bomtaro:

Yah! *unleashed Bominator mood* Why am i not marrying you in front of everyone today? Hmm?


I asked Leena to stop whatever thing she is doing so that i could take a picture of myself.


From My Bomtaro:

*Sends the picture along with captions* 

Oh, am I your pretty bride?


From Gee Baby:

Oh my, this pretty lady will be mine in 3 days’ time. I love you. Oh babe, i really have to go now. I think you too right? GEEBOM HWAITING. SARANGHAE MY LOVE.

*Sends a bucket of kisses to my Bomtaro*


From My Bomtaro:

Aish. NADO SARANGHAE. GEEBOM HWAITING! *Keeps the bucket of kisses from Gee Baby close to me* I need to go too.


"Miss Park, it's time to go now. Mr Choi is already waiting for you at the altar." Leena said while placing the wedding veil on my head and passing my bridal bouquet of red roses.


I passed my phone to her and slowly made my way out to the front door of the altar.


His POV.


Youngbae, my bestfriend came into the church room with a bottle of champagne and 2 glass made his way to the couch opposite where I am sitting. He opened up the bottle and pour me a glass of champagne.


"Bro, are you sure about your plan? Don't you pity Dara? She have done nothing wrong to be treated this way." Youngbae said while carefully sipping his glass of champagne.


I know this is a very bad decision, a part of me really don't want her to go through this pain that  will cause her but now, my happiness is more important than anyone else.


"It's time for me to find my own happiness. To be with the woman I love.." My voice was slowly getting softer.


"You are one selfish and coward brat. Fighting a war you started using innocent soul to end it. What kind of man are you? A man with no balls to stand up for his own war for the woman he love? *chuckles*" Youngbae said while eyeing me with that small eyes of his. I looked down and let those words kill me slowly.


While I was drown in my own thoughts, I felt a soft pat on my back and I instantly looked up to see my parents smiling down at me. I gave them a half-hearted smile and when I looked around, Youngbae was not insight. He must have made his way out when my parents came in.


"Jiyong ah, do you know how happy I am today? To be able to see you getting married. Furthermore with the woman I choose. I am so proud of you."  Omma said while sitting beside me on the sofa.


"Jiyong, bring up our family name. Promise me you won't disappoint me and never hurt Sandara. She is one sweet and kind girl. I don't want her to regret getting married to you." Appa said while patting my shoulder. 


I nodded and Omma hugged me. She kissed my forehead and they made their way out.

I reached for my phone on the table and started to message Bom. My heart felt like it was floating whenever Bom reply my message, even if she's angry or sad. And right now, I can see her scared face and all I want to do is hold her close to me and tell her that everything will be alright.


"Bro. It's time for you to go now. Please don't delay the whole wedding ceremony your mother might kill me if you are not out on the altar in 10 minutes time." Youngbae barked into the room and surprised me.


I looked up to see his face and in an instant he come close to me and hug me. Telling me that everything will be alright and just go with the flow. He released me from his warm embrace and passed me my tuxedo. In exchange, I passed him my phone.


We walked out to the altar and waited for my bride.


Narrator POV.


Two weddings are going to be held at the same time. All four of them are anxious and nervous. Back in their mind they had this question that they themselves couldn't answer. "What will happen after this? Our future?"


As soon as both bride walk down the well decorated wedding aisle, at their own separate church, wedding song could be heard. Those who came to witness the wedding ceremony stood up and smiles from ear to ear. Drowning in to the beauty behind those veils. The men were thinking about how lucky those bastards that are able to get married to them. The women were thinking about how much they want to look as beautiful as them.


Dara was dead nervous due to those stares that she received from the crowd. She was thankful that her dad was holding on to her arms tightly. His big hands doesn't fails to comfort her whenever she feels nervous. She looked up to see Jiyong's expression that showed that he was stunned. Stunned by her beauty? Oh well, maybe.


He was caught off guard by Youngbae when he heard Youngbae whispered some words that make him blushed. He decide to ignore Youngbae's remark and enjoy the beauty while he can. In his mind, 

"Just looking wouldn't hurt right? Bom doesn't have to know anyway."

With that, he looked at Dara with hurtful heart. He can't bear to see this woman in front of him hurt by his actions but at the same time, his love for Bom is beyond his control. He couldn't leave one for the other but he also can't marry both woman.


Bom on the other hand smiles warmly at the crowd and when she looked up, she could feel Seunghyun's eyes piercing into her soul and reached up to her nerves. Those strong looking eyes that could secure her with security and trust. She couldn't bear to see him cry, to bring down his strong wall that he build. Dong Wook, Seunghyun's best man, caught their starring contest moment and he knew, Seunghyun has totally fallen in love with her.


Seunghyun used all his strength to contain his excitement. And kept his mouth sealed before he said he's the luckiest man alive at that moment of time. 


As the bride reach the altar, the grooms held out their hands to reach for their bride’s hand.

