Tuesday: A little trip to the past~~

That Little Difference Between You and Me


The next day the group broke out into pairs to hang out around the island.

Being it was Yongguk's idea he rigid the whole thing.

Pair one: Yongguk & Himchan

Pair two: Ailee & Jongup

Pair three: Youngjae & Daehyun

Pair four: Zelo & Jinhee

Everyon was put in cheery mood except for Daehyun , Zelo and Jinhee. (A/N: I wonder why^^)

Pair one left to the arcade.

Pair two left to see the malls and fashion plazas.

Pair three left to see the different food restaraunts.

While pair four just decided to walk around.

We are finally here at the arcade! Let the fun begin! *smiles happily like a 5 year old*

What are you 5? 

No I'm just really excited, to be here.

Yongguk said as Himchan lead the way into the arcade.

Wow, this is huge! Lets go play that game first... no that one... no THAT one!

Listen here Gukkie, before we do anything we have to get some coins.


Himchan lead the way over to the machine that transferred money into coins that you could use at the arcade.

Okay now that I have bought the coins, what do you want to do?

*Yongguk looks around the arcade when he spots a game* Lets play the war game!

No, you always win at those games!

Well you asked me what I wanted to play... how about we play the war game and then you choose the next game?


Yongguk reached the war game first, as Himchan slowly walked towards it. Himchan put in the tokens and the game started. This war game was about zombies taking over the world and there were only two human survivors left, the player who had killed the most zombies at the end won the game. In a couple of minutes they were finished playing the game and guess who won... Yongguk of course!

Its no fun playing war games with you bcause you ALWAYS win. *sighs slightly*

I don't do it on purpose, I'm sorry. *hugs Himchan as they both blush*

I accept your apology. *smiles* Lets go play a crane game!


Why not? I played that stupid war game!

When you say 'lets' play a crane game, it means you are going to force me to play for you. And war games aren't stupid.

Whatever lets go! *walks towards the crane machines as Yongguk slowly follows*

Do I have to get you something?

Uh yes. I was going to make you get me something from every machine, but I'm feeling nice today. Can you get me that big red teddy bear? *points to it*

I'll try.

Yongguk tried 20 times to get that big red teddy bear for Himchan but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get it.

Come on lets go you tried your hardest. *tries to pull Yongguk from the machine*

No, I have to get this for my Channie! *tries again as Himchan blushes*

We have a winner!

I did it! Here you go. *hands the bear to Himchan*

Thanks. *pecks Yongguk lips lightly as they both blush* Lets go.


What store should we go to first?

It doesn't matter to me I just want to buy a hat.

How about I choose the first store then you choose the next?

Okay, so where do you want to go first, noona? *Ailee slightly blushes*

Well I have been dying to get some couple items for me and Youngjae, so lets go to the couple store! *points to it and starts walking*

Why did I have to ask? *Jongup thought to himself*

It only took them abot 5 minutes to arrive at the couple store. When they walked in it was full of couples hugging each other. Jongup nearly pucked at the sight, but Ailee was alright. 

"Aww, you guys are such a cute couple! Do you need help finding something?" said a worker.

Oh we're not a couple and we're fine, but thanks for the offer.

"Oh okay." the worker said walking away.

So Jongup what do you think I should get for me and Youngjae?

How about this? *holds up this:*


Thats super cute! I'll get it. Thanks for the help! *grabs the shirts and heads to the register*

No problem. *follows her to the register*

Okay where do you want to go?

There. *points to it*

Okay. *starts walking as Jongup walks beside her*

They reach the hat store in no time and as they walk in, Jongup spots a hat he likes.

Noona does this hat look good on me? *puts the hat on*

Yea, you look handsome in it. *smiles*

Okay, I'll go buy it then. *walks to the register, as Ailee follows behind*

Is there any other store you want to go to?

No not really.

Okay then, lets go.

Daehyun hyung what type of resturant do you want to go to ?  Youngjae asked not paying attention where he was walking with Daehyun.

I don't know you choose...

The two of them were walking along when youngjae finally stopped Daehyun to say Hyung your to nice you always let me choose and you pay. My treat any resturaunt you want go ahead and I'LL PAY.

Daehyun looked at Youngjae shocked because literally he always let Youngjae choose and he would pay.

