


The very next day after that, I was so excited to tell everybody about what happened last night. I woke up so early and I found myself singing from the bathroom. . . Until I got out of the house.


I arrived in school with everybody noticed a sparkle in my eyes.

And I admit it, I was inspired that day. All my friends were so glad to know. At last their bookworm friend was finally addicted to love. I don't usually go to the ladies CR during breaks but I found myself in there everytime a couple of strands of my hair fell down to my face. And my guy friends in school noticed a change in me. 


When I got home that day, my mother told me that a guy named Kris called up and asked for a return call. I called him quickly.



"Hi. It's Seohyun. My mom told me you called. What's new?"

"Umm. . .  nothing. I just thought of inviting you for a walk."

"Sure, right now?"

"It would be much better if I'll come over to your house.. .  If that's okay with you and your parents."


"That would be fine, Kris. I'll wait for you."


I waited for him on a swing at our front porch. I was wearing a pink floral cardigan and a white, knee length dress.

I felt so good that night.

I looked for my star and I found it and it shine very brightly.


Then, a car stopped by. My heart skipped. There he was, looking so cute as ever.


"Join me." and he sat beside me.


Both of us were quiet. The swing shrieked as it lifted our bodies.


"You look so cute on your outfit", he commented.


"Thanks. I love that."



Kris found a piece of paper on the small table and a pen. He wrote something. Then I went inside to play my favorite CD. I prepared iced tea and took a bag of chips outside. My mother was intrigued by this guy, her daughter likes to be with.

My mom went out.


"So you're Kris. My daughter keeps telling me about you."




"You have a very nice daughter Mrs. Seo," he politely responded. And I blushed.


After my mother went inside, he handed me a piece of paper. And it read. . .





We are so alike. I've been dreaming of us to be alone and here we are. 

I just like being with you because you always laugh whenever I crack a joke.

I like the way you laugh, girl. And if you'll go away,

I know I'm gonna miss you.





After reading it, I'd like to ask him what he really meant by that, but I was completely speechless.


What if he was just joking?


What if they were only the lyrics of his favorite song?


So I just kept the note on my pocket without any comment. All I could say was,


"Care for iced tea?"

"Thank you. I only write those words for a special person, Seohyun."






The rest of the night were spent talking. Getting to know each other and singing with a guitar. He knows how to play it and not just that, he played it so well.


I started to love him.


I dreamed of him saying, "I love you" but he said nothing.


I thought of telling him first but I was too shy to say because what if he'll laugh on it? I'd die if that happens.


Perhaps, Yuri once told me that Kris is a little bit shy, too.


So i triumphantly thought that Kris was just waiting for the right time.



And I waited. . .

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Chapter 7: poor seo Kris like some other girl!
Chapter 7: wowow.. this is awesome...
smooth plot but it did break my heart a little...
indeed a very nice composition...
everything was done perfectly for me... :D
Eycha_sk11 #3
Love this stories ! Omg, its was sweet, sour and happiness in the end ! Totally love this esp its SEOKRIS ! >,<

hope u can make mooooooooreeeeeeee SeoKris stories ! Hwaiting author-nim ! ;)

*ps: i love ur name dear author ! :D
koreanchick #4
Chapter 7: LOVED IT! cired! but i was wondering..... so do they dtae in the end or still remain as friends?
sone_for3v3r #5
Chapter 3: Ahhahaha lol.. Laughed at "i like guys who fart like that" and "I like girls with lip allergies" XD
Chapter 7: After the rain, there's a rainbow.
Thankfully, Seohyun's waiting wasn't a waste.

Well, this story reminded me about a proverb:
"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be." - Unknown

:) Love this story.
Hope to read more stories from you :)
Chapter 7: yah! so short?!! and i was confused with chapter 4 & 5. wonder whether it was swapped accidentally. but the story is fine...
anyway, i'm so happy you write seokris :). i'm a hardcore royalist. nice to meet you^^
Chapter 3: Yeay!!! Fluffy SeoKris :D
I love it ^^

Lol. Lip's allergy xD
Hmm... I'm curious about what have Yuri told to Kris about Seohyun.
Can't wait for the next chapter.

anyway, I think you should add more tags: kris, seohyun, snsd, exo, exoshidae, seoexo :)