Dr.Phil = Bang Yongguk??

That Little Difference Between You and Me

note~~ Ailee = grey~~

-2 Hours later-

Two hours later B.A.P, Jinhee, and Ailee met up in the "Court Room" otherwise known as Bang Yongguk's room.

Very serious matter took place in his room and were classified as "Dr.Phil" status.

The room was set up like an episode of "Murray who's the father? " but the adiance sat on the floor as usual but sat on the bed today since the room as incredibly clean.

"This is a first I like it wait no I LOVE IT!"

"Why thank you I'm flattered heheh ~~ *


*Flashes gummy smile~~* 

(A/N: Like that ^^ and  when everyone says something its gonna be a DARK red)

Then Jinhee and Zelo were escourted in their seats in front of Bang's desk by Daehyun who was glaring some pretty dirty looks.

"Okay ALL RIDE!! Jk you don't have to just sit down and get this over with :P"

*Death Glares* (A/N: this is the red~~)

*Cough* Oh kay we will being todays session of the "You Two will be friends" project. Jinhee you will talk your opposition of Zelo then Zelo will about you ... Dng I sound FANCY ^^~~ anyways Jinhee begin...

De Yonggukkie appa.. My "Opposition" of Zelo is quite obvious considering you guys know EVERYTHING he has pranked me on. Seriously he is a major butthead and prankster. Naming thing he has done.. Dyed my hair pink *points to her pink hair* threw cake in my face, seriously do I need to say any more??

NO trust WE KNOW.. Zelo your say...

Oh kay .. his girl is so guillbel and TOO open minded. She makes it soooooo much easier to "tease" her its so funny~~~



Thank you but is there any other reason behind why you "tease" her??

Maybe hahah NOPE^.^

Yeah right you probably made it your life goal to make me suffer><

N.. actually yeah you can say that^^

*Eyes widened*

Okay.. harsh


"You will pay butthead!!"

"No cheesecake for you :P"

"JELLO!! >//<"

"You are grounded right now Mr!"

"Okay okay people PUH LEASE calm down I have decided and will say the finaly judgement right now...

Everyone silenced to here Yongguk's descion.

You two will become best friends. This sunday we will leave and spend the week at the beach. We WILL have fun no fighting a whole week. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Everyone was shocked at the sudden choice of Yongguk then started soazzing. Except for the peopl being punished Zelo and Jinhee.

*It's going to be a long week that for sure......>__<* 













Hey so what you guys think of the update??


I wrote this chapter to today like thirty minutes before I updated this ^^

Yes I write in a notebook then update...

Anyways I don't mind talking to you guys at all any concerns ETC. just pop a message^^

PLEASE!! gosh I sound so desperate LOLZZ~~


There's this chapter picture special I'm laughing so hard from the mustche one ^^ hahha







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gonna update the beach trip part one soon ^^


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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 11: O.O
update soon! XD
JyoungK #2
Chapter 10: Brother ? who's Zelo Brother I want To Know Authour-nim Please Updated.
Chapter 5: I laughed at that BYG gif for what felt like years, lol
Chapter 9: Aww this is so cute :3
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 6: aaaargh i wanna know whats next XD
update please~~~~
MitsuKyuYamazaki #6
Chapter 5: update soon pleeease~ ^o^
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 3: X'D new reader here~
Awwww i love daehyun oppa~ XD
Update soon naeh~