Confession PART 2 (Jonglo)

A little BAP drabble collection


A/N: This is the sequel to last chapter ^^



Zelo and Jongup entered their shared bedroom. Jongup walked over to the pile of bags he had dumped in the corner of the room earlier and picked them up. He walked over to the bed and threw the bags on there.


“What stuff did you buy, hyung?” Zelo asked as he let himself drop down on Jongup's bed. He took a deep breath, Jongup's musky scent invading his nose.


“A few t-shirts, two caps, a belt and a necklace.” “Oh, put them on hyung!” Jongup put on the caps then the belt and the necklace. He turned around a few times to show off his new stuff and then put it in his closet.


“The shirts too, hyung!” Zelo said, as Jongup seemed to be putting them away without showing them. “But I don't wanna change right now, I'll show them some other time.” “Please...” Zelo pouted, attempting to make some puppy eyes.


“Omo, you really at doing aegyo Junhongie!” Jongup said, ruffling Zelo's hair. Zelo faked a hurt expression. “But hyung I really wanna see them. Please...” Jongup laughed and took the t-shirts back out off his closet. “Fine, I'll show them to you.” He changed out off his shirt and put on a new one.


Zelo stared at Jongup's abs, you wouldn't think the older would have much off a six pack, but my god, did he have one. You'd also think Zelo would be used to seeing it right now, him being Jongup's roommate and all, but he wasn't.


“Yah, Junhong! Stop the staring!” He noticed his dongsaeng getting a little red on the cheeks and he chuckled. “S-sorry hyung, just admiring what I don't have.”


Zelo started blushing even harder. “Is that so?” Jongup said, coming closer. Zelo wondered what he was up to when he felt two hands push him down on the bed and attack his abdomen. “Aaaaaaaahh, hyung stop! IT TICKLES!! Stop it...”


But Jongup didn't stop. He felt the younger's hands preparing for revenge. It didn't stop his own attack though. He happily tickled every reachable part of Zelo's stomach and sides.


“Ahh, hyung, p-please s-stop, I c-can't ta-ke it an-y mor-e!” He coughed out. The hands stopped roaming his body and Zelo laid his head down, eyes closed, catching his breath.


Jongup watched the maknae, head propped up on one arm, as he also tried to catch his breath. He looked beautiful. Eyes closed, cheeks rosy from laughing, a thin layer of sweat coating his skin. Jongup laid his head down and took a deep breath.


“Hyung?” He turned to Jongup and opened his eyes. “Yeah?” The other also turned to face Zelo and opened his eyes. Zelo swallowed at their close proximity but didn't back away. He'd decided he would tell the other. He just couldn't live on just being friends if there was even the slightest possibility of them being more than friends.


He looked at his dongsaeng who looked him deeply in the eyes. Jongup could feel a shiver run down his spine. “Yeah?” He asked nervously.


“I-I like you... As in I like like. You know.” He whispered still looking the older boy in the eyes. When he didn't get a response he sighed. “I'm sorry, I get it if you don't like me back you know. I only hope we can still be frie-”


Zelo likes him? Zelo likes him! Wait! What?! Did he like him back? Now that he thought about it, that would explain what he'd been feeling around the other. There's only one way to be sure...


Zelo lost all ability to move when he saw Jongup inch closer, then a pair of soft lips landed on his own. His eyes fell shut and he could only hope this wasn't a dream.


A warm glow spread trough his body when his lips met the maknae's. He'd never felt like this before. Jongup closed his eyes and pressed his lips harder on the other pair. After a few moments he pulled back.


Zelo opened his eyes when Jongup's lips left his. He looked at the other with an unsure smile on his face. “Does that mean you like me back?” Jongup blushed a little. “Yeah.” Zelo smiled, wrapped his arm around his hyung's waist and pulled him closer. Jongup laid his head down on Zelo's chest and hugged him back.


They laid there for a while when suddenly Jongup's stomach growled. He blushed and Zelo smiled at him. “Hungry?” Jongup nodded. “Come on, let's go eat something then.” The younger said and unwrapped the arm around his waist.


They both got up from the bed. Zelo took Jongup's hand in his own and intertwined their fingers. He pecked Jongup on the forehead, then dragged him out the door.


A/N: Hmmmm... I'm not really satisfied with this but i don't know how to make it better so... might as well post it ^^

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I have a question: why did you marked this book "Rated M"? It's full of cuteness, kindness (I hope this is a word) and lovelyness! I think this is exactly the opposite of a Rated M book.
Chapter 6: Aish! Again so much cuteness and lovelyness! ♥
Chapter 4: Aish! So much cuteness! I think I can't handle anymore...
I am Zelo biased and I also am Youngjae biased and I ship Younglo, so I'm feeling like this chapter would be written specially for me Keke! ^^
Chapter 3: SO DAMN CUTE!!! ♥ Ah, I totally ship Jonglo and this is only YOUR fault! :)) ^^
Chapter 2: Yeah, I did! *blushes* Damn, you're an fantastic author! ^^
Chapter 6: Awww I miss having braces! Am I the only one who thought that they were super cool? *^*
Chapter 3: I loved so cute :)
Chapter 2: okay okay I saw that comming XD slappe lach jong
Chapter 1: omg I can't even
Chapter 2: update nee~! ^^ surprised me with this it's not so long but easy and fun to read