Chapter 4

Perfect in My Eyes


Friday night, the only free night where the guys could party, came. With their work that week, they needed so relaxation. Taeyang came home with a box full of soju bottles and Seungri brought a few pizzas from a close by place. They some music and started cracking open bottles. Ji Yong sat there drinking with his best friend's and smiled along with them, yelling in their arguments too.

I’m so glad they can cheer me up. It feels so good to be with them like this.

"Hey Jiiiiii Yaaaaa," Seung Hyun slurred, obviously getting crazy drunk again. "Here!"

The older boy tossed a bottle of soju across the room. Ji Yong caught easily, opened it up, and started drinking it, little by little. His skull was already buzzing, but he decided he would drink the whole thing anyways. It couldn’t hurt. There was talking and yelling and drinking and laughing for the next hour. Seung Hyun stayed quiet most of the time, drinking bottle after bottle, wondering whether or not to make a move on Ji Yong. The problem had been bothering him for too long, and it was making him irritated.

Maybe I'll tell him who that person I like is. How will he react though?

He looked over nervously at Ji Yong, fiddling with the bottle in his hand. He was laughing and talking with Daesung, which made Seung Hyun relax. He was having fun which made Seung Hyun smile.

Screw this. I'll tell him how I feel. I don’t care how he’ll react. It’s my opinion anyways. If he doesn’t like it then oh well.

"Ji Yaaaaa~!" he smirked and grabbed his friend's arm. "Come heeere!" he began to drag Ji Yong towards his room.

"Hyung-a, what're you doing?" Ji Yong laughed and made no attempt to escape from his friend’s grip. He was too drunk to do much.

Ji Yong was swung into the room and the door was closed behind the two. Seung Hyun turned to his friend and smirked as his arms wrapped around him. The smaller framed boy couldn't help but notice how badly his friend reeked of alcohol. How much had he drunk already? Hopefully, not as much as last time.

"Hyung-a, what are you doing?" he laughed nervously.

Seung Hyun let go with a goofy grin on his face. "I want to tell you about the person I like." he started. "He's smart and talented and doesn’t think highly of himself, but he’s great. He's a brunette and has dark brown beautiful eyes. He's extremely handsome."

Ji Yong thought for a minute about who he or Seung Hyun knew like that. All of a sudden he looked at Seung Hyun.

"Wait, 'he'?"

Seung Hyun couldn't stop grinning and hugged Ji Yong again.

"That person I love is you. I love you, Kwon Ji Yong."

Ji Yong stood there stunned. His mind was too bogged down with alcohol to completely comprehend what he said.

He loves me?! Is he that drunk? How can he love me?! I'm not any good so why would he love me of all people?!

Seung Hyun looked down at him and grinned.

"I love you so ing much Ji Yong." He kissed Ji Yong's cheek softly and held him tighter. “I don’t even know if you understand or return my feelings. It’s driving me insane, just keeping my feelings in. I’m not even good with damn feelings anyways.”

"h-Hyung-a," Ji Yong shuddered as tears formed in his eyes. "I'm not any good. Why do-?“

"Don't even say that." Seung Hyun stared directly at Ji Yong. "You are so perfect how you are, beyond perfect."

He wiped his love's tears out of his eyes. Without another thought, he kissed Ji Yong lightly, only getting half his mouth in contact with Ji Yong's thanks to the alcohol he had consumed. It wasn’t an intensely deep kiss, but just enough to get his point across. Ji Yong looked at him in surprise but slowly started to kiss back. He could tell Seung Hyun meant it and began feeling a nervous feeling at the pit of his stomach. Neither knew exactly what they were doing or fully understood why, but they quickly fell into rhythm with each other. Seung Hyun pressed Ji Yong against the door behind him and kissed him sloppily, his sane mind completely gone. His love’s mouth just tasted too good for him to resist.

"Saranghae," He murmured into the kiss. His lips brushed down Ji Yong’s chin to his neck.

