Chapter 3

Perfect in My Eyes


The next morning, Ji Yong got up to start the day with a huge headache. How much did I even drink? He tried to remember but had to stop because it just made his head hurt even more. There was some commotion outside his door so he looked to see what was going on. Everyone was yelling and rushing all over the place.
            "How did we forget practice?!" Tae Yang yelled down the hall, his shirt only half on.
            "Sorry! I forgot to check my schedule!" Daesung, who usually knew everyone's schedule back and forth, yelled apologetically.
            "Practice?" Ji Yong muttered and stumbled into his room, changing as quickly as he could manage. He threw on a big t-shirt dome sweatpants, not really caring how he looked. He ran down the stairs and looked around for everyone else, who were heading to the car. The only person who was still in the house that he could see was Seung Hyun who looked like his head hurt as much as his did. Ji Yong blushed, suddenly remembering the last night.
            "C’mon guys! We leave in five!" Tae Yang ran past them and to the car.

            Seung Hyun was about to follow him out, but Ji Yong grabbed his shoulder and looked at him.
            "Hyung-a, do you remember anything from last night? I can’t remember much of anything." he lied, half hoping he would remember, half hoping he wouldn't.
            "Now that I think about it, I can't remember anything but the first few drinks..." he smirked and shrugged. ”Why? Did something happen that I should know about?"
            "You seriously don't remember anything else?" Seungri hopped down the steps, a little too happy for this early in the morning. Everyone envied the fact that he never got hung-over, no matter how much he drank. "You kissed Ji Ya and said you were in love with him. It was hilarious!" he laughed.
            Seung Hyun scowled, seeming annoyed and embarrassed. "Whatever. I guess I was pretty drunk to do that." He walked off to the car quickly, trying not to be so embarrassed in front of his friends.
            Did I seriously do that?! Does Ji Ya know I actually love him like that?! I mean I do, but I really don't want him to know. It would mess up everything. Our friendship could be gone if he didn’t like me the same as I like him.
            Ji Yong followed behind everyone to the car. His head hurt terribly and he felt sore. Hangovers .
            "Kimi wa my beautiful hangover!" Daesung began to sing their song about his headache as they were on their way to the studio. Everyone else joined in and they sung the whole song. Throughout it, Seung Hyun couldn't help but sing it as if he were singing to Ji Yong. It fit his feelings a little too well. He almost felt guilty, but he realized no one could read his thoughts.


The group rehearsed for the live performances until lunchtime. Ji Yong wanted to practice longer than the others to make up for the day he got sick, but they wouldn't have it. Seungri was on the phone with someone and walked over to the rest of the group.
            "We're meeting CL and the girls for lunch." Seungri smiled.
            Everyone smiled and agreed. BIGBANG and 2NE1 had very close ties. They were all like siblings when they got together. The two groups met up at an Italian style pizza place not too far away from the studio. Quickly after they sat down, the waitress took their orders, clearly trying to hold in the excitement that 2ne1 and BIGBANG were eating in the place she worked at.
            Why does this have to happen at every place we go? I'm just a person like her. Why can't fans notice that I'm really nothing special? Ji Yong thought sadly, feeling his confidence fade again. His mood changed too quickly recently.
            "Hey Ji Ya," Dara, who was sitting next to him, poked his arm. "Are you doin' alright? I heard you got sick the other day."
            "Yeah, I'm alright now." He smiled at her. Dara had always cared for him like an older sister even though she was a few years younger. She had always felt like it was her responsibility.
            "That's good." She could tell something else might be wrong, but decided not to bring it up, knowing what he had been through lately with the media.
            The food came to their table and the groups talked and laughed through their lunch.
            "Oppa, were you listening?"
            "Huh…. What?" Seung Hyun snapped back from his daydream and looked at Minzy.
            "I said I was trying my hand at writing a song, and it has a rap part. Would you want to record it with me if it's accepted?"
            "Oh yeah. That would be cool." he smiled a little.
            "You ok? You look like something's bothering you..."
            "I'm fine, just a little tired." Seung Hyun took a bite out of his pizza.
            I can't stop thinking about last night. Did I seriously say to Ji Ya what I thought about him? Does he think I meant it?
            "Hey guys, wasn't that a great party last night?" Tae Yang asked them across the table.
            "You guys went?! I was going to, but I had a friend in town." CL looked impressed.
            Seung Hyun and Ji Yong both glanced at each other, bur looked away quickly when they noticed the other was looking.
            "Yeah we went! It was so much fun." Seungri smirked.
            "All you did was play drinking games with Daesung." Tae Yang rolled his eyes. "Parties are meant for finding a girl."
            "So where's the girl you found?"
            Everyone laughed at Seungri's comment. Taeyang hit him over the head, jokingly.
            "I still have a headache from last night." Daesung complained. "Just because you win a drinking game does not mean that you feel good about it."
            More laughter came from around the table. Seung Hyun just finished off his pizza, hoping that the topic of the kiss wouldn't come up. Once everyone was finished, they paid and, instead of a tip, signed a napkin and left it. It was a something they did occasionally if they could tell their waiter was a fan.
            Seung Hyun walked behind Ji Yong, wanting to talk to him about last night, but couldn't find the right timing. His nerves were just about shot from worrying over such a little thing for the whole day. BIGBANG returned to the studio and practiced for the next few hours, rehearsing choreography and the lyrics to their new songs.
            "Aish! It's too hot in here!" Tae Yang panted and peeled his shirt off. Everyone in the group did this as well, except Ji Yong and Seung Hyun, both feeling self conscious for different reasons. Seung Hyun had never been enthusiastic about showing off his body since he had been overweight most of his life. Even since he had slimmed down, he didn’t like the idea.
            Why can’t I look like them? They look strong and I just look thin. Ji Yong thought.
            "Ji Ya, you ok? You blanked out." Daesung waved his hand in front of his friend's face.
            "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine." He shook off the feeling and also took his shirt off, since he felt like the heat would kill him. Why didn’t someone just turn on the air conditioning?
            Seung Hyun looked at Ji Yong and sighed. Why does he think like he does? He’s not just good enough; He's absolutely perfect. He looked at him from top to bottom. He's so handsome.
            "Take it from the top guys!" their dance director barked.

