Final Exam horrors! Who will come out on top? Part 2

Soul Eater: SM Version


Tessa and Kyuhyun were standing in front of each other waiting for SM to give the signal to start the battle.
~*~*~ Kyuhyun’s POV ~*~*~
I can’t believe this! I’m fighting my little sister for our final exams! What I’m trying to say is, I really don’t want to fight her…
Even though she’s my younger sister, she’s been gifted with certain abilities that I don’t posses. She’s probably looking into my soul right now and laughing at how much of a coward I am.
We’ve already been though so much and now this? I honestly don’t know what to do…
~*~*~ End of POV ~*~*~
Tessa released a sigh then she looked into Kyuhyun’s eyes with so much determination.
~*~*~ Tessa’s POV ~*~*~
This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. I was actually hoping for this, ever since the beginning of the term. I can tell that’s he’s afraid, but wouldn’t any other person in his spot?
I just hope, that after this battle, I won’t be known as “Kyuhyun’s Little Sister” but as “Cho Tessa”
~*~*~ End of POV ~*~*~
(Listen to this for this portion of the fight: c me)
Sonny and Ryeowook changed into their weapon forms. Then SM signaled the match to start.
Kyuhyun started off with a long-ranged fire attack. Tessa managed to redirect the fire with her fan and fired it right back at him.
“Have you forgotten that I can control the elements… that also means I can redirect your fire attacks” Tessa smirked
‘, now what?’  Kyuhyun thought. For now he’ll have to go with what he’s got.
Tessa then went for an earth attack. She used the ground they were standing on to increase the power of the attack.
Luckily, Kyuhyun knows some of Tessa’s standard attacks and can dodge them well.
~*~*~ Kyuhyun’s POV ~*~*~
What to do? What to do? Think damn you! This match has been going on for ten minutes but… Why is she only using her standard attacks though? That’s something I don’t get.
I really don’t want to hurt her. She’s way too fragile to even hurt her in the slightest. I’m not even taking this battle seriously though. What’s the point if my little sister is at stake?
“Kyuhyun-ah!” Tessa shouted at me. “I know being you little sister has its kicks and all but” she smirked before continuing, “Why the hell aren’t you taking me as a serious opponent?!”
I just stared at her… What did she mean by that?
~~ Flashback ~~
“Are you pumped for finals?” Tessa asked
“Hell yeah~” I replied, “Who do you think your opponent is going to be?”
“That’s something for me to know and you to find out” she said and followed up with a wink
“Can you at least give me a hint?” I pouted
“Ok, that person is someone that I’ve wanted to battle since forever. Sure, he picks on me, but I really don’t want him to go easy on me if we do battle. I want it to be a fair fight between us” Tessa said and went off to her room
“I wonder who the person she wants to battle most is…”
~~ End of Flashback ~~
How could I have been so oblivious to the simple hints?! It was me she’s been wanting to fight for a while…
“Kyuhyun, you holding back on her won’t do my powers any good” Sonny spoke up
I smirked, if she wants a fair fight…
~*~*~ End of POV ~*~*~
(Listen to this for this portion of the fight: c me too)
When Tessa saw Kyuhyun smirk, she knew she had finally gotten to him.
“I think it’s about time we show him that his little sister is all grown up” Ryeowook told Tessa
Tessa smirked and waited for the real fight to begin. Kyuhyun was doing the same. But just like that… Kyuhyun was on the attack!
Quick to think on her feet, she released a wind attack from 360 degrees. But, Kyuhyun read through that move and launched a fire attack, leaving Tessa in the middle of a flame storm.
“Damn, should’ve seen that coming” Tessa muttered under her breath
“We can’t absorb the flame, it’s different from ours” Ryeowook reminded
“But we can settle for this” Tessa said as she used a water attack to create steam
With Kyuhyun’s sharp eyes, the steam won’t work on him and Tessa knows it. So that’s why she came up with this…
Before Kyuhyun knew it, he was trapped in a mud pit.
“What the hell it this?!” he shouted
“When you mix water and earth, you get mud” Tessa simply stated, “This is just like math, how could you not know this?”
“Don’t let her get to you, Kyu” Sonny told Kyuhyun
“Any ideas on how we can corner her?” Kyuhyun asked
By that time, Tessa unleashed a new attack mixing water and wind to create… bubbles?
“What up with the bubbles?” apparently, the attack worked
Kyuhyun was too worried with the bubbles to notice Tessa attacking from behind. Thankfully, Kyuhyun used a fire attack to help him recover.
~*~*~ ~*~*~
The fight pretty much continued on like this for a while until they had to resort to using their Soul Resonance.
This was the last shot, Kyuhyun and Sonny put every ounce of their energy into the attack as well as Tessa and Ryeowook.
The energy of their souls was enough to burn down the whole country!
“This is it! The last attack!” they both shouted coolly and started the epic last attack
Everyone was watching the last attack and it all seemed it was in slow motion.
(Please listen to this: TT^TT) *I know, I’m a er for video game music*
The attack made Kyuhyun and Tessa launch themselves to the walls, neither of them were about to give up… but one of them went down.
