Plan into action! Whose soul is the strongest?

Soul Eater: SM Version


Everyone that was on the battle field saw the signal that their plan was in action.
“Looks like Tessa’s on the move” Onew commented
“Let’s follow her” Conor said and ran towards the castle
As soon as everyone met up at the castle, they went through with the plan.
“According to my calculations, Tessa should be here right about…”
“How’s everybody doing~” Tessa playfully sang as the wind from the fan messed up Kyuhyun’s hair
“Now” Kyuhyun finished with an irritated look on his face
“What’s the plan from here?” Tessa asked seriously
“We split up, we figured you two would be the ones in the final battle against Miinah” Conor explained
“Works good for us” Amber replied
“You guys have a score to settle with her” Hani added
“For this part of the plan, we’re the distraction” Onew smirked
“Let’s do this” Kyuhyun and Tessa smirked
Hani and Sungmin decided to go through the dinning room first. On the way, the same little girl from their last visit was there.
“You guys are here again?” the little girl asked
“Yeah, may I ask your name?” Hani asked
“My name is Cho Taesung” she replied
“That name sounds awfully familiar” Sungmin thought out loud
“If your thinking about you friend, then yes… we do have the same name. In fact, we are the same person” Taesung smirked
“How is that possible?” Sungmin wondered
“Mind telling me who she is exactly” Hani said
“Cho Taesung is Tessa’s Korean name” Sungmin informed Hani
“So this is just a kid form of Tessa?” Hani seemed confused
“I don’t want to fight” Taesung said quickly, “I just want to help”
“How?” Hani asked
“Just beware of the Hands” Taesung warned then disappeared
“Where did she go?” Sungmin asked
“I don’t know, but what does ‘Beware of the Hands’ mean?” Hani asked
Onew and Niko were looking for a good fight. They were a little bored, what do you expect?
“Hey look, soldier dudes” Niko pointed out
“Let’s cure our boredom, shall we?” Onew said
By then, the soldiers noticed them and went to attack…
~*~*~ (^^)v ~*~*~
Amber and Mi Tae came across the pimp character again. Amber is just a pimp magnet isn’t she?
“It’s you again” the pimp guy said
“Hell yeah it’s us again” Amber replied… like a pimp
“If you can…” before the pimp guy finished his statement, he was already defeated by Amber
“You talk too much” Amber smirked and progressed further in the castle
~*~*~ (^w^) ~*~*~
Conor and Yoona were just charging forward into the castle destroying anything in their way.
“Don’t you think your acting too barbaric?” Yoona asked
“Nonsense~” Conor replied then shot the crap out of the next soldier that came around the corner
“Dear readers, please excuse Conor’s barbaric side. He only get’s like this when he thinks he’s badass” Yoona said to the fourth wall
“Who were you talking to?” Conor was confused by her speech
“Never mind, just act badass and obliterate the soldiers” Yoona calmly told him
“Works for me” Conor continued to think he’s badass and attack all the soldiers in sight
“Seems like she’s been waiting for us”
“No Sherlock”
“What do you say? We kick some and take some names?”
“Took the words right out of my mouth”
Kyuhyun and Tessa were one move from opening the door to Miinah’s chamber until…
“Was that Hani?” Tessa asked
“I think so” Kyuhyun replied
“You guys go check it out” Sonny suggested
“You sure?”
“Just go, we’ll handle things from here” Sonny encouraged
~*~*~ (TT^TT) ~*~*~
When Ryeowook and Tessa got to Hani and Sungmin’s location… things were looking pretty bad.
The scene looked like this: Hani had a lifeless expression on her face with a Hand dug into her back and Sungmin trying to stop the Hand.
“What happened?” Tessa asked
“We were on our way to the stairs when this Hand went inside Hani’s back” Sungmin explained
“This is what I was afraid of” Tessa mumbled
“Sungmin stand back!”
Sungmin moved out of the way just in time for Tessa to use her fan and break apart the hand before it took Hani’s soul.
Sungmin caught her before she hit the ground. “She’ll be kind of out of it for a while before her soul get itself settled again” Tessa informed Sungmin
“I’ll be a little careful” Sungmin told Tessa.
Tessa nodded and went back to Miinah’s chamber to check up on Kyuhyun.
Tessa ran up as fast as she could, but it seems she was too late. Tessa looked at the room and she noticed two bodies near the wall. Her eyes widened…
“Scream all you want, they won’t bother to respond” Miinah laughed evilly
“So we meet again” Tessa calmly said
“I’ve heard you’re the ‘Element Barer’, is that correct?” Miinah asked
“What about it?” Tessa’s patients was being tested
“Control your temper, Tessa-yah” Ryeowook calmed her down
“Let’s see, Fire, Earth, Water, and let’s not forget Wind. The four common elements that Ryeowook’s abilities can grant you” Miinah smirked
“To let you know, I’m very content with the elements Ryeowook can control” Tessa replied
Miinah didn’t say anything to that, all she did was launch some of her dark magic in hopes of stealing Ryeowook’s abilities.
As Conor has mentioned, Tessa is quick on her feet so she avoided that attack easily.
“Let’s go for a combination attack” Tessa suggested
“What combination?” Ryeowook replied
“Let’s go for Water and Fire first, then we go for Water and Earth” Tessa told him her strategy
Tessa got into her fighting stance and launched her first attack, Water and Fire.
“Water and Fire?! You are an idiot” Miinah insulted
“Think again” Tessa whispered dramatically hiding herself in the fog she created
“Where the hell did you go?” Miinah was shocked
They kept quiet then Tessa launched her second attack, Water and Earth. They happened to sink Miinah in a mud pit.
“What the hell are you up to?!” Miinah lost her temper
“Why don’t we try all four elements next?” Tessa smirked
“I’m up for it if you are” Ryeowook calmly replied as they started syncing their souls together
“Soul Resonance!!”
They had so much power built up in the fan that there was only one way to destroy Miinah… In conclusion to that attack, Tessa threw the fan precisely so that it would rip through her soul.
The attack worked but Miinah had one more trick up her sleeve…
Ryeowook landed on the other side of the room and changed back into his human form to prevent a ton of damage to his body but he caught one look at the position Tessa was in…

