*Gangsa pose*

Soul Eater: SM Version
Here's the apps so far...
MikaLikesPie - Jang Mi Cha
picoura - Skylar Moon
sungmin_pumpkin96 - Kim Hani
kitten83 - Choi Hyesu
little_miss_psyco - Kim Sonny
Mae-chan - Shinu Mae
ChanHee - Bae Niko
Sunny_jjang - Lee Seungwoo
imsosofia - Conor Chaser
Maiaxox - Baek Shinwoo
I would very much like for you guyses to apply... pweese? :3
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If anyone ever pays attention to this, I have a special surprise for this fanfic. Be on the look out this weekend!


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imsosofia #1
Lol lol lol the bubbles thing was totally cute haha!<br />
But eh heh my Conor is cuter ^_^ kind of surprised when Yoona said she loved him 0.0 But throughout the story I don't think he has ever openly fawned over her :3<br />
Aww the story ended TvT kinda sad but still feel fulfilled, keke. Thank you thank you thank you once more for choosing Conor! And for giving him such a significant role in your story TvT I will miss this ;_;
WOW!!!! EPIC ending :D<br />
and the fight scene :O SO COOL!!~<br />
lol poor Hani, Yuri thinks of her as a rival<br />
LOL the gang's fight over chicken...SO FUNNY!!~<br />
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and Conor still doesnt know who the author is xD<br />
NGAAWWW Im gonna miss this fic :( but it has a great ending so im hsppy now :D<br />
AND OMG!!! MR SIMPLE!!!! KYYAAAAA i think i died :D
Woah!! I love the fight scenes!! ^-^<br />
Omo! Ending already?? TT-TT Wae???<br />
I was totally enjoying your story... I didn't expect that it would end quiet so soon..<br />
Is there a sequel??<br />
Aigoo.. I'm sure I'll be missing this fic..
imsosofia #4
Omg EXAMS!!! *screams and runs like a headless chicken*<br />
Lol Conor you you don't know who the author ish???
LMAO!!! Onew won for his chicken xD Teukkie owes him chicken now :D<br />
lol Poor Conor, his the only one who doesnt know who the author is :)<br />
And WOOOOHHH Kyu has to verse his own sister :O<br />
I wonder who's gonna win, and how everyones final exams will be :D
WHOOT!!!!!! I wonder how this is gonna turn out?? :3 <br />
ONEW: FOR THE CHICKEN!!!!!!! Hehehe<br />
WOOOTT!! NO more Minah the pissing-off-mean-scary-evil-witch-mother-dude!! :D<br />
Aww Tessa and Kyu are so sweet to each other :) <br />
Tessa let Kyu take their 'mothers' soul :D awww SIBLING LOVE~<br />
And OMO i hope the gang pass their tests :D <br />
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BAHAHAH LOL Amber has to be one of the AWESOMEST characters in this fic :) first shes a pimp-attracter and now she has 'connections' to the author LMAO!!! xD<br />
and Hyukkie, why do you always piss Tessa off ..?? AIGOOO such a anchovy monkey-head
ChanHee #8
NO MORE IST WITCH!!! Take that Miinah!<br />
Congrats to Kyu for earning his mom's soul, LOL. That sounds weird.<br />
Dammit, Hyukjae--why chu gotta be a tactless monkey??? I thought primates were supposed to be smart?!<br />
Amber and her connections. When will the pimp-ness stop??? I hope never XD<br />
I hope we all get to pass finals >///< If not, then I dunno what to hope for.<br />
Glad to hear that you had an awesome 16th birthday ^^ Now as another gift to yourself, update again. Please XP jk jk.<br />
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Awesome chappy.... finals UGGGG hate that crap<br />
Woot we beat the weird lady >.< haha how many souls have we all collected so far???
ChanHee #10
Chu a pimp sixteen-year-old, Lady Author ;P<br />
This was an awesome chap, too. Amber was P-I-M-P, PIMP.<br />
Conor and Yoona were hilarious. "Dear readers, please excuse Conor’s barbaric side. He only get’s like this when he thinks he’s badass" XD<br />
Whoa. And a kid version of Tessa??? How come I can't stop thinking of Crona??? LOL.<br />
Pretty brilliant strategy there, Tessa. Now go kick your witch of a mom's for defeating your brother in you place!!!! >0<<br />
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Haha, I will say again, cool chappie ^^ I wanna see more action!!! Happy [belated] birthday, trutomboy18~!!! And out of curiosity, whaddya get from GameStop??? X)<br />
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