“The winner of the match is… Cho Tessa and Kim Ryeowook” SM announced
“I finally did it, I finally surpassed you… Kyuhyun-oppa” with that Tessa went down as well
Ryeowook and Sonny changed back into their human form and helped Kyu and Tessa back to the balcony.
Before they knew it, the whole gang was by Kyuhyun and Tessa.
“Are they alright? Are they dead? Someone answer me?!” Conor yelled like a mad man
“Shhh~” Sungmin said putting his finger over his lips signaling him to be quiet
“They’re sleeping” Hani said cutely
They got a look at the two and they were indeed sleeping.
“They’ll wake up any time now” Sonny commented
“For now, Hani, Sungmin, Conor, Yoona, you guys should focus on your matches” Ryeowook said while pointing to the screen
The next match was, Conor and Yoona vs Henry and Zhou Mi
‘This will be interesting’  Conor thought as he and Yoona walked down to the arena.
“Seems like fate has played a trick on us, huh?” Henry chuckled
“Yeah, now let’s see who’s stronger out of the both of us” Conor smirked
Yoona and Zhou Mi changed into their weapon form and SM gave the sign to start the battle.
(This is pretty much a light-hearted battle so listen to: 1337)
Conor was the first to strike, he’d figure he would get as many hits as possible to get him as far away as possible. Unfortunately, Henry is quite persistent when it comes to attacking.
Henry then attacked with his scythe to get Conor from firing his barrage of attacks. But Conor had a trick or two up his sleeve…
His revolver had a pretty cool feature nobody knew about until know. He landed a solid attack on Henry after he revealed an electric wire.
Conor then smirked, “Now try attacking”
“Henry, what’s up?” Zhou Mi asked
“Seems like we can’t attack. That electricity has some sort of side effect that hinders out Soul Wavelength” Henry stated
“Let’s end this…” Conor smirked
“I’m right there with you” Yoona added
“Soul Resonance!” Conor then used the power to fire his strongest attack and won the match
“Conor~ Way to go~ Hell Yeah~” Tessa started cheering and high-fived him
“Well, I learned how to make last minute Master Plans like the master herself” Conor coolly said
“So~ you guys cool?” Hani asked
“Yeah” Kyuhyun replied
“But you might want to check out the board” Onew said pointing behind her
Hani took one good look at it, “Kwon Yuri, huh?”
Over at the other balcony, “So, I get to face my rival huh?” Yuri smirked
“I don’t even think she knows she’s your rival, Yuri-ah” Sooyoung told her
“I will defeat her with everything I’ve got! No backing down!” Yuri shouted, completely ignoring Sooyoung
‘Wow, she’s pretty hyped up…’  Sooyoung thought as they walked down to the arena
“Good luck, Yuri-ssi” Hani said with a smile
“Don’t play dumb with me, as your rival you should know better” Yuri scoffed
“You may begin the match”
(Hooray I love this music and I hope it suits this battle: c for the last time)
Yuri then went in on the attack with her nunchucks and Hani blocked it easily.
“There’s no way I’ll lose to you” Yuri said, but Hani just brushed it off
Hani launched a series of attacks just to keep Yuri on her toes. Thanks to Sungmin’s “How to be a Ninja in 5 Minutes” Hani can dodge her attacks easily.
Yuri’s dancing skills came in handing in dodging attacks, but will they last her? Hani knows…
After using their Soul Resonance, Hani and Sungmin came out on top winning the match.
“How did I lose?” Yuri asked herself
“You let this make-believe rivalry get the best of you and you didn’t fight for the sake of you” Hani told her
Yuri just looked at her, “I guess you’re right, but that doesn’t mean I will stop being your rival”
‘I had no idea you were my rival…’  Hani thought
“Now that the finals are over and the staff and I will chose who will rank up or not” SM started. “But for now, head over to the cafeteria to grab some supper”
So all of the students walked, wait… ran, to the cafeteria because most of them were very hungry.
“So who do you think will rank up?” Conor asked Tessa
“Based on the fights I’ve seen, all of us will rank up for sure” she said pointing at everyone at their table
“You’re just being generous” Sungmin commented
“I really mean it” Tessa replied
“Can we all just say we did kick and eat our food already” Mi Tae said
“I don’t know if the author wants us to” Niko commented
“WHO THE HELL IS THIS ‘AUTHOR’?!?!?!?!” Conor shouted
“You are so…” Yoona tried to find a word
“I don’t need you to finish that sentence” Conor muttered
“You know I love you~” Yoona cheered him up
By then, Leeteuk showed up with five buckets of chicken. Everyone but Onew and Niko stared at him with a ‘wtf’ face. “I did say I owed you chicken, didn’t I?” Leeteuk smiled
“Since everyone’s here, I will share… for once” Onew said with a cheeky grin
“Why don’t you guys join us?” Sonny asked Leeteuk
“No thanks, I gotta get back to my group” Leeteuk politely turned the offer down
“That’s too bad” Sonny pouted
“I’ll talk to you guys later” Leeteuk said and left
Without another word, Onew dug in to the chicken. “YAH! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO SHARE!!!” Mi Tae and Amber yelled and decided to fight him for the rights of the chicken
“I wanna fight for the rights of chicken too~” Sonny pouted and hopped right in the mini-brawl
“Someone’s gotta referee” Kyuhyun sighed and joined the brawl as well
“I’ve got a meister to protect… GERONIMO!!” Niko jumped into the brawl
“We don’t want to be left out too~” Hani and Sungmin said as they both fought for the chicken
“I WANT TO FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT OF CHICKEN!!!!” Tessa and Conor epically shouted and jumped in.
