Chapter 5

Perfect in My Eyes


Once they had finished breakfast, the group got dressed and went to the arcade. It was the place they went whenever they just wanted to hang out, lay low, and have a good time. Even though it was now passed to the next generation, Young Il’s Arcade stayed the same. There wasn’t much special about the old place. It was just a musty old building with rows of old and new game machines. They personally knew the family who owned the place. Taeyang and Ji Yong had grown up in that neighborhood, and they were all practically family.

“Annyeong!” Taeyang skipped through the door, excited to see his old friend again. Young Il and Taeyang had an especially close relationship because his father had never been around. On more than one occasion, Young Il had kept him out of trouble and in school. Taeyang felt as if he owed him a lot.

“Well if it isn’t my favorite customers!” Young Il came from the back of the building and hugged them all. “You guys haven’t been getting in trouble now have you?”

“Nah,” Taeyang laughed.

As the two of them caught up with each other, everyone else spread out in the arcade. Seungri always insisted on playing Space Invaders. He was determined to beat the high score, which was near impossible at the number that it was at. Dragging Daesung with him as a witness, they went off to the corner where the game was. Ji Yong wandered over to a racing game and put a couple of coins in. He didn’t have any particular game that he liked like Seungri did. Seung Hyun got in the seat beside him and watched as he skillfully and easily got through the track on top. First place and another free game was his prize, and he raced again.

“How are you so good at this?” Seung Hyun asked, amazed. “I can drive a real car, and I probably couldn’t beat this.”

“Because I’m awesome,” Ji Yong laughed. Immediately after, he accidentally swerved into wall and yelled. “You messed me up!”

Seung Hyun just about rolled on the floor laughing. Making faces when he was upset was Ji Yong’s specialty. He pouted and tried to finish the race as well as he could. Still smiling, Seung Hyun got closer to him and watched. Third place was the best Ji Yong could manage. He looked at his friend, who was now way close to him, looking at him with a goofy grin on his face.

“Seung Hyun, we can’t be like this in public. Haven’t you realized that?” Ji Yong whispered and blushed.

“Who’s watching?” Seung Hyun gave him a kiss on the cheek and sat back comfortably in his seat. He knew very well what the consequences of being too affectionate in public. His kiss onstage with Lee Hyori set off all sorts of gossip on the internet, even if it didn’t really mean anything. Rumors could make people believe anything and if it was true, which it was, the media would definitely jump on the fact that the two were in a relationship and rip their reputations to shreds.

“I’m not embarrassed about the public part,” Ji Yong rubbed his cheek where he had been kissed. “I’m just worried about-“

“The media? I am too. But, I don’t know. I’m just being childish that’s all. We just have to be careful…”

“When are we gonna tell BIGBANG?”

There was an uncomfortable silence as Seung Hyun thought, even with the whirring and beeping of the games around them.

“Let’s make sure we’re making the right decision before we do that.” Seung Hyun held his love’s hand and smiled. I’m sure we are though.



“Daesung, are you ok? You’re spacing out.” Seungri tapped him on the shoulder.

“Oh! Yeah I’m fine.” Daesung smiled a little, but kept thinking.

I didn’t just see things. Either they were really drunk, or it’s real. It’d be awkward for both of them if it was an accident. Aren’t they together now? He looked around the corner but couldn’t see them. Seungri was still into his space invaders game so he decided to go snoop.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” He lied and walked to the back. What worried him about the whole situation was whether it was real or not, and if so, if they were going to tell anyone else. He looked around a machine to see both of them sitting at a racing game and talking a little. Seung Hyun suddenly leaned over and kissed Ji Yong’s cheek. Covering his mouth in shock, Daesung hid against the side of the machine. He didn’t mind the fact that they were most likely gay as he did the fact that it was two of his friends. Things are gonna get real crazy real fast…



Thunder rumbled in the sky as the group arrived back home. Sunlight had long disappeared and was replaced by dark clouds. Everyone was pretty tired from the long day and the night before. As the rain started to fall, Ji Yong remembered the dogs, walked outside, and let them in. They shook off and trotted up the stairs to Taeyang's room. They had always liked his room the best. Ji Yong stood underneath a slim corner of the roof and stared at the sky. The rain felt so welcoming, almost like it was washing away the hurt and pain. Closing his eyes, he breathed in the damp air and smiled. Holding out his hand, he felt the cold rain on his skin.

I actually feel content with things right now. How long has it been since I felt like this? Too long I guess…

Seungri passed by the door and stopped to look at Ji Yong. He saw him smiling his goofy smile and holding his hand out. Something about the way he held himself was different from the past few days.

"Welcome back Ji." he whispered. Ji Yong was back to his old self. He could tell.



Daesung sat in his room, contemplating the whole situation he had seen in the past day. He knew for sure that Ji Yong and Seung Hyun were in a relationship, but for how long? When were they going to let the group know? Certainly, they didn't think that they could keep it a secret for long. Should I confront one of them about it? Daesung lay back on his bed, suddenly tired of thinking. The room was getting darker as the sun fell behind the clouds. They group had stayed out all day at the arcade and at some of the other places in that area. His head was still fuzzy from drinking last night, making him even more tired. I have to ask about this. He finally decided. I can’t worry myself sick about it.

Breathing to calm himself down, he walked into the hall and tapped on Seung Hyun’s door. He didn’t want to ask Ji Yong about it and add more stress on him. More stress was the last thing he needed, especially when he was starting to get better. After hearing a small noise from Seung Hyun that meant to come in, Daesung slowly opened the door.

“Hey Hyung, can I talk to you?” There was apparent nervousness in his voice. He came in and sat beside Seung Hyun on his bed.

“Yeah. What’s up?” Seung Hyun set the book that he was reading down. Daesung looked a little bit more jumpy and nervous than usual, but you couldn’t ever tell with him.

“Umm,” Daesung tried to think of the least blunt way to ask him what he wanted to ask. What if I asked him “Are you and Ji Yong gay for each other?” He might fall over dead. “Well i-I was just wondering something and if, I dunno, maybe, if you-“

“Hey, what are you so nervous about? Just ask me whatever it is.” It was so obvious when Daesung was nervous about something.

“Is something going on between you and Ji Yong?” Daesung said quickly, avoiding eye contact.

Seung Hyun went tense. He knew the question would be coming, but he had no clue how he would answer it, especially when it was so fast. They had only confessed their feelings yesterday. By the way he reacted, Daesung knew his answer immediately. He knew there was no need to wait for an answer.

“When were you planning on telling us?” He accused.

“It only happened a few days ago.” Seung Hyun knew that there wasn’t any way to escape this conversation. “We weren’t even sure until last night. Please just keep this quiet for now, ok? I don’t think Ji’s ready for everyone to know just yet.”

Daesung just nodded and stood up. The fact that Seung Hyun told the truth to him made him feel a little more at ease. “Thanks for the truth.” He said sincerely as he walked out.

As the door closed, Seung Hyun let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair. If Daesung had figured it out so quickly, how fast would it take anyone else to exploit the story? He decided not to let it bother him at the moment and continued reading. Better not to worry about things in the future.

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AnonymousVIP #1
Chapter 6: I really liked this story! Thanks for writing it <3
reidsgirl2013 #2
Chapter 6: i love this....oh gods when this gets out its going to be horrible on jiyongs depression
Chapter 6: This is beautiful I'm crying T.T
Taeyang aw xD abd Seungri lol I feel like he ships gtop xD
are you going to update? I'm bot forcing you or anything, just wanna know =^_^= good luck authornim! Hwaiting!
Hope u'll update this