Chapter 1 – Accident

Kid in Love: Reversal
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-2 Years later-

“WIFEY~ I’M HOME!!!!!!!!!!”

Myungsoo shouted into the house once he entered. They eventually got married at the end of the year at the age of 19. Yes, such an impulsive decision but at that moment, both parties just couldn’t take their eyes off each other and got married. Obviously, they got Myungsoo’s parents support and even paid a special visit to tell this big news to Jiyeon’s parents.

& well, their love is still going strong, I can say.

“HUBBY~” Jiyeon heard her husband’s voice and ran down from the stairs immediately. Yes, they earned and worked hard for the past two years and moved into a new, bigger apartment. It is not big like a mansion, but just as comfortable for the couple to live in.

She saw her husband taking off his coat at the doorstep and pounced onto him immediately. “Hubby~~~ I missed you~” She whined, still clinging onto him.

“Awww… Wifey missed me? I missed you too~” Myungsoo placed his coat on the backrest of the couch and returned the hug, even tighter than hers.

“O-opppa, huk...” Jiyeon struggled to breathe when she felt Myungsoo squeezing the air out of her.

“Oops! I’m sorry baby. I’m just too excited to see you.” He loosened the hug immediately but still had his hands around her waist.

He chuckled at the messy Jiyeon and used one of his hands to fix her hair to normal state, “What are you doing? Why are you so untidy, eo?” He giggled while teasing her.

“Oppa~” She whined and pouted, crossing her arms in front of her chest, still in his embrace. “I was doing something.” She giggled. “Oh wait!” She got out from his hug and ran up the stairs. Myungsoo chuckled and followed her up.

“Oppa! Close your eyes before coming in! No peeking!” She shouted and used her body to hide something in front of her. Myungsoo could only see her back from his angle. She only turned her head around to check on Myungsoo, “quick op

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Chapter 11: Hubbyyyyy !
Breaking the news :p
Don't cry Ji ~
Myung is soooooo happy ~
Aha this punishment :3
The handmade couple shirt ~
Chapter 10: Ji got nothing ~
Oh so cute ~
Ji loves you ~~~~♡
Chapter 9: Buying Rilakkuma ~
Attacking Ji ..
Myung to rescue you ..
Chapter 8: Myung panicked ~
Cutie Ji :3
Second anniversary ~
Amusement park ~
Ji went out of the house alone ..
Chapter 7: Haunted house ~
Ji is scared ..
Jealous Ji ~
Take that, flirtatious :3
Husband and Wife ♡
Chapter 6: Playing with fan :3
Day out ~
Ji loves extreme rides :3
Chapter 5: Ice cream ~
Teary eyes are the best way to have things :3
Rilakkuma ~ ♡
Chapter 3: 4 yo Park Jiyeon ~
Kid talking in the third person :3
Loving hubby and hubby loving you ~
Chapter 2: Myung is so worried ..
Kims are here as supporters
Ji is ok ~
Ahjussi Myung
Chapter 1: Lovey dovey :3
Oh couple shirt !
Myung, stop laughing !
Oho .. Ji is in an accident ..