Yoona and Ryeowook were watching them be extreme goofballs over chicken.
“These guys are too much sometimes” Yoona commented
“Yeah, but there’s never a dull moment with them” Ryeowook said
“Might as well join in on the brawl” Yoona sighed
Ryeowook nodded and they both hopped in the brawl.
Life couldn’t get better~

Waaaaa~ it's over... I'm sad but I'm glad it turned our well
Guess who I'm in love with! Mr. Simple. I absolutely love the song and I can't wait for the MV *insert fangirl squeel*
So... I have nothing else to say... oh yeah! 
If you guys don't mind, check out my fic: She has you Smile. That will be one of my main focuses from now on so... check it out! If you like it, cool, if you don't, that's fine too... At least I tried :3
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If anyone ever pays attention to this, I have a special surprise for this fanfic. Be on the look out this weekend!


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imsosofia #1
Lol lol lol the bubbles thing was totally cute haha!<br />
But eh heh my Conor is cuter ^_^ kind of surprised when Yoona said she loved him 0.0 But throughout the story I don't think he has ever openly fawned over her :3<br />
Aww the story ended TvT kinda sad but still feel fulfilled, keke. Thank you thank you thank you once more for choosing Conor! And for giving him such a significant role in your story TvT I will miss this ;_;
WOW!!!! EPIC ending :D<br />
and the fight scene :O SO COOL!!~<br />
lol poor Hani, Yuri thinks of her as a rival<br />
LOL the gang's fight over chicken...SO FUNNY!!~<br />
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and Conor still doesnt know who the author is xD<br />
NGAAWWW Im gonna miss this fic :( but it has a great ending so im hsppy now :D<br />
AND OMG!!! MR SIMPLE!!!! KYYAAAAA i think i died :D
Woah!! I love the fight scenes!! ^-^<br />
Omo! Ending already?? TT-TT Wae???<br />
I was totally enjoying your story... I didn't expect that it would end quiet so soon..<br />
Is there a sequel??<br />
Aigoo.. I'm sure I'll be missing this fic..
imsosofia #4
Omg EXAMS!!! *screams and runs like a headless chicken*<br />
Lol Conor you you don't know who the author ish???
LMAO!!! Onew won for his chicken xD Teukkie owes him chicken now :D<br />
lol Poor Conor, his the only one who doesnt know who the author is :)<br />
And WOOOOHHH Kyu has to verse his own sister :O<br />
I wonder who's gonna win, and how everyones final exams will be :D
WHOOT!!!!!! I wonder how this is gonna turn out?? :3 <br />
ONEW: FOR THE CHICKEN!!!!!!! Hehehe<br />
WOOOTT!! NO more Minah the pissing-off-mean-scary-evil-witch-mother-dude!! :D<br />
Aww Tessa and Kyu are so sweet to each other :) <br />
Tessa let Kyu take their 'mothers' soul :D awww SIBLING LOVE~<br />
And OMO i hope the gang pass their tests :D <br />
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BAHAHAH LOL Amber has to be one of the AWESOMEST characters in this fic :) first shes a pimp-attracter and now she has 'connections' to the author LMAO!!! xD<br />
and Hyukkie, why do you always piss Tessa off ..?? AIGOOO such a anchovy monkey-head
ChanHee #8
NO MORE IST WITCH!!! Take that Miinah!<br />
Congrats to Kyu for earning his mom's soul, LOL. That sounds weird.<br />
Dammit, Hyukjae--why chu gotta be a tactless monkey??? I thought primates were supposed to be smart?!<br />
Amber and her connections. When will the pimp-ness stop??? I hope never XD<br />
I hope we all get to pass finals >///< If not, then I dunno what to hope for.<br />
Glad to hear that you had an awesome 16th birthday ^^ Now as another gift to yourself, update again. Please XP jk jk.<br />
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Awesome chappy.... finals UGGGG hate that crap<br />
Woot we beat the weird lady >.< haha how many souls have we all collected so far???
ChanHee #10
Chu a pimp sixteen-year-old, Lady Author ;P<br />
This was an awesome chap, too. Amber was P-I-M-P, PIMP.<br />
Conor and Yoona were hilarious. "Dear readers, please excuse Conor’s barbaric side. He only get’s like this when he thinks he’s badass" XD<br />
Whoa. And a kid version of Tessa??? How come I can't stop thinking of Crona??? LOL.<br />
Pretty brilliant strategy there, Tessa. Now go kick your witch of a mom's for defeating your brother in you place!!!! >0<<br />
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Haha, I will say again, cool chappie ^^ I wanna see more action!!! Happy [belated] birthday, trutomboy18~!!! And out of curiosity, whaddya get from GameStop??? X)<br />
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