Chapter 8 – Things Gone Wrong

Kid in Love: Reversal
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Jiyeon remembered the way to the mall nearby and followed the route to it. She managed to reach the mall quickly and roamed about the first level, trying to find something nice for her husband.

“What does husband likes?” She pondered out loud and walked about. She found one random shop selling cute stuffs and went into it.

“It’s so cute!!!” She cooed at all the rilakkuma stuffs and touched every little thing in the shop. Her smile became wider and wider at each touch.

“Oppa said he will like what I like!” She smiled even brighter at her idea and took many rilakkuma things she could see on the shelf.

“Ahjumma… Can I buy all of this?” She placed everything, which were on her hands, on the table top. The shop owner looked at her, wide eyed, “you sure?”

Jiyeon pouted and nodded her head lightly, “Ahjumma… Jiyeonie can’t buy it? I have to buy present for husband anniversary but I didn’t know what to get.”

The shop owner smiled at the innocent girl in front of her and patted her head lightly, “aigoo… Your husband must be so lucky. You can buy them of course.”

“REALLY?” She shouted in glee and brightened immediately. “Oppa will be happy!” She clapped her hands happily.

“So total will be $60.” The shop owner scanned everything on the table and told her. Jiyeon nodded her head and took out her money from her pockets and counted it, “ahjumma… Jiyeon only have $10.” Jiyeon pouted.

She thought deeply about it. Her brows almost reached each other after a while. “Ahjumma… Jiyeonie will take this only.” She pointed to a rilakkuma keychain and continued pouting. The shop owner laughed at her innocent face and her hair, “aigoo… ahjumma will give you one more for free alright?” Jiyeon brightened up immediately thanked her. She bowed countless times and even went around the table to hug her.

“Your husband will like it, kiddo.” The shop owner smiled sweetly while sending he

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Chapter 11: Hubbyyyyy !
Breaking the news :p
Don't cry Ji ~
Myung is soooooo happy ~
Aha this punishment :3
The handmade couple shirt ~
Chapter 10: Ji got nothing ~
Oh so cute ~
Ji loves you ~~~~♡
Chapter 9: Buying Rilakkuma ~
Attacking Ji ..
Myung to rescue you ..
Chapter 8: Myung panicked ~
Cutie Ji :3
Second anniversary ~
Amusement park ~
Ji went out of the house alone ..
Chapter 7: Haunted house ~
Ji is scared ..
Jealous Ji ~
Take that, flirtatious :3
Husband and Wife ♡
Chapter 6: Playing with fan :3
Day out ~
Ji loves extreme rides :3
Chapter 5: Ice cream ~
Teary eyes are the best way to have things :3
Rilakkuma ~ ♡
Chapter 3: 4 yo Park Jiyeon ~
Kid talking in the third person :3
Loving hubby and hubby loving you ~
Chapter 2: Myung is so worried ..
Kims are here as supporters
Ji is ok ~
Ahjussi Myung
Chapter 1: Lovey dovey :3
Oh couple shirt !
Myung, stop laughing !
Oho .. Ji is in an accident ..