The Bet

The World of Blogs

I woke up to a new cieling. I looked to my right, I now had an amazing view of Seoul in the morning. I wouldn't wake up to a blank white wall. I grabbed my phone still not getting out of bed. I opened it and turned to my blog. I had countless comments like Why are you doing this to me?! or YES. BOYFRIEND AYE AYE AYE!~. I laughed at the mixed questions and comments that one post recived. I then checked my Twitter, all the same replies, same with my instagram. I laughed and sighed.. I have to get out of bed now.. What ever. I threw my phone somewhere in my room and shut my eyes not wants to go back to school. 

"Eun Hee!!!" I heard a voice calling me  I mean..Yelling at me. 

I opened my eyes to see Minwoo and a smiling Youngmin all properly dressed in their uniform. Minwoo was staring at me while Youngmin was looking aroung my very bare room. 

"Are you going to get ready yet?" Minwoo asked sarcastically.

"Duh. Get out." I say pointing at the door. 

"Eun Hee! You better hurry!" Minwoo yells while pulling Youngmin out of my room slamming the door shut. 

I got up and looked at the clock. I sprang out of bed noticing the time. I ran to the washroom and changed into my uniform while just lazily leaving my hair down. I grabbed my bag and my phone and I ran out of the dorm all the way to the car. 

I sat down beside Minwoo and Youngmin in the middle seats. Jeongmin and Kwangmin sat in the back while Donghyun and Hyunseong sat in the front. Minwoo, Youngmin and I would talk about the stupidest things which made all of us laugh. I felt two intense stares at me, one was an evil you're-going-to-die glare and the other was...I don't know. It was different. 

I turned my head to see that the you're-going-to-die glare was obvoiusly from him. I shot him a cold hard you're-going-to-die too glare. My glare worked..for a second. He chuckled and ruffeled my hair affectionatly. What the hell. 

"Slave, remember... I like to have the pokemon shaped macaronni and cheese for lunch." He said blankly. "Oh! I also want Coke." He added on. 

"So?" I said just as equally bored. "I could care less." I added as I took a picture of Minwoo doing ageyo. I showed it to him. Minwoo started to flail his arms around telling me to delete it but I could care less. I don't care if you're my best friend. I'll post about you. I then pressed 'post'. I showed Minwoo and grinned. Minwoo was shooting daggers at me. He then ended up laughing and hugging me. We can never stay mad at each other.

Minwoo then started looking out the window deep in thought. I decided to ignore him, when he's like this it must mean it's serious. 

I just noticed. What would happen if I was caught in the same van with BOYFRIEND?! Fangirls would go after me, corner me then kill me slowly and painfully. I simply laughed. Kwangmin raised a brow at me then mouthed, Shut up slave. I grunted and faced the other way. Jerk. I needed a plan. We're going 60m/h. We were 20 minutes early and a block away from school. I did the only reasonable thing..

I opened the car door while we were still driving and I jumped.. 

It hurt like hell. My arm was bleeding, my sleeve was dyed red and my hair was a mess. Just the way I liked it. Feeling content with my bloody exterior I ran to school.

I got disgusted looks, people laughed at me. Well.. The attention is new. I walked to my class and sat in my spot and pulled out my phone. Just about 6,000 new views. I sighed, if I could blog about more people my views would be so much higher. Why did I have to blog about the evil spoiled Kwang-devil!!

I saw the teacher walk in, we bowed in attention. We then started class. 

Half way durring class I felt my phone vibrate in my skirt that was now stained with dropplets of blood and grass. I opened it to see an unknown caller ID. Curiosity took me over. I opened my phone to see..


I don't really care if you're busy. 

Just bring me some coke. 
I'm at the roof

Hurry up...slave. 


I was shocked. Didn't he see I'm trying to get good grades and a good job here?! Education is important! I hurridly texted him back. I don't care if he wants coke. Just like how he doesn't care if I end up on the street because I effing skipped a class.

I honestly could care less. 


Go starve because I didn't get you coke. 

notice I'm using red. 

Coke is red. 

You don't have red, just like you don't have Coke. 

I'm teasing you. 

I'm not getting you coke. 

Go get a fangirl to get you coke. 

While you waste your time on the roof. 

I'm going to get an education. 

That's how i'll earn money. Not dancing and acting like someone your not so 

shut up and study. 

Maybe if you get A+'s on all your exams next week I'll be your slave. 

bye. I'm studying. 

After I closed my phone and continued writing notes. After about 5 minutes Kwang-devil replied back. 


okay fine. 

If I get A+'s on everything. 


I agree. 

Just remember 

I like my pokemon noodles..soft. 




What kind of grown teenage boy still likes pokemon..? Loser. Oh well. There is no way you can get full marks on everything. I guess I'm not your slave anymore! I thought happily as I continued to write.

I hope you guise don't think I hate pokemon because I EFFING LOVE IT. HAHA. The unova region killed it thoo. Please comment and subscribe ((:

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yuki-girl #1
Chapter 4: i hope you come back and finish it. it would be a very interesting fic
Blackjack27 #2
Chapter 4: Aww you didn't finish :( oh well I hope you come back and finish it I mean it's really good I want to finish reading it! I see really good potential in this story I hope you come back and finish it! ^.^
YoungKwangJessch8281 #3
Chapter 4: plz plz plz plz finish it!
Chapter 4: AWW... You're not finishing it. Dhtjygu! TT^TT
Chapter 1: I surprising like this. It's a bit different from the other generic love fanfics. Although, I can probably guess what's going to happen the love department...