"S-Seung Hyun…."

Ji Yong lifted his chin and accidentally let his hips lift into Seung Hyun's. As soon as contact was made, both of the let out breathy gasps, mostly out of surprise. Their hips moved slowly against each other as the older kissed the younger. The room quickly became musty and hot with the air of alcohol and , or maybe it was just their thoughts of it. Ji Yong stopped the barrage of kisses and looked into Seung Hyun’s eyes. Oh God, he loved those eyes. Even since they had met, Ji Yong knew that his stare could stop anyone dead or welcome them in with goofiness. Their intenseness was overwhelming, mostly when he was mad or tired, but now they burned with another kind of emotion that he couldn’t pin down.

"God, you're handsome." Seung Hyun moaned in his ear, craving more contact with his friend. Ji Yong closed his eyes and let that sink in as Seung Hyun kissed him.

Why does he even think that? He’s seeing what isn’t there.

A knock on the door made both of them stop cold, their hearts racing.

“Yah, are you guys coming back? Is Ji Yong sick again?” Seungri’s voice came from the other side.

Slowly, Ji Yong backed off of the door, trying not to make noise. Seung Hyun, now extremely embarrassed, had stepped back, looking at the ground.

“I’m fine. We’ll be back in a minute.”

“OK.” Footsteps walked back down the hall.

The boys almost died of heart attacks. Ji Yong let himself lean back against the door, breathing heavily. Seung Hyun still avoided eye contact with him. He was so worried about Ji Yong’s response to what just happened.

“Hyung,” Ji Yong walked over to him and hugged him suddenly. Neither said anything, and Ji Yong just held him. As if his feelings had been transferred, Seung Hyun hugged him tightly and smiled widely. “We should go back, but I don’t want to.”

Seung Hyun couldn’t stop himself from smiling. Nothing else mattered that moment except the boy in his arms.


As the night continued, the group got tired so fast that they dropped like flies. They were watching an American movie of some sort. No one really knew what it was. They had just found it playing on television. One by one, they crashed in the living room. Daesung and Seungri were lying on the couch, their limbs all over the other. Taeyang was curled up in a chair in the corner, and Seung Hyun and Ji Yong were on the floor next to each other.

“Ya, Ji Yong, are you still awake?” Seung Hyun said quietly and poked his face.

“Of course I am you idiot.” Ji Yong quietly giggled and rolled over on his stomach to get a better look at him. His mind was still dizzy from the kiss earlier. He couldn’t understand why it made him feel so good.

“I drank too much.” Seung Hyun complained. He turned around too. “I already have a headache, and I haven’t even slept.”

Ji Yong laughed again and leaned his head on his shoulder. The silence and the presence of Seung Hyun calmed him. He felt safe and content for the first time in so long.

“Ji Yong, am I going crazy?” He suddenly asked, looking into the darkness of the room.

“You’re just about as crazy as I am.” Ji Yong kissed him on the cheek, smirking.

“Is this really ok with you; I mean you and me like this?”

“Definitely. At first I wasn’t sure, but now I am.”

Seung Hyun smiled and kissed Ji Yong. He couldn’t believe how easy it was for Ji Yong to have accepted his feelings and returned them. The nervous feeling at the pit of his stomach appeared as he decided to see how far he could go with Ji Yong. He wanted him so badly. Taking a deep breath, Seung Hyun kissed Ji Yong deeper and slowly ran his tongue over his lower lip. A slight gasp came from him and he opened his mouth enough for Seung Hyun to take the chance. He plunged into Ji Yong’s mouth, savoring every moment. Sitting up without breaking the kiss, he crawled on top of him, trying to get the upper ground. Ji Yong turned to get at his lover’s mouth better and wrestled with him for dominance.

“We’re both going crazy.” Ji Yong muttered, but it was only swallowed by another kiss.

Seung Hyun knew that he would win over Ji Yong and began to kiss his neck. He heard his breath catching and knew he was doing something right. He had never had experience with anything like this. Being intimate was not his forte.

