Chapter 10 – Baby

Kid in Love: Reversal
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“Hubby?!?” Myungsoo shrieked and looked down at her but only to find her sleeping soundly. *Maybe I heard things, silly Myungsoo.*

He shook his thoughts away and pecked her hair again, before falling deeply into his sleep. When Jiyeon noticed his heavy and steady breathing, she opened her eyes again. “Our hubby… It must be hard on you.” She used her fingers to trace the outline of his face and stopped at his lips. “I’m sorry hubby. I’m back now.” She moved up to peck his lips and snuggled into his chest.

Myungsoo smiled in his dream and hugged his wife tighter.


“Let’s go home, baby~ your back is fine now and doctor said you can go home!” Myungsoo held out his hands for Jiyeon to take and they left the room hand in hand. Jiyeon was quiet since she woke up because she didn’t know how to break the news to him.

“Jiyeon-ah. Are you alright? Why are you so quiet?” Myungsoo asked while walking to the car. He found her weird since this morning.

“It’s nothing, husband! I’m just tired…” She sighed and went off to the passenger’s side and got into the car. Myungsoo shrugged and went to his side.

“Aigoo… Baby, your seatbelt again~” He sang and went over to help her clicked hers. Jiyeon blushed at the sudden closeness and looked down, hiding her face from his.

Myungsoo smiled and turned back to start his car and drove back home.


“We’re home, again!” Myungsoo shouted and went into the house with Jiyeon following behind him closely.

“Want anything to drink? Or are you hungry?” Myungsoo walked into the kitchen and asked aloud.

Jiyeon shook her head and walked to the couch.

Myungsoo took a cup of water and went back to the living room to see Jiyeon thinking deeply about something. He sighed deeply and settled down beside her.

“Baby… You can tell me you know. I don’t want you to be stressed, you know. I swear will be a good listener!” He promised and showed his three fingers up, looking so innocent.

Jiyeon finally let out a genuine smile and pushed his hands down, “husband! Jiyeonie has something to confess.”

Myungsoo looked at her, urging her to continue.

“Jiyeonie said a lie. Jiyeonie is bad.” She said, almost at the verge of tears.

Myungsoo frowned at her sad face, “don’t cry… What did Jiyeon lie about? Tell me, I won’t blame you.”

Jiyeon looked up into his eyes, “really?”

Myungsoo nodded his head. Jiyeon took out her pinkie fingers, “promise Jiyeonie.” Myungsoo ch

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Chapter 11: Hubbyyyyy !
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Ji loves you ~~~~♡
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