            As they began again, Seung Hyun couldn't stay focused. The image of Ji Yong shirtless, breathing hard, a slight sheen of sweat highlighting every muscle and curve, was running through his mind, and it was driving him insane. He glanced at Ji Yong every time they passed.
            What the hell am I thinking?! This is my best friend I'm thinking about! I love him, but I can’t think like this!
            Losing his concentration, Seung Hyun slipped on the dance floors and fell backwards, but managing to not hit his head.
            "Whoa! Are you ok?!" the group looked at him with concern.

Sitting up, Seung Hyun just nodded. He tested to see if he was dizzy before trying to stand.
            "What happened?" Seungri asked, holding a hand out to help his friend up.
            "I just slipped. Give me a minute." Taking his hand, he stood up and walked out of the room.
            What's wrong with me?!  He leaned his head against the wall and took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind.  He couldn't seem to shake the feeling in the pit of his stomach. Why do I think of him like that? Everything he does makes me love him, but did I have to feel like this now, in front of everyone?
            "Hyung-a," Ji Yong interrupted his thoughts quietly as he walked out of the studio and looked at him. "Are you alright? You fell pretty hard.”
            He just nodded and looked away from his friend, feeling ashamed of thinking of him like he did. It was just so unlike him.
            "Something's bothering you isn't it? You don't seem like yourself."
            Seung Hyun looked at his friend who looked back at him in worry.
            "Umm you remember how I kissed you when I was drunk?" he asked embarrassedly.
            "Oh yeah, kind of." Ji Yong looked to the side, equally embarrassed.
            "I didn't mean anything by it. I was just, you know, drunk." I wish I was conscious enough to remember it though. You’re probably a great kisser.
            "I know. Is that all you were thinking about?" Ji Yong laughed a little.
            "Mostly," His friend muttered, half telling the truth.
            "You're so weird Hyung-a. Let's go back in, ok?" Ji Yong smiled genuinely.
            Seung Hyun nodded and walked back into the room.  If I had talked to him any longer, I might as well been confessing my love for him.
            Later that day, Ji Yong sat in his room, trying to comprehend what had happened with Seung Hyun. He was doing too much thinking lately.
            Seung Hyun seemed so flustered. That's not like him. Why was he like that over a drunk kiss? I knew he didn't mean it. Did he? Sighing, Ji Yong got up and walked out into the backyard where Gaho, his dog greeted him happily. Him and Taeyang’s dog, Boss, were always there, enjoying themselves. I wasn’t a particularly big yard, but they always entertained themselves.
            "Hey buddy," he stooped down to pet the short dog. "Is Hyung-a being weird?" Whenever, he was really confused, he would just talk to Gaho about anything.
            At that moment, Seung Hyun passed the open glass door to the porch and stopped, listening to his friend talking to his dog. What’s he doing talking to Gaho? A dog can’t understand. He always does that. So weird. Oh well, he’s pretty much Ji Yong’s child anyways.
            "He just doesn't seem like himself. First, he listens to me and cares for me, a little more than usual. Then, he gets drunk and tells me he loves me. Then, he can't concentrate in practice over a kiss that he didn't really know even happened. I appreciate him so much. I’m just confused."