“Seung Hyun, what if someone wakes up?” Ji Yong sounded only half worried.

Looking up at Ji Yong’s face in the dark, he smirked. “Who cares? They’ll find out at some point or another.”

Seung Hyun didn’t care about it anymore. He just wanted to love him as much as he could. He had waited too long for this. His kisses returned to Ji Yong’s neck and his hands played with the hem of Ji Yong’s shirt. Ji Yong’s body tensed as he felt Seung Hyun’s cold finger against his skin. His hips rose to Seung Hyun’s leg and he gasped. He hadn’t realized how much he wanted friction between them.

“Seung Hyun,” There was a slight moan in Ji Yong’s voice, making Seung Hyun want to go even farther.

He grunted in response and looked up at the brunette. Even in the dark, Seung Hyun could tell that Ji Yong was feeling really good. He liked what the older was doing, and he knew it.

“I love you.” He whispered, looking into Seung Hyun’s eyes. The two of them froze as they heard someone turning over. “Can we go upstairs?” he suggested nervously.

Seung Hyun sat up and nodded. Making sure to stay quiet, the two got up and went up the stairs to Ji Yong’s room. They sat down on his bed and smiled at each other. Ji Yong slowly leaned forward and resumed their kiss, savoring and remembering everything he could about Seung Hyun. The other did the same. Seung Hyun grabbed the hem of Ji Yong’s shirt and lifted it just enough for him to get the idea. Giggling, Ji Yong pulled his shirt off, but covered himself with his arms.

“Why are you so self conscious?” Seung Hyun laughed and tried to move his arms. They fell back on the bed and wrestled, both of them laughing at each other. Ji Yong managed to grab Sung Hyun’s Shirt and pull it off. He tried to roll off the bed, but Seung Hyun caught him and pinned him underneath himself.

“Gotcha!” He began to tickle Ji Yong. The boy underneath him laughed and squirmed and tried to get away.

“Hyung! Stop it!” He laughed hysterically. Suddenly, Seung Hyun had stopped and looked him up and down.

“I like your new tattoos.” He smiled and brought his head down to the first one on his side. Ji Yong had gotten new tattoos in celebration of the new comeback when the idea was young. With his tongue, Seung Hyun traced the words “Mind Control”. Ji Yong giggled a little and in some air in surprise. He then moved to the other side and traced “Forever Young”. Those words seemed fitting to be engraved on his skin forever. He came back up and kissed Ji Yong lightly. Both boys suddenly felt sleepy, most likely due to the alcohol earlier. Ji Yong curled up in his friend’s arms and sighed contently.

“Can we just stay like this forever?” He asked, even though it wasn’t ever going to happen.

“Don’t worry; I’ll hold you forever if I have to, no matter what.” Seung Hyun buried his face in His love’s hair and began to fall asleep. Without warning, both had fallen asleep, holding each other until the world ended.


Daesung woke up the next morning with Seungri stretched out on top of him. Were we that drunk?! He laughed to himself and playfully pushed Seungri off the couch. He landed with a thud.

“Ow!” he yelled as he woke up enough to realize he had fallen.

Daesung laughed and woke up Taeyang also. They all had hangovers, except Seungri, but they didn’t have anywhere to go that day which made it easier to get through.

“Where’d Ji and Seung-i go? Didn’t they fall asleep on the floor?” Daesung wondered to no one in particular. “I’ll go find them. They probably went upstairs.” He walked slowly up the stairs and rubbed his head. “Geez,” he muttered, “this is no fun…”

“Ya! Seung Hyun! Ji Yong! Where are you guys?” He opened Seung Hyun’s door and flipped on the light, but there was no one there. Shrugging, he went and opened Ji Yong’s door. There on the bed, he saw the strangest thing that made him think he was still drunk. Ji Yong and Seung Hyun were laying there, half , entangled in each other. Without making another sound, Daesung closed the door and went back the hall quickly.

