Chapter 7 – Anniversary

Kid in Love: Reversal
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A few weeks had passed and Jiyeon had been a good girl. She stayed at home and obeyed Myungsoo’s instructions well when he went off to work.

“Baby~ Oppa is back~” Myungsoo announced and stepped into the house but received no reply. He panicked at once since his wife would reply him whenever he came back from work.

He ran all over the house and heaved a huge sigh when he found out she’s sleeping on the carpet in the study room. Books for kids were all over the place with her head on one of them. Myungsoo giggled at this sight and brought her up to his arms. “Don’t scare me next time, Jiyeon-ah.” He sighed and brought her over to their room and placed her on the bed. He kissed her forehead before going into the bathroom to take his bathe.


Few hours later, Jiyeon opened her eyes when she smelt something delicious. She went out of the room, hopping down the stairs to see her husband in the kitchen cooking something.

“HUSBAND IS BACK!!!!!” She announced loudly and ran over to jump onto his back. “HUSBAND IS BACK~ HUSBAND IS BACK OH HUSBAND IS BACK~” She sang which made Myungsoo grinned like a fool. [A/N: *wink wink*, She’s back~ oh she’s back~]

“Why is our Jiyeonie so hyper today?” Myungsoo off the stove then placed the food onto the plates and held onto her thighs in case she falls. He walked backwards and placed her on the counter top before turning around to face her. “Jiyeonie doesn’t know too!” She giggled and played with his hair. Myungsoo still have that foolish grinning face on him. “Husband has fluffy hair!” Jiyeon said with wide eyes. “It’s so soft and fluffy!” She played with his hair

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Chapter 11: Hubbyyyyy !
Breaking the news :p
Don't cry Ji ~
Myung is soooooo happy ~
Aha this punishment :3
The handmade couple shirt ~
Chapter 10: Ji got nothing ~
Oh so cute ~
Ji loves you ~~~~♡
Chapter 9: Buying Rilakkuma ~
Attacking Ji ..
Myung to rescue you ..
Chapter 8: Myung panicked ~
Cutie Ji :3
Second anniversary ~
Amusement park ~
Ji went out of the house alone ..
Chapter 7: Haunted house ~
Ji is scared ..
Jealous Ji ~
Take that, flirtatious :3
Husband and Wife ♡
Chapter 6: Playing with fan :3
Day out ~
Ji loves extreme rides :3
Chapter 5: Ice cream ~
Teary eyes are the best way to have things :3
Rilakkuma ~ ♡
Chapter 3: 4 yo Park Jiyeon ~
Kid talking in the third person :3
Loving hubby and hubby loving you ~
Chapter 2: Myung is so worried ..
Kims are here as supporters
Ji is ok ~
Ahjussi Myung
Chapter 1: Lovey dovey :3
Oh couple shirt !
Myung, stop laughing !
Oho .. Ji is in an accident ..