Last Friday Night with a little cleaning...

That Little Difference Between You and Me

-Saturday Morning-

Everyone was akwake and enjoying breakfast except for Jinhee passed out on the couch and Zelo just dazed.

Zelo finally snapped and groggily sat at the table stealing the Cherry tomatos and downing one after another.

Finally Jinhee got up her Pink uhair messy she came in steching and yawning.

"I had this crazy dream that Zelo dyed my precious hair pink and Yongguk told us we are going on vacation and that me and Zelo have to become best friends. Crazy right?"

Everyone grew silent and heads fell all except for Zelo laughing his off and falling off the chair.

"Huh what?"

"I really hate to tell you this... but Jin JIn it's not a dream.

You got to be kidding me..

*Shakes head*

Sorry no.. which reminds me its all set up Eli talked to his friend who owns the resort.

*speachless in deafeat*

OMO O-o JINNY~~ can you beileve it?? *gets up and hugs Jinhee*

DAEBAK pack your bags and clean up the house we're leaving really early tomorrow morning.


Good enjoy breakfast and get to cleaning I gotta desicuss some stuff with Eli and I'll be back in about 2 hours so any problems I'll be right next door.

YYongguk left 20 minutes later and everyone split up in teams to begin their cleaning


  1. Kitchen : Himchan , Jongup, and Zelo
  2. Floor working and dusting : Youngjae & Ailee
  3. Bathrooms and trash: Daehyun and Jinhee



Everyone began on their chores right away except for Jinhee and Daehyun who were having a cleaning fight in the bathroom.

"No don't tickle me with the duster bwahahahah ~~~"

"GET ME CHEESCAKE :P *continues tickling* "

The two kept playing around until Youngjae came in to scold the two children playing around.

The two of them immeaditly began work wise cracking every once and a while.



Everyone finished two hours later when Yongguk came back and began to pack same pairs or trios you could say in some terms.

"Hey did everyone finish packing?"


Yeah just gotta grab my skate board.



Yeah for Jinhee and I!

Okay good!! We'll pack up the car tomorrow morning before we leave and meet up with Eil and we'll be on our way.Now everyone please got to sleep knowing some of you it's going tp be a hard long morning....















So what you guys think of the chapter??

I kind of thought it was crappy till I kind of reworded it and stuff~~

Anyways thanks for reading and stuff~~ 



I wonder if any of you guys know why I always type in either Blue or Green...


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gonna update the beach trip part one soon ^^


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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 11: O.O
update soon! XD
JyoungK #2
Chapter 10: Brother ? who's Zelo Brother I want To Know Authour-nim Please Updated.
Chapter 5: I laughed at that BYG gif for what felt like years, lol
Chapter 9: Aww this is so cute :3
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 6: aaaargh i wanna know whats next XD
update please~~~~
MitsuKyuYamazaki #6
Chapter 5: update soon pleeease~ ^o^
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 3: X'D new reader here~
Awwww i love daehyun oppa~ XD
Update soon naeh~