Sandara's dad whispered some threatening words to Jiyong to make sure that he is giving away his daughter to the right man. Jiyong just smiled to assure him and gave Dara a warm smile. Seunghyun whispered to her saying how lucky he is that day making her blushed at his comment.


As the ceremony begin the priest began his lengthy speech. Different scenarios played on their mind like a short movie. Bed scene? Wedding night scene? y Bom and Dara? You name it, they watch it on the back of their brain.


As it come to an end of the ceremony, the moment where everyone came to witness the beautiful moment, and also the time where both brides and grooms were paying attention to.


"Do you, Choi Seunghyun/Kwon Jiyong, take Park Bom/Park Sandara, to be your lawful wife, to have and hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sick and in health, to love and cherish, till death do you apart?"


With lots of confidence, Seunghyun said,

"Of course, I do. I will also protect you from any harm."  He smiled warmly at Bom.

Jiyong doesn't want to disappoint anyone on this day so therefore, he said,

"I do." He gave Dara an assuring smile that caught Dara off guard.


"Do you Park Bom/Park Sandara, take Choi Seunghyun/Kwon Jiyong, to be your lawful husband, to have and hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sick and in health, to love and cherish, till death do you apart?"


With sincerity, both bride said

"With all my heart, I do"


Seunghyun turned to Dong Wook and took the ring from him and with a smile from ear to ear, he placed the ring on Bom's finger. Bom turned around and faced Gummy, her brides' maid, and took the ring from her and with a warm smile, she placed the ring on his finger.


Jiyong turned and Youngbae held two red boxes.

"If you were to choose the one with the ring, you are meant to be with her forever." He heard Youngbae whispered. Deep down in his heart, he wished he took the wrong box but since luck is not in his side, he took the box that has the ring inside. He heard people cooed and whistled. He placed the ring on Dara's finger. And Dara turned to face Jihyo, her brides's maid, and took the ring from her and with a shy smile, she places the right on his finger.


"Now, I declared that you are husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" The priest said excitedly


Both grooms lifted the wedding veils.

Seunghyun take a moment to capture his wife's beauty. And slowly, he put his right hand on her waist while he placed the other hand on her face. He glided his hand from her temple to her chin and lifted it up a little bit and slowly moved in his face closer to kiss her. Both of them closed their eyes and Bom brought up both her hands and placed them on his chest. Seunghyun finally got to taste Bom's soft lips on his which make him excited as he have been waiting for this moment to come.


She felt perfect, how their lips dance in delight. She manage to open to let Seunghyun taste more of her, leaving him with no choice but to want more. Their tongue dance in coordinate, allowing them to taste one another. It was a gentle yet aggressive kiss to them. Bom had never felt this way toward Jiyong before. As much as she wanted him so badly, she felt like she wanted Seunghyun more than she wanted Jiyong. They let go of one another when both of them felt a soft tap on their shoulder and when they turned around, they could see Gummy and Dong Wook grins. Their cheeks felt hot and in a sonic speed, Seunghyun carried Bom in a bridal way towards their awaiting car. Everyone stood up and applaused and laughed at the funny couple.


Jiyong on the other hand, brought up both his hand and softly cupped Dara's small face. His long fingers felt like as if they are at the right place. He slides down one of his hand until he reached her neck and gently pulled her face closed to him. He looked at her in her eyes and leaned in to kiss her lips. Both of them closed their eyes and Jiyong parted Dara's lips using his long skilled tongue. Dara opened and welcome Jiyong to her wet carven. Their tongue dance in harmony. Dara brought up her hand and placed them on his neck.


He never felt this hungry before. Hunger for Dara's mouth. He could just make Dara's mouth as his meal and he won't be hungry for food. He started to think about what Youngbae said about the ring.  What about Bom then? Their kissed becomes aggressive and Youngbae pulled Jiyong's ear to remind him that he is still in church with people who were staring at their kissing scene. Dara blushed and to not make things get worse, Jiyong hold her hand and placed it in his pocket while Dara have no choice but to follow him towards his car.


Her POV.

"Am I cheating on Seunghyun or Jiyong? What was I thinking just now?"


His POV.

"I am a confused soul right now. Am I supposed to keep Dara as my bride or marry Bom?" 




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Chapter 1: Yahhhhh!!! Please make it gbom!!!
ParkMonica #2
Chapter 1: Please make this a GBOM story.
I love GBOM but seems like this would be daragon and topbom. >.<
Sorry but I can't take it if its not GBOM :(
angelin #3
Chapter 2: OTTOKE????????/ oh pliz... give me TOPBOM ending.... **
mtrlfcpa #4
Chapter 2: OTTOKE! AUtho-rim your making my GBom heart shattered!!!!Leaving both of them in confusion on how they feel!ugh!
mrskwonyoora #5
Chapter 2: Kisseu!!!! Weehee n thank goodness u describe jiyong FINGERS!!! Waaaaa
Chapter 2: I want Topbom. Please end it with Topbom.Pleaseeeee . Update please.
mellybonky #8
Chapter 2: Update Please.....
i want TOPBOM ending please!!
Chapter 1: Praying for gbom.. :D