37 - GD POV

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No, this is not a long chapter... sorry :(

** slightly altered

- Jiyongchy


The moment Hana closes the door the hallway becomes eerily quiet. Even without any word, we both can see what each other are thinking. The fake smile that was once on Min Soo’s face is no longer there. He was simply staring, burning, as am I. I don’t know what his problem is but I am sure that in this case, I am the one who is suppose to be in rage.

“I didn’t think you were serious about approaching her” My words sounds sharper than I intended.

“Why wouldn’t I?” He smirks.

The fist behind my back tightened, “She is not your type”

He chuckles, “Not my type? She is hot. That’s basically my type”

I can feel the fire getting bigger inside me, “She’s 19”

He shakes his head, amused, “So?”

“And she is not a chaebol” I continue.

He wags his forefinger at me, “See that’s where you think wrongly of me, Ji. I don’t date the aristocrats only. I like shuffling the field, too.”

His cockiness almost earns him a full blow in the face but thankfully my self-control is still fully attached.

“SeungRi won’t let you date her” I propose the ultimate hindrance.

He clicks his tongue, “I’m pretty sure SeungRi knows that I am a better option for her than you are”

“Oh?” I raise my eyebrow, entertained by his confidence, “and why is that?”

“He never witness me playing with different girls in one night. He has never seen me breaking girls heart. Simply put, he doesn’t know how I play” His words are like the final blow to my heart.

As much as I hate to admit it, he is right. Everyone around me knows the reason why SeungRi’s plays his part as a protective brother far too intently towards me. It is no secret that I love girls. I boast about it, and write songs about it. My youth is filled with booze, party, music and girls but I’m not the only one. All my friends, especially the boys of NuThang crew are best at this.

I simply wanted to enhance our bond when I decided to drag SeungRi within the circle and introduce him to that side of the world. Now is the first time I regret my decision for introducing the dark side to the once innocent SeungRi. Now, exposed completely to the party scene, SeungRi knows everything about me. Everything.

It never occurs to me that one day I might be wishing for SeungRi to see me as a responsible, decent man worthy of his sister’s love. It is all because he had seen me play. No, I wasn’t talking about sports or cards, I am talking about alcohol, cigarettes and girls. Lots of girls.

“He’ll know soon enough” I snap back but not strong enough.

He laughs, “You know damn well that I don’t flash my game, Ji”

Again, he made a decent point. Chaebols, regardless of how crazy they party, they don’t show it to the public. They keep all of it within their own circle so everyone outside still sees them as respected and well behaved when the truth is far from it. I admire this trait from them, how they are able to conceal their at night and maintain their pride the morning after.

I had the privilege to be accepted into their circle the moment my name is on the front row of Chanel’s show. My friend introduced me to that world and I clicked in instantly. However, they don’t accept just anyone. Only YoungBae, SeungHyun hyung and I are the ones who are lucky enough to be considered in their circle. Or should I say, unlucky?

“I can always tell SeungRi” I threaten him.

He tilts his head, mocking me, “Would you? Even if Hana is completely smitten by me and would completely shattered if you took that away from her?”

I stiffen. This is the battle that I know I’m going to lose. He has all of my cards opened and he had seen the remaining deck. I still can’t forgive myself for turning off the control part of my brain momentarily, letting myself indulge in my own jealousy and said those stupid words. ‘She’s Mine’. Stupid. Now he has upper hand.

I was going to stick with my claim until he told me that Hana had admitted everything to him. I cursed her slightly, but I know she’s not the one to blame. That’s when I know that Hana will sooner or later crumble into his charm because within days of knowing her, he could already squeezed out the truth out of her tightly sealed mind.

“Though you have to admit, Ji, I can make her happy way more than you could” He mocks, “What is she facing if she dates you? Thousands, if not millions of angry fan girls down every second of every day?” He smirks, “With me, she’ll have the world offered to her in a gold platter. Privacy, power and pride”

His word reminded me of the little incident between Hana and BigBang’s fans. She was so small and weak compare to the furious mob filled with raging hormones that attacked her senseless. She is defenseless against all assault and knowing her personality, she would never blame it on to the other party.

I lower my head, tending my wounded ego as I fall in defeat, “Just promise me you won’t hurt her”

The hallway fell silent.

“I’m not going to stop whatever it is you’re doing.” I continue talking after noticing that the man standing before me is silently watching, “Obviously, you make her happy. That’s good enough for me...” I inhale slowly, letting the clean air pacify my heart, “But she’s going to debut soon and she’ll need to sign a 5 year no dating contract. Make sure you don’t stand in her way. She dreams this more than anyone.”

Again, the area is now only filled with the sound of our rhythmic breathing.

Min Soo is studying my expression carefully before he finally sighs.

“ you, Ji” He mutters.

My eyes snaps at him, surprise by the sudden agony that filled in his words.

“I wanted a reveng

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The screen was busted and now I need to fix it! :( for all of you whos been waiting, sorry! - jiyongchy


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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 74: the ending made my heart flutter omg
sebanna2 #2
This is such a good story. I really enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 40: Omygod this story is making me crazy!!!!
12 streak #4
One of the best story in AFF.
I read your story many times, and i love it
Chapter 74: Literally the best story I've read! I love your story ^^
DeeDimond #6
Chapter 74: Still sweet as the first time I read this.. ^^
baoling90 #7
Chapter 17: Im only on chapter 17 and already don't want the story to end! though there are alot more chapter.. heehee will continue tomorrow... got to sleep...zzz
baoling90 #8
Chapter 14: Your stories are so nice that I couldn't wait to read the next chapter! Your GD pov is really great!