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"I guess we really have to transfer huh?" My dad spoke.

I was at the corner eavesdropping about my Mom and Dad's decisions. 

"I guess so. I told Ryu-Won ah about it and she's eager to help us." My Mom replied.

My eyes widened when I heard my Mom mentioned ajumonii's name. What does she mean that she's eager to help us? 

"But how about's Seohyun's studies? She'll be graduating in a few months...." My Mom said.

"Let's tell her not to graduate here. Her graduation is a bit far from now, to be honest. We have to move somewhere else, fast. How about she transfer school?" 

"And what? Do you want her to take things back again? That would be hard for her." 

"No. Let's enroll her to Seoul School of Arts. I know she loves singing and she wanted to pursue her dancing skills."

"B-but, hun. A few months will be her high school graduation just a few months from now.... can't we wait for it before she transfers for her college?"

"I've already decided. She stops schooling here in Busan and we'll transfer in Seoul and I will enroll her to Seoul School of Arts. Don't worry, once she transfers, she'll just take another year before she graduates and next, She can choose her major. Hun, I know that you know her dream, right? and It's to become a singer. I want her to pursue it."

I covered my mouth in shocked. I know I haven't told me Dad about what I like ever since but this time, He wants me to enroll to Seoul School of Arts? Which reminds me, Kkamjong studies in that school as well. And he mentioned that it's a very great school. 

"If that's what you want, Hun. But let's ask Seohyun if she likes it that way."

I went towards them and smiled.

"Don't worry about me. I appreciate what you've decided for me Mom... Dad." I nodded.

Yes, I decided to stop and sacrifice that few-months-to-graduate and Yes, we'll be transferring to Seoul in a few days too. I've decided to take another year before I graduate. I will be getting my majors in two years' time. 





"Jonginssi? This is Mr Park."

"Oh? Good Morning Mr. Park. How may I help you?"

"Good Morning too~ I have a good news for you."

"Good news? about what Mr Park?"

"You'll be debuting in two months! We'll be having our meeting tomorrow night, 7PM. Please do come."

"What?! Debut? Me?!"

"Yes, Jonginssi. After years of training, You'll be debuting in TWO MONTHS!"

"Okay Mr Park. I will be there. Thank you! Thank you for that good news!"

I jumped as high as I could. After years of training, everything paid off. I'll be debuting in two months.

"Mom! Mom!"

"Jongin-ah? Why?"

"Hyung! I'll be debuting soon!"

"What? You'll be debuting soon?!"

"Yes, Hyung!"

"What is is Jongin?"

"Mom! I'll be debuting soon!!!!"

My Mom hugged me as tight as she could. I can see tears in her eyes as she stopped it from flowing down.

"I'm so proud of you!"

I never realized that this is happening. I know I've tried my best and I know that this is a good gift for me.

I fished my phone as it vibrated. And there I saw Seohyun's name. 

FROM: Seohyun bb

I have a good news for you. I don't know if it's a good news or not. But for me, it is.

TO: Seohyun bb

Really? Because I do have a good news for you, too. You first!

FROM: Seohyun bb

Really? okay! So, ummm. I won't be graduating this year. Because I'll be transferring in Seoul. I'll be adding another year before I graduate~ though I'll be getting my majors after. Kekeke.

Another good news for me. My girlfriend's moving here in Seoul, finally!!

TO: Seohyun bb

You just don't know how happy I am right now. First; You're moving here in Seoul. I guess it won't give us a hard time seeing each other now, right? kekeke. Second; My good news..... Seohyun. I'll be debuting in two months!!! 


I was really surprise when Kkamjong said that he'd be debuting in two months. I really felt happy about it. Now, he's definitely living his own dream. I can still remember the days when I can hear him singing and see him dancing. And I can still remember him telling me that he wants to debut and become a star. At first, I thought that it would be a bit impossible since we live in Busan but because luck has been with him ever since, Now, he's finally having what he has been wanting. I'm really proud of him.


"Honey! Please check if you've left something in your room. Make it fast! We'll be leaving in a minute!" 

"Mom, I'm ready!"

I pulled my strollers and waved goodbye. 

Busan has been a great place. I was born here. I have a lot of memories here -- but now I've realized that there's no forever. Back when I was a child, I thought that I'll be living in Busan for the rest of my life. I've cried so many tears here & laughed so much as well. I have a lot of memories here but I guess it's time for me to leave this place and welcome a new beginning. Busan, you will always be part of my memories. I promise to visit you whenever I can.



"Jongin-ah! Have you prepared everything for tonight?"

"Yes, Mom. By the way, the Lee's will arrive tonight, right?"

"Yes! And they'll be living here in our house for awhile. Is it okay with you guys?"

"Of course, Mom!" Baekhyun smirked.

"How about you Jongin-ah?"

"I bet it's more than okay for him, Mom" Bakehyun laughed.

I patted my hyung's hair as his teased me, I know it's going to be great day for us now since our twin surname family, Seohyun's family, will be here soon. And now that we've grown up so much - I bet there's something new to each one of us but the relationship and the bond will still be the same.

After 3 hours.

"Mom, I'll be going now." 

"Okay, baby boy. I'm so proud of you, remember that. Enjoy the meeting, okay?"

I waved goodbye.

I was suddenly nervous and thought of so much things about the debut. I'll be signing up the contract and will be meeting a few people. I still don't know who I'll be debuting with but I guess I've met some of them.


"Ajumonii~ Baekhyun oppa!!! Ajusii~ I've missed you all!'

"Aaaaaaa princess, I've missed you too!"

"Awww Seohyun! You've grown beautifully."

"Ryu Won-ah!"

"Ga In-ahhhh"

It seems that everyone had missed everyone. I've never thought that I'd get teared up because of this little reunion though Kkamjong's not here because of the meeting, still I felt really happy. I've never seen Kkamjong for quite awhile but I'm so excited to see him when he gets home. But anyway, Baekhyun oppa's so handsome - just like Kkamjong, he had grown taller. Ajumonii and Ajussi still looked young and in love. I've missed them and I've missed how we bond. 

We decided to cook barbecues and as usual, ajumonii & mom decided to cook their specialty. While our Dad's decided to arranged the tables and ready the drinks for tonight. I also made desserts for them. 

"Will Jongin-ah eat his dinner here?"

"I guess he'll be eating again here."

"Let's just wait for him? How long would his meeting last?"

"It will just take an hour and a half, I guess."


"Yes, He'll be meeting the president and sign contracts and that's it."

"Let's just wait for him ajumonni~ can we?"

"Okay, princess. We will."



I sat beside my soon-to-be-manager, Mr. Park and in front of the very wide table is the President of Star Entertainment, President Lee Soo Man. It's my second time seeing him per

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Taelin #1
Chapter 31: wow , this is really amazing , i'm speechless , i love this author-nim , thank u for writing such a wonderfull story
Happyserevia #2
Chapter 31: I just found this story, and all i wanna say is i loveee this! ;3
Chapter 30: after so much drama between them...

Chapter 31: great story^^ SeoKai^^
Chapter 23: It's zhongguo here, not zhonggou :)
Chapter 17: Krystal ><:(
Chapter 32: For some reason i really like Golden Pearls..that name match this adorable couple. lol.
littlebabyangel #8
Chapter 30: A MARRIED COUPLE. OH GOSH! I LOVE THE ENDING EONNIE! :D I love to read jongin confession. it's cute. really cute. and I love it when jongin willing to stop his work just for joohyun. a nice story and a great ending. eonnie, you are the best! 짱!!!! :D
Chapter 30: :D They finally married:)
Happily ever after :D