Chapter 2 – SAY WHAT?

Kid in Love: Reversal
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“HELP ME PLEASE! MY WIFE!” Myungsoo shouted while having his wife in his arms. “HELPPPP!!!!” He shouted and finally, a few nurses and doctors came over to his side and brought out a bed for Jiyeon.

“Please save her! I can’t lose her… I… I just can’t…” he whimpered and begged, almost went on his knees. “Don’t worry. We will try out best.” The doctor assured him and squeezed his shoulders before leaving to the operation theatre hurriedly.

“Oh God… What just happened?! I’m so sorry baby. I won’t tease or laugh at you again. Please be safe.” He kept whispering things to himself to comfort his sinking heart. The longer he waits, the harder he breathes.

He couldn’t take it anymore and decided to call his mom. “Omma…” he cried once she picked up the phone. “Myungsoo-ah? Are you crying?” His mom sounded concerned after hearing his broken voice.

“Omma… Jiyeon baby, she…” He continued to cry. He didn’t want to admit his wife is in the hospital. “What happened, Myungsoo-ah? Jiyeon why?” His mother probed further.

“Omma… Baby got into an accident. It’s my fault…” He whispered the last sentence and cried even louder. “Oh My Lord… Which hospital are you in? We’re going over now!” Myungsoo told her the hospital they’re in and hung up. He sat down on the chairs just outside the theatre and kept crying.


About an hour or so, his parents arrived only to see a very tired looking Myungsoo, looking into thin air sitting on the chair. He looked like a living zombie. “Myungsoo-ah…” His mom cried and went forward to hug him.

“Omma…” Myungsoo cried all over again once he felt he was in his mom’s embrace.

“She will be okay… Your wife is strong, Myungsoo-ah.” His mom tried to comfort him. “That’s

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Chapter 11: Hubbyyyyy !
Breaking the news :p
Don't cry Ji ~
Myung is soooooo happy ~
Aha this punishment :3
The handmade couple shirt ~
Chapter 10: Ji got nothing ~
Oh so cute ~
Ji loves you ~~~~♡
Chapter 9: Buying Rilakkuma ~
Attacking Ji ..
Myung to rescue you ..
Chapter 8: Myung panicked ~
Cutie Ji :3
Second anniversary ~
Amusement park ~
Ji went out of the house alone ..
Chapter 7: Haunted house ~
Ji is scared ..
Jealous Ji ~
Take that, flirtatious :3
Husband and Wife ♡
Chapter 6: Playing with fan :3
Day out ~
Ji loves extreme rides :3
Chapter 5: Ice cream ~
Teary eyes are the best way to have things :3
Rilakkuma ~ ♡
Chapter 3: 4 yo Park Jiyeon ~
Kid talking in the third person :3
Loving hubby and hubby loving you ~
Chapter 2: Myung is so worried ..
Kims are here as supporters
Ji is ok ~
Ahjussi Myung
Chapter 1: Lovey dovey :3
Oh couple shirt !
Myung, stop laughing !
Oho .. Ji is in an accident ..