            In response, Gaho chewed on Ji Yong's sneaker, making the boy smile at him.
            Have I really been that obvious?! Seung Hyun hurried to his room, scratching the back of his head in irritation. I don't want him or anyone to know. It would ruin the dynamic of the band and cause the media to go insane and a whole bunch of other problems. I just wish I could tell one person, who I know wouldn't tell anyone anything, but I don't know anyone like that.

He looked through the contacts of his phone to see if there was anyone he trusted enough. He reached Minzy's name and remembered talking to her at lunch. Minzy's pretty trustable, but would she be disgusted with me? She is only 18 though. He sighed and put his phone away. Maybe I'll talk to her tomorrow.
            "Hey, does anyone want to go to the arcade with me?!" Seung Hyun heard Daesung yell faintly through his door. He couldn’t ever stay in the same place for long. A few people throughout the house responded, and they left. There was silence, which didn’t happen often.
            I wonder if anyone is still here besides me... Lazily, Seung Hyun got up and walked around the house.

“Anyone here?” He looked around, lazily walking towards the living room. Seeing no one, he flopped on the couch and the TV.

Ji Yong finally got up from spending time with Gaho, who was interested in a dragon fly and was chasing it, and went inside. Thinking he was alone, he went to his room and continued working on a song he had started on a few days ago.

“I’m singin’ my blues~,” He sang with the track blaring out of his headphones. He wanted to just drown anything out for the time.

It would probably sound great with another rap part in it. Maybe Hyung-a would want to help me write it in. He wrote down some more lyrics and sighed. He’s been acting so weird lately (like me). I wonder what’s going on. Maybe we’re both going insane or something. That’s a possibility.

After finishing up the verse he was trying to get just right, Ji Yong walked downstairs for something to eat. His appetite had come back since that morning. He noticed the TV on and the top of Seung Hyun’s head. A smile crept onto his face and he snuck up behind the rapper quietly.

“Hyung-a!” Happily, Ji Yong jumped on the couch next to him, scaring his friend half to death.

“Yah!” Seung Hyun jumped in surprise and looked at him, more than a little startled. “I didn’t know anyone else was here!”

Ji Yong held his stomach and laughed at his friend’s reaction. “That was hilarious!”

Seung Hyun couldn’t help but laugh at himself and even more, Ji Yong’s laughing. They laughed even harder because they hadn’t laughed in so long.

“Why didn’t you go with everyone else?” He asked once they had finished with their laughing session.

“I wanted to work on a new song I’d been thinking about. What about you?”

“I just needed some time to rest. I’ve been too busy recently. This Alive comeback is going to be amazing, I can tell. It’s just so much work.” Seung Hyun sighed and leaned his head against the back of the couch, finally able to relax. He closed his eyes and had a smile still on his face.

Ji Yong looked at him and smiled. When I think about it, Hyung-a is the exact opposite of me. He’s so talented, funny, and he can do just about anything with having to try. Maybe it’s why we’re such good friends. Opposites do attract.

“Ji Ya, are you doin’ alright?” Seung Hyun interrupted his thoughts. “You aren’t depressed or anything?”

Ji Yong thought. “After I talked to you, I’ve been so much feeling better. Maybe all I needed was to talk to somebody about it. Thanks” He smiled.

Seung Hyun smiled back, happy he could help his love in any way possible. Even if he couldn’t do much, at least he was feeling better.

"Hyung-a," Ji Yong looked away and bit his lip. "Have you ever had a feeling you've never really been able to describe, but it's always been there and it doesn’t want to go away?"

The rapper nodded, trying to avoid thinking about how he felt about Ji Yong, but that was the only thing that came out of his mouth. "I've always loved this person ever since I met them, but I've only recently realized it was love." he said carefully.

"Who is it?" Ji Yong smirked and nudged his friend in the ribs. "I didn't know you like someone. Is she pretty?"

Seung Hyun just nodded. ! How do I get out of this?!

"You'll have to let me meet her sometime." Ji Yong smiled, happy his friend found someone that was actually compatible with him. That was a hard thing to do since Seung Hyun usually didn’t have an interest in relationships.

"I will." Seung Hyun promised. I'll tell you at some point... Maybe.


(Time between things is also not very accurate in this... sorry ><)

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AnonymousVIP #1
Chapter 6: I really liked this story! Thanks for writing it <3
reidsgirl2013 #2
Chapter 6: i love this....oh gods when this gets out its going to be horrible on jiyongs depression
Chapter 6: This is beautiful I'm crying T.T
Taeyang aw xD abd Seungri lol I feel like he ships gtop xD
are you going to update? I'm bot forcing you or anything, just wanna know =^_^= good luck authornim! Hwaiting!
Hope u'll update this