3rd Member -- Revealed!


iTeaser! 8AM, same day

Namine POV

"Bye Unnie & Maknae~" I said as I headed outside.

"Be careful, Namine~ Don't forget later at 9~!" Hee Young-unnie said.

"'Kay~!" I said as I headed outside.

*Time to get my favorite hot chocolate~!* I thought as I called  the nearest cab & went inside.

~ In the cafe

"Yo Dara~" I greeted the cashier.

"Yo! Hot chocolate again?" She asked.

"It is a Sunday, right?~" I asked.

"Okay, okay." She said, making my hot chocolate.

I checked my watch. *8:50 already?! Who knew that trip took long?..!*

"Can you please hurry up? Unnie's gonna kill me~!" I said, biting my bottom lip.

After 3 minutes, Dara came back with the yummiest smell ever~!

"Thanks!" I said, grabbing the hot chocolate.

I ran outside then.. "Ooff!" I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up to see a tall & handsome guy standing in front of me.. covered in my hot chocolate. 

*Oh no.. I'm gonna get it..* I closed my eyes, waiting for him to yell at me or something. But instead, he just laughed.

I opened my eyes and gave him an are-you-crazy look. He just smiled & pointed at his shirt. I looked at it & just noticed that I was holding it.

I let go and apologized, bowing a hundred times. Then a hand in front of me suddenly appeared. It looked like it wanted to shake it.  So I shook it & he told me his name was Jisu.

"Uhmmm.. I'm Namine. I'm really sorry..!" I said.

He eye smiled then checked his watch. He had to go, but he wanted to exchanged numbers. So we did that & he left.

*Oh shoot I forgot!* I blocked a cab and went in.

*Please don't kill me Unnie.*

~In the dorm //9:30AM

"Unnie!" Maknae called.

"Where's Hee Young unnie?" I asked.

"Talking to the guests in another room." She replied. I sighed and headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast.

15 minutes later // 9:45 AM

People started coming out of Hee Young-unnie's room. 3 guys appeared and showed themselves to HyunAe & Miyoung. The other two followed Hee Young, who seems to going to another room. [a/n: imagine that the kitchen is just in front of the living room, the bedrooms in the left side.. like a small apartment.. and NOPE. the rooms are different from the ideal rooms you gave me.]

I just ignored them, and continued cooking pancakes when someone grabbed the batter.

"It must be hard.. Can I help?" A familiar voice said. I looked at him & he reminded me of someone.

"Namine?!" He asked, shocked.

"Jisu! Oh sure.. I'm sure you know how to cook these?" I asked, pointing at the frying pan.

"Uhh..  Can you teach me?" He asked with his handsome eye smile.

I taught him, and after about 5 mistakes, he was able to do it perfectly.

"I smell something delicious!" A blue-haired guy said.

"Jisu?! Is that really really you?" A foreigner-looking guy said, singing the really really part.

"Hi! I'm Daniel." The one who couldn't believe Jisu was cooking said.

"Namine." I said.

"I can't believe you were able to teach this guy!" The blue haired guy said.

"Oh yeah, I'm Youngwon." He said, holding out his hand.

"I'm Inati~" A tough- looking guy said.


i wanted it to connect with the other teasers, so this is how it went. XD

hoped kaitlyntheillestt liked her scene request. ^_________________^

congrats to her for being the 3rd accepted member~ :D

will try to post the 4th member on Monday~ Might move the debut on the 17th or later because of my schedule.. and I still have to type the 5th and 6th..

sorry sorry sorry.. hope you guys'll understand.. 

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re-reading the fic..was bored so..hehehehe...*blushes* all the best for school...take ur time in updating...lol
higuys808 #2
good luck with school! study hard!
re-reading ur note n @jacki3ee123 comment...we could always throw round some ideas for u if u want...just ask..i'm sure all members will hv some great ideas for the fic...lol..so..take ur time with the fic...
Lol..arasseo..i understand since my short sem will start soon as well..so i'll b bz soon enuff..lol..take ur time..i'll wait for the updates..we r not going anywhere anyway...lol
I'd love to be your co-author, but I have my own apply fic plus school too. so I don't think I'll be of much help. Though if you want I can maybe give you some ideas for the story. x)
rofl..re-reading the chappie...hahahahaha...cho..lol..punched dayday n hide behind intae oppa?? hahahahaha....i can't help but laugh..sorry...hehehehe...
boyfriend's heree! <3<br />
minwoo is so adorable. ;____;<br />
keke, jo twins ~<br />
i wonder if anything will go on while they eat. O:<br />
(ps, i like the scene where youngwon kissed jay's forehead & then started to chase each other) <br />
kekeke~<br />
update sooon <3<br />
<br />
AWE ; We're gonna meet Boyfriend ?! :DDDD<br />
ahaha.<br />
<br />
i love them <3<br />
<br />
Update soon ~ <br />
Hwaiting. ^^
aww new update!!!! <br />
<br />
really Boyfriend? waa they are cute!
finally an update!!! hehehe...awww...boyfriend is here...euuwww...is dari flirting wit me?? i tot he is suppose 2 b my oppa....hahahahaha...XDDD...someone is jealous of the twins...>=)...hehehehehe...can't wait 4 da 2nd part ad...XDD