Figment ☯


I know, i know. My other stories aren't done yet. But what can i do when the urge to write a new one jumps out at me?

So here it is, Baekyeol! :D and there is no , mind you. The story's setting is, well... special.

You'll know why soon ;)


Btw, for , do check out these stories if you like .

Inhalers (ongoing) - there's romance too!

So you like it rough (finished? i guess)

Fairy-like (Just started lol)

Please uncuff me (just started this fic!) - there's romance :D



Baekhyun fiddled with the hem of his shirt. Born with severe asthma, he had no toys to play with. But he had one friend. He was younger by a year, but they got along fairly well. Baekhyun always thought it was weird that they lived together, but never asked his parents about it.

When his parents weren’t home, they would play hide-and-seek, and his friend loved being the seeker. He hated having to hide, so Baekhyun gladly complied. After all, he was his only friend.

They grew up together, hand in hand. While people used to act along saying Baekhyun was cute playing in such a way, they soon found him weird. People started talking. “I’m not lying! He’s really my friend!” He stood up for him, but they didn’t listen to him.

Why do they keep saying that? He’s standing here beside me, isn’t he?


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Chapter 1: amazing fic!! please make a sequel please!! please!!
Chapter 1: Wow TT.TT it was so good ....and yess make a SEQUELLL~!!! :D
eLquinox #3
Chapter 1: You should definitely make a sequel!!! *dying here*