The stranger (Himup/Jonglo)

A little BAP drabble collection


Jongup glanced up at the clock on the wall opposite from his desk. 5 more minutes... He waited patiently and when the clock struck 10:00 am he turned to his left and stared out the window of his ground floor office. Not even a minute later the 'handsome one', as Jongup had named him, walked by on the sidewalk. The man checked his reflection in the mirror glass of the building and fixed some strands of his short black hair. Jongup stared at the handsome face appreciatively and studied the other's features. The man continued his way to wherever he was going and Jongup turned back to his desk. This had been going on for the last two months. Jongup would glance at the clock from time to time, wait till it was 10:00 am and then look outside until the 'handsome one' had walked by. He would never have the courage to talk to him, but he didn't have to. When he went home, his tall cute boyfriend would be waiting for him and he'd be completely satisfied. The stranger that passed by every day might have been handsome and intriguing but Junhong was the love off his live. The stranger would never be more than that, just a stranger. A little break from work.


A/N: Short little drabble. Hope you like it :)

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I have a question: why did you marked this book "Rated M"? It's full of cuteness, kindness (I hope this is a word) and lovelyness! I think this is exactly the opposite of a Rated M book.
Chapter 6: Aish! Again so much cuteness and lovelyness! ♥
Chapter 4: Aish! So much cuteness! I think I can't handle anymore...
I am Zelo biased and I also am Youngjae biased and I ship Younglo, so I'm feeling like this chapter would be written specially for me Keke! ^^
Chapter 3: SO DAMN CUTE!!! ♥ Ah, I totally ship Jonglo and this is only YOUR fault! :)) ^^
Chapter 2: Yeah, I did! *blushes* Damn, you're an fantastic author! ^^
Chapter 6: Awww I miss having braces! Am I the only one who thought that they were super cool? *^*
Chapter 3: I loved so cute :)
Chapter 2: okay okay I saw that comming XD slappe lach jong
Chapter 1: omg I can't even
Chapter 2: update nee~! ^^ surprised me with this it's not so long but easy and fun to read