Enchanted to Meet You.




Everyday after my class, me and my other three friends usually go to a friend's house. There the four of us would watch our favorite dramas while the others go crazy over the telephone. I was always in the kitchen, and looked out for something we can nibble since no one knows how to cook except me. Yuri always offered their house coz her parents didn't allow her to go out ---- she's a spoiled brat. We like it there because we always had something to do. Then there's Yoona, a very conscious girl about how she looked all the time. She always brought with her a pouch that contained lipsticks, a rounded hairbrush, face powder, perfume, a portable hair dryer and a hair spray. She very pretty indeed and she was even beautiful without those beauty regimes. And of course Hwanhee---- my sort of bestfriend. We got a lot of things in common. We both ain't got boyfriends and we talked about guys all the time. She was a very friendly girl that's why I got the chance to meet boys thtough her. We even have a pact that the time we reached out last year in college, we should have our boyfriends.


So there came the time when we went out together to eat pizza. Yuri was supposed to introduce me to her old pal way back in high school. She described this guy as tall, funny and good looking. I thought it would be fun meeting this guy since I really have a knack for a guy with sense of humor. It was only four- thirty in the afternoon, so while waiting for five o'clock, we ordered a family sized pizza--- we bot have this occasional big appetite. And while eating, we talked about this guy I was about to meet.


"One time in our class, we were having this chemistry exam so everybody was serious. Then suddenly, a loud, disastrous fart exploded and we recognized who it was, it was Kris! So everybody burst out laughing and his face was really red," Yuri narrated.


"Oh, really! I like a guy who farts like that!"


"Then you will like Kris, Seohyun"


"Let us see. . . "


We laughed so hard. We poured a dump of hot sauce on a slice of pizza whoever eats it will no longer worry about the bill. Since I have no enough money on my wallet back then, so I dared to eat it. Well, it was oozingly hot but I forced myself my mouth to swallow it.


"Gimme my cola!." I shouted while trying to fan my mouth through my hands.

"You did it, girl!", Yuri said aloud.

"Now you're going to pay the bill!"


"What's so funny?"

"After eating that chilli loaded pizza, do you think it would make your lips look the same as they were?" Yuri laughed so hard so I knew there was something funny going on in my lips. I hurriedly searched for a mirror. Then there it was, my lips were as red as the woman's dress beside us. It was swollen.


"Oh my God!, what am I gonna do now?"

"It's a disaster, alright!" Yuri teased.

"Funny huh?"


Then what I did was, I just borrowed Yuri's hanky for something to cover my swollen lips. We were still laughing over it when a tall, blonde hair and handsome guy approached our table. We were both quiet. I wondered why. . .  Then. . . 

"Kris! It's you!", Yuri exclaimed.

"Yuri, its you!"

"Sit down, pal. By the way, this is . . . Seohyun. The girl I keep telling you about."


She talks about me to this guy? ?

And he simply said. . .


So I simply said "Hi"


His voice seemed very familiar to me, and his eyes. He sat beside Yuri and talked as if I wasn't around. But of course, I remembered. He was the guy I met at the book shop. The guy who said my favorite author's book is a flop. But I thought it was a silly of me to tell him first, so I took my pride swallowed me whole. I just sat there, taking glimpses one at a time. Then unexpectedly, he turned around and faced me.


"Seohyun, right? Uhm... Haven't we met somewhere?"


"I don't think so," I replied arrogantly.


"But you seem so familiar."


"Well, let me think. . . ."


"Oh! I remembered!", he exclaimed that emphasized his eyes. "At the book shop. Right?"


"Yeah, I do remember"


"So you're Seohyun, huh?"


"Yes. Seohyun. Nice meeting you, . . Kris. . "


After that, without washing his hands, he reached out for a slice of pizza and instatly, for three seconds or less, the pizza was gone. And he reached out again and again until he finished it all. I was speechless. This man is a monster, I'd said. I handed him my cola. Then he asked me,


"Why are you covering your mouth?"


Yuri answered, "She has halitosis, 'ya know. . . bad breath"


"Stop it Yuri!", I shouted and she cracked up.


Well, I still got the chance to explain,


"Actually, I got this allergy on my lips by eating cheese".


I hoped it was a good idea but he didn't asked anymore.


Silly of me, Of course it's a shame flauntering my self-made disaster to him.


"I like girls with lip allergies", he added.


I knew he was joking but I managed to laugh it off. I wasn't really embarrased but the sight of this beuatiful stranger suddenly made me conscious. After Yuri paid the bill, we went out three-gether. And oh boy, wasn't I glad to find out that this guy got a car. He brought each of us at home. But he dropped Yuri first.


Then I was left alone with a guy I hardly knew.


"Seohyun, don't you wanna transfer here in front with me?"

"Oh, it's okay here at the back".

"If you say so..."


When we finally got to our house, he opened the door for me which I really find so sweet.




"See you ,soon. . ", then he went away.



And when I got into my room, I threw the hanky away and slept like I won a lottery.

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Chapter 7: poor seo Kris like some other girl!
Chapter 7: wowow.. this is awesome...
smooth plot but it did break my heart a little...
indeed a very nice composition...
everything was done perfectly for me... :D
Eycha_sk11 #3
Love this stories ! Omg, its was sweet, sour and happiness in the end ! Totally love this esp its SEOKRIS ! >,<

hope u can make mooooooooreeeeeeee SeoKris stories ! Hwaiting author-nim ! ;)

*ps: i love ur name dear author ! :D
koreanchick #4
Chapter 7: LOVED IT! cired! but i was wondering..... so do they dtae in the end or still remain as friends?
sone_for3v3r #5
Chapter 3: Ahhahaha lol.. Laughed at "i like guys who fart like that" and "I like girls with lip allergies" XD
Chapter 7: After the rain, there's a rainbow.
Thankfully, Seohyun's waiting wasn't a waste.

Well, this story reminded me about a proverb:
"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be." - Unknown

:) Love this story.
Hope to read more stories from you :)
Chapter 7: yah! so short?!! and i was confused with chapter 4 & 5. wonder whether it was swapped accidentally. but the story is fine...
anyway, i'm so happy you write seokris :). i'm a hardcore royalist. nice to meet you^^
Chapter 3: Yeay!!! Fluffy SeoKris :D
I love it ^^

Lol. Lip's allergy xD
Hmm... I'm curious about what have Yuri told to Kris about Seohyun.
Can't wait for the next chapter.

anyway, I think you should add more tags: kris, seohyun, snsd, exo, exoshidae, seoexo :)