since it is my birthday... I shall present to you a chapter!
since it is my birthday... I decided that my sister owes me a trip to GameStop because of last year
since it is my birthday... I am SIXTEEN years old!
since it is my birthday... I am pimp  
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If anyone ever pays attention to this, I have a special surprise for this fanfic. Be on the look out this weekend!


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imsosofia #1
Lol lol lol the bubbles thing was totally cute haha!<br />
But eh heh my Conor is cuter ^_^ kind of surprised when Yoona said she loved him 0.0 But throughout the story I don't think he has ever openly fawned over her :3<br />
Aww the story ended TvT kinda sad but still feel fulfilled, keke. Thank you thank you thank you once more for choosing Conor! And for giving him such a significant role in your story TvT I will miss this ;_;
WOW!!!! EPIC ending :D<br />
and the fight scene :O SO COOL!!~<br />
lol poor Hani, Yuri thinks of her as a rival<br />
LOL the gang's fight over chicken...SO FUNNY!!~<br />
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and Conor still doesnt know who the author is xD<br />
NGAAWWW Im gonna miss this fic :( but it has a great ending so im hsppy now :D<br />
AND OMG!!! MR SIMPLE!!!! KYYAAAAA i think i died :D
Woah!! I love the fight scenes!! ^-^<br />
Omo! Ending already?? TT-TT Wae???<br />
I was totally enjoying your story... I didn't expect that it would end quiet so soon..<br />
Is there a sequel??<br />
Aigoo.. I'm sure I'll be missing this fic..
imsosofia #4
Omg EXAMS!!! *screams and runs like a headless chicken*<br />
Lol Conor you you don't know who the author ish???
LMAO!!! Onew won for his chicken xD Teukkie owes him chicken now :D<br />
lol Poor Conor, his the only one who doesnt know who the author is :)<br />
And WOOOOHHH Kyu has to verse his own sister :O<br />
I wonder who's gonna win, and how everyones final exams will be :D
WHOOT!!!!!! I wonder how this is gonna turn out?? :3 <br />
ONEW: FOR THE CHICKEN!!!!!!! Hehehe<br />
WOOOTT!! NO more Minah the pissing-off-mean-scary-evil-witch-mother-dude!! :D<br />
Aww Tessa and Kyu are so sweet to each other :) <br />
Tessa let Kyu take their 'mothers' soul :D awww SIBLING LOVE~<br />
And OMO i hope the gang pass their tests :D <br />
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BAHAHAH LOL Amber has to be one of the AWESOMEST characters in this fic :) first shes a pimp-attracter and now she has 'connections' to the author LMAO!!! xD<br />
and Hyukkie, why do you always piss Tessa off ..?? AIGOOO such a anchovy monkey-head
ChanHee #8
NO MORE IST WITCH!!! Take that Miinah!<br />
Congrats to Kyu for earning his mom's soul, LOL. That sounds weird.<br />
Dammit, Hyukjae--why chu gotta be a tactless monkey??? I thought primates were supposed to be smart?!<br />
Amber and her connections. When will the pimp-ness stop??? I hope never XD<br />
I hope we all get to pass finals >///< If not, then I dunno what to hope for.<br />
Glad to hear that you had an awesome 16th birthday ^^ Now as another gift to yourself, update again. Please XP jk jk.<br />
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Awesome chappy.... finals UGGGG hate that crap<br />
Woot we beat the weird lady >.< haha how many souls have we all collected so far???
ChanHee #10
Chu a pimp sixteen-year-old, Lady Author ;P<br />
This was an awesome chap, too. Amber was P-I-M-P, PIMP.<br />
Conor and Yoona were hilarious. "Dear readers, please excuse Conor’s barbaric side. He only get’s like this when he thinks he’s badass" XD<br />
Whoa. And a kid version of Tessa??? How come I can't stop thinking of Crona??? LOL.<br />
Pretty brilliant strategy there, Tessa. Now go kick your witch of a mom's for defeating your brother in you place!!!! >0<<br />
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Haha, I will say again, cool chappie ^^ I wanna see more action!!! Happy [belated] birthday, trutomboy18~!!! And out of curiosity, whaddya get from GameStop??? X)<br />
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