What did I just see?! Neither of them was that drunk. At least, I don’t think… He tried to erase it from his head.

“Where are they?” Seungri asked when he saw Daesung.

“Ummm, they’ll be down in a minute.” He really hoped he wasn’t blushing or anything.


Ji Yong snuggled into the warmth that was beside him. He knew that he would be faced the real world and reality if he opened his eyes. He knew exactly what had happened last night. He had fallen in love with his best friend, Choi Seung Hyun.  Sunlight came through the window, making Ji Yong clench his eyes tighter.

“Seung Hyun,” His whispered. “Can we just stay here forever, just like this? I feel safe.” Even though he was still asleep, Ji Yong felt as if he had replied to him. He knew he had to wake Seung Hyun up soon, but he was almost scared to.

Seung Hyun had a reputation of not waking up, and if you actually managed to wake him up, he was not at all happy. When he did actually get up, he was grouchy for the entire morning. No one wanted to be around him when that happened.

“Ya,” Ji Yong sat up and crossed his legs. “Wake up.” He laughed and poked his cheek. In response, Seung Hyun groaned and rolled over to his other side. Laughing, Ji Yong kept poking him. He felt surprisingly light and happy that morning, and he didn’t even have a hangover, which was strange.

“Stop!” Seung Hyun groaned and reached for a pillow to throw at his friend. However, he threw it and it just fell to the ground.

“Hyung, come on. We have to get up.” Ji Yong pretended to whine and lay on top of him.

“Arrgh ! Get off!” Seung Hyun half laughed and rolled him off to the side. “Geez, how much did I drink last night?  I don’t have a head ache, but damn, I’m sore.” He sat up and stretched.

Ji Yong just sat there, smiling at him. He’s so wonderful. I’m making the right decision in loving him. I’m sure of it.

“What?” Getting off the bed, Seung Hyun grabbed his shirt off the ground and put it back on.

“Nothing,” Still smiling, Ji Yong got up and hugged him. “I just love you, that’s all.”  Seung Hyun smiled and kissed him on the forehead. The love of his life loved him back and said it when he was completely sober. That was all he needed.

“We should probably go downstairs.” He suggested. “I think everyone will want some breakfast.”

Ji Yong nodded and picked up his shirt that had fallen to the side of the bed. Seung Hyun went down first and found the rest of the group sitting at the table as if they were getting ready to eat.

“Well look who decided to wake up late.” Taeyang joked.

“I figured you guys would want something to eat so I had to come down.” Seung Hyun smiled and began getting things out of the cabinets to make breakfast. If anyone could cook well, it was Seung Hyun. The others thought he had to have been trained in some kind of way. Whenever there was cooking to be done, Seung Hyun always did it. The others could probably burn water without trying.

Ji Yong came down and sat next to his friends at the table.

“Some night last night, huh?” He smirked.

“It was awesome. We should get that drunk all the time.” Seungri laughed.

“No!” Taeyang, who had his head down on the table, yelled, “It hurts too much.” He whined.

Daesung sat at the table, not making eye contact with anyone. He was uncharacteristically quiet for the morning. Thoughts were running through his head at light speed. Did I really see that? Are they really in love like that or were they just drunk? He saw the happy look on Seung Hyun’s face while he cooked and sighed. I think it really was real. But how long? Why? I never thought either of them were like that.

“Daesung, do you have a headache too or something?” Ji Yong asked, smiling at him.

“No, I’m fine.” But my thoughts aren’t.

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AnonymousVIP #1
Chapter 6: I really liked this story! Thanks for writing it <3
reidsgirl2013 #2
Chapter 6: i love this....oh gods when this gets out its going to be horrible on jiyongs depression
Chapter 6: This is beautiful I'm crying T.T
Taeyang aw xD abd Seungri lol I feel like he ships gtop xD
are you going to update? I'm bot forcing you or anything, just wanna know =^_^= good luck authornim! Hwaiting!
Hope u'll update this