Monday: TO THE BEACH!!!

That Little Difference Between You and Me

On Manday everyone met down at the beach at around noon.

After they met up they set up their stuff right next to the boardwalk and the shore.

As they finshed Yongguk streched and said aloud

"Hey who wants to head down the water with me ?"

Everyone groaned and Yongguk scowled as he looked at them to find a victim for his attack.

Fine you guys leave me no choice...

Everyone ignored him as he snuck up behid Jinhee and picked her up quickly and ran carrying her to the water.


You were warned so don't complain!

Yongguk dropped Jinhee in the water as soon as they we waist deep in the ater.

The two of them were having a splash war while Jinhee was thinking

*I wonder if the otherssss are going to come...*

-Daehyun's POV-

*Bang and Jinhee look like they're having fun.. I'm soooo jelly right now! >__< why can't I get the gut to do that!* I thought as I saw Jinhee and Yongguk have an epic splash war.

I fnally gave up and grabbed Jongup and Zelo saying "Get up you two were going."

They both lokoed at me with a "What?" look as they stood up slowlly.

I gave them a "Come on you tweo are coming with me" look and they quickened their pae.

A smile crept on my face as we approached the two of them.

-Author's POV-

Yongguk and Jinhee paused as theywatched Daehyun, Zelo, and Jongup walkng to the water towards.

Oh look who finally decided to show up. *smiles creepily*

Zelo and Daehyun broke out laughing while Jongup shyly smiled.

We couldn't miss the fun hyung!

Oh really? Jinhee asked smirking as a idea popped up in her head.


Jongup and Yongguk secretly smiled at each other knowing what Jinhee was thinking.

Jinhee look around in the water until she found what she was looking for a little baby crab.

She quickly picked it up and hud the crab behide her back as she called aloud ..

Oh Zelo ~~!!

Zelo turned around and looked at Jinhee saying

What do you want?

Jinhee smiled wider as she shifted closer.

Zelo rolled his eyes and turned the other way after not getting an answer.

Since Zelo was in his Swim trunks (all of them were except for Jinhee anyways~~) Jinhee slowly pulled the waist band of the shorts back and dropped the baby crab in Zelo's shorts.

YEOWWWWWCHHH!! Zelo yelled at the sudden pinch at his .

BWAHAHAHAHA~~! Jinhee laughed at Zelo ylping in pain as the crab persisted on pinching him.

Zelo started freaking out and bumped into Yongguk who fell also taking innocent Jongup down with him under water.

Daehyun broke out laughing seeing the two of the struggle .

Zelo came back several minutes later with a relieved look on his face and came over to Jinhee.

Did you put that crab in my shorts?!?!

Maybe maybe not...

Zelo gave her a "Really?" look then continued.

*sarcastically* Haha you got me... But I've got to admit that is something I didn't expect that.

Jinhee smiled then went over to Daehyun.

Daehyunnie oppa~~!

earry cheesecake~~^^! Daehyun said as jinhee came voer and hugged him.


mmm de...

Let's go to the pier ^.^ * Turns around to face Daehyun*

Wae we're having fun here!?

I know but I weally want something sweet to eat!

Chincha? What kind? *Wiggles eyebrows*


Daehyun smiled and nodded agreeing to go 100%.

Arasswo~! Okay one sec ^.^ Jongup -ah when those two get out of the water let them know we went to get cheesecake!

Ne hyung~

Daehyun grabbed Jinhee's hand and began dragging her.

^.^ Kaja!!

As the two we're leaving something stopped Jinhee forcfully so she couldn't move.

WUP! Jinhee said as she was puleed back

Where are you going?

Daehyun and Jinhee looked to find Zelo who stopped Jinhee.

Getting Cheesecake what else? Jinhee said wiggling out of Zelo's grip back into Daehyun's arms.

Duno... Can I come please?

Jinhee thought about it while Daehyun hesistated.

Jinhee nodded rolling her eyes then linked elbows with the two boys.

Alright.. Just this time arasso ?

Oh kayz ^.^

*Just great chance blown once again =3= thanks Zelo!* Daehyun thought as they headed on their way.

-Later on-

Later on after they got the cheesecake or "chessecakes" and came back from swimming they had a marshmellow roast with the others who didn't go swimming (Youngjae, Ailee, and Himchan~~)

The eight of them sat in a circle except Youngjae who passed out (A/N: See what soju can do to you  *Nods in disapproval* LOL)

It was close to sunset and was giving a cool breeze.

Jinhee got up suddenly running and screaming


Daehyun laughed and yelled at Jinhee as she ran


Jinhe luckilymade it just in time to the bathrom after booking it across the whole beach.

After she finished Jinhee walked back slowly taking in the scenery.

Jinhee wasn't paying attention and ran into a skateboarded.

The two of them tumbled Jinhee held onto the skateboarder with all her life.

As soon as they landed the skaterboy got up and helped her up.

"You kay?" he asked Jinhee fixing his blonde hair and his ball cap.


"Good mianheda~" he said bowing.

"Mianhe I zoned out and wan't paying attention to where I was going." Jinhee replied bowing back and smiling.

"AW SHIZ~~! I'm late I gotta go sorry again ^.^" He said getting on his board again leaving.

Jinhee waved and continued on her way.

That's weird he looke really familiar~~" Jinhee mumbled walking back.

When she arrived Yongguk asked.

Hey what took you so long?

Got lost heh~~

Kay I was worried so was Youngjae who passed out again.

Jinhee smiled then sat down as the boys started sing random songs starting with SHINee's Rind Ding Dong.

Zelo secretly looked at Jinhee somewhat staring now.

*She's hiding something...*  Zelo thought reminding himself.

*Should I let them know I ran into hyung too?*






Hai~~ Sorry I didn't update like I said I would heh^^

So what did you guys think of the chapter??

Next chapter should be written by another author~~

Like I always say don't forget to...


I thank you guys so much for reading my story~~^^



Reminder!!: I'm not going to be here next Tuesday through Fruday afternoon or sometime after that I'm going to Catalina those four days so YAY~~


/LE DEAD/ Daehyun why you so y?? LOLzz~~




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gonna update the beach trip part one soon ^^


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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 11: O.O
update soon! XD
JyoungK #2
Chapter 10: Brother ? who's Zelo Brother I want To Know Authour-nim Please Updated.
Chapter 5: I laughed at that BYG gif for what felt like years, lol
Chapter 9: Aww this is so cute :3
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 6: aaaargh i wanna know whats next XD
update please~~~~
MitsuKyuYamazaki #6
Chapter 5: update soon pleeease~ ^o^
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 3: X'D new reader here~
Awwww i love daehyun oppa~ XD
Update soon naeh~