First Story person, dude, awesome character...

Soul Eater: SM Version


Username: imsosofia

Character's name: Conor (pronounced like Corner) Chaser

Birthday: 29th July. This means that he's a Leo, which also means he's proud and loves the limelight more than anything else.

Age: 17 (Aww. No booze?)

Gender: Male

Personality: Flirty, cocky, aggressive, proud, y, rude... in other words, he's a perfect . A REALLY big one at that. (Lol!!)

Before his sibling was born, his parents doted on him a lot, thus he grew up overly-confident and extremely assertive - as in, he wants his way when he wants it howsoever he wants it to be done and he doesn't expect you to do things differently. It doesn't help that he's hot as hell, has a slick tongue and a sweet smile. He knows how to make girls bend backwards for him and often he crosses the line without knowing it. When he does he prefers to act nonchalant, making him a complete heartbreaker... but girls still fall for him anyway. (Conor: Ah well. I'm just too gorgeous. *shrugs* ^-^) At least he's still a .

A lot of guys hate him, but he doesn't care, because he's got the girls and the grades and the killer looks plus a driving license and lotsa lotsa muh-muh-money so watcha gonna do, shrimp? (That's what he said, not me.)

He has yet to meet a girl that really interests him, but I know (and now you too), that when he does, Conor would flip a 360. Hell, he might start baking cookies for her for all we know.

But that's him in the human world.

The other side of him doesn't allow such freedom. As mentioned, he's aggressive, possessive, protective, competitive, ambitious and relentless. He wants to have everything. He must have everything, or else he can't forgive himself. He will do everything to have his way. This makes him kind of bloodthirsty and violent. He's also numb to emotions, making him somewhat inhumane. (Conor: Somewhat...)

Family Background: His parents are the perfect parents; they throw money about like it was pixie dust (Yay!), are always somewhere overseas, and won't ever have the time to be interested in your private life. However, they did commit one serious offense in the eyes of Conor... they gave birth to a brother 3 years younger than him. Conor, as a rule, hates competition, but he couldn't exactly eliminate his baby bro. And so he was forced to lend the kid his crayons, had to beat his brother in their studies, and occasionally lost the girl he was trying to nail to his pretty-shy-boy brother. Damn. Doesn't that ? He's moved out of the house already, but his pesky brother somehow got into their prestigious school, so he has to see the younger, cuter version of his face during break... that is, if he can see past the hordes of girls between them.

He's a meister and he wields a silver, semi-automatic revolver with nine bullet chambers. If need be the revolver can be transformed into a lasso by breaking apart the barrel, from which an electricity-conducting wire will shoot out. So if you make Conor really angry, he would slash you with the wire.

Siblings: The one and only (Conor mutters something) Skandar Chaser. (He's my OC, so feel free to play around with his personality.)

Trivia: He has a nasty habit of biting the flesh around his wrist when he's alone and frustrated. Somehow it makes him triumphant. He doesn't know his blood type because he has such a bipolar personality. He's a crazy good kisser and fighter because he has had so much experience with both.


First character is introduced!! congrats to imsosofia!!!

Once i get the character banners done, i will introduce the character possibly one by one! :3

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If anyone ever pays attention to this, I have a special surprise for this fanfic. Be on the look out this weekend!


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imsosofia #1
Lol lol lol the bubbles thing was totally cute haha!<br />
But eh heh my Conor is cuter ^_^ kind of surprised when Yoona said she loved him 0.0 But throughout the story I don't think he has ever openly fawned over her :3<br />
Aww the story ended TvT kinda sad but still feel fulfilled, keke. Thank you thank you thank you once more for choosing Conor! And for giving him such a significant role in your story TvT I will miss this ;_;
WOW!!!! EPIC ending :D<br />
and the fight scene :O SO COOL!!~<br />
lol poor Hani, Yuri thinks of her as a rival<br />
LOL the gang's fight over chicken...SO FUNNY!!~<br />
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and Conor still doesnt know who the author is xD<br />
NGAAWWW Im gonna miss this fic :( but it has a great ending so im hsppy now :D<br />
AND OMG!!! MR SIMPLE!!!! KYYAAAAA i think i died :D
Woah!! I love the fight scenes!! ^-^<br />
Omo! Ending already?? TT-TT Wae???<br />
I was totally enjoying your story... I didn't expect that it would end quiet so soon..<br />
Is there a sequel??<br />
Aigoo.. I'm sure I'll be missing this fic..
imsosofia #4
Omg EXAMS!!! *screams and runs like a headless chicken*<br />
Lol Conor you you don't know who the author ish???
LMAO!!! Onew won for his chicken xD Teukkie owes him chicken now :D<br />
lol Poor Conor, his the only one who doesnt know who the author is :)<br />
And WOOOOHHH Kyu has to verse his own sister :O<br />
I wonder who's gonna win, and how everyones final exams will be :D
WHOOT!!!!!! I wonder how this is gonna turn out?? :3 <br />
ONEW: FOR THE CHICKEN!!!!!!! Hehehe<br />
WOOOTT!! NO more Minah the pissing-off-mean-scary-evil-witch-mother-dude!! :D<br />
Aww Tessa and Kyu are so sweet to each other :) <br />
Tessa let Kyu take their 'mothers' soul :D awww SIBLING LOVE~<br />
And OMO i hope the gang pass their tests :D <br />
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BAHAHAH LOL Amber has to be one of the AWESOMEST characters in this fic :) first shes a pimp-attracter and now she has 'connections' to the author LMAO!!! xD<br />
and Hyukkie, why do you always piss Tessa off ..?? AIGOOO such a anchovy monkey-head
ChanHee #8
NO MORE IST WITCH!!! Take that Miinah!<br />
Congrats to Kyu for earning his mom's soul, LOL. That sounds weird.<br />
Dammit, Hyukjae--why chu gotta be a tactless monkey??? I thought primates were supposed to be smart?!<br />
Amber and her connections. When will the pimp-ness stop??? I hope never XD<br />
I hope we all get to pass finals >///< If not, then I dunno what to hope for.<br />
Glad to hear that you had an awesome 16th birthday ^^ Now as another gift to yourself, update again. Please XP jk jk.<br />
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Awesome chappy.... finals UGGGG hate that crap<br />
Woot we beat the weird lady >.< haha how many souls have we all collected so far???
ChanHee #10
Chu a pimp sixteen-year-old, Lady Author ;P<br />
This was an awesome chap, too. Amber was P-I-M-P, PIMP.<br />
Conor and Yoona were hilarious. "Dear readers, please excuse Conor’s barbaric side. He only get’s like this when he thinks he’s badass" XD<br />
Whoa. And a kid version of Tessa??? How come I can't stop thinking of Crona??? LOL.<br />
Pretty brilliant strategy there, Tessa. Now go kick your witch of a mom's for defeating your brother in you place!!!! >0<<br />
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Haha, I will say again, cool chappie ^^ I wanna see more action!!! Happy [belated] birthday, trutomboy18~!!! And out of curiosity, whaddya get from GameStop??? X)<br />
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