Youngjae was praying silently that out of ALL the restaraunts he wouldn't choose something related to desseret or cheesecake in general.

After fully thinking Daehyun looked and Youngjae and started to smirk as he was saying Do I erally have to say it? Because you already know what I'm giong to say heh~~

Youngjae thought to himslef * I should have known better that's the food he eats every single day and never gets tired of it*

Okay Daehyung which cheescake place do you want to go to? Youngjae replied knowing it would happen no matter how much praying he did.

Daehyun had to think again ( A/N: SERIOUSLY Daehyun you need to think AGAIN? You got cheesecake with Jinhee yesterday^^)

Then he responded Let's go to the place I went to with Jinhee yesterday it was over by the boardwalk and they have the BOMB cheesecake^^.

Okay show me where it is let's just get this over with. Youngjae replied in a sarcastic tone and rolling his eyes.

Daehyun broke out laughing hysterically because usllay Youngjae never rolled his eyes and was sarcastic.

Youngjae rolled his eyes once again and gave him a " Dude let's just go already" look.

Daehyun eventually stopped and then grabbed his arm saying Follow me ^^

They two of them walked for 10 minutes until they came up to a little cheesecake shop on the boardwalk corner right by th aracade Himchan and Yongguk were at.


YAH! hyung do you have to yell so loudly?

Oh mianhe^^ now let's go get some cheesecake~~!!

Daehyun opened the door adn the two walked in and got in line.

So Youngjae... which one you want to get?

Hmmm... * looks at the different cheesecakes* I think I'll get the strawberry New york cheesecake for Ailee and I to share when we get back^^

Aww how sweet I wish I could do that with Jinhee ACK!

Youngjae immeaditly looked at Daehyun in shock and surprise then began

Woah wait a minute you don't happen to have a crush on Jinhee do you?

Daehyun freaked out and began stuttering.

Mmme? Jinnheeee??? No never hahah~~

Mmmhmm... Don't worry bro it's okay if you do I totally am cool with it if you do ~~/

Daehyun gulpped and then squeaked.


Youngjae nodded and smiled back saying I would totally be I know I can depend on you to take care of Jinhee if you liked her so do you?

Daehyun satrted to blush and then nodded slowly.


Then Youngjae looked at Daehyun as they stepped up in line then said

Stop being so nervous hyung~~ haha You guys would make a cute couple you have my approval to court/ date her if you want^^ so don't be all awkward now I'm your bestfriend so chillax~~

Daehyun blushed even harder and Youngjae laughed and patted him on the back.

Zelo and Jinhee were walking on the shore silently and were a little bit awkward.

Zelo was getting annoyed with the silence and just decided to talk *CLEARS THROAT* So Jinhee......

Jinhee looked up at Zelo as he continued.

I know we had our differences in the past I would like to apologize.....

An akward silence grew between them as Zelo said that.

Jinhee sighed then replied It's okay...

The two of them walked on as Zelo suddenly stopped.

Zelo why'd you stop?Jinhee said as he wouldn't move.

HERRO~~~ EARTH TO ZELO!! She called as Zelo ignoredhe once again..

What the heck are you even lo... Jinhee began but stopped talking seeing who he was looking at.

Zelo was staring at the skater guy she ran into at the bathroom the day before.

Hey I know that guy I ran into him at the bathroom yesterday!

Zelo quickly looked at Jinhee and said WHAT?

Yeah I saw him at the bathroom yesterday I crashed into him while zoning out.

* Sounds like you* Zelo thought and quickly replied ait what do you mean by him don't you remember him?

No why wouldn't I? Should I?

Zelo gave Jinhee a "ARE YOU STUPID" look then rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand draggin her away and eventually running.

YAH! Choi Junhong slow down! I can't keep up with WAHHH!!

Jinhee argued as she almost tripped.

Sorry... Zelo said as he let go of her arm when they stopped near a bathroom.

Ouch! look you left a mark on my arm pabo!

Zelo rolled his eyes and then began asking.

You seriously don't remember my brother?

-To be continued~~-



Did you guys like pair one and pair two?

I wrote those parts!

I hope I did good on pair one... it was my first time writing a Banghim moment. (^o^)

~ BAPs-Baby


Hai der~~ guys!

I guess you can tell the first update from me and my Co-author-nim we both updated.

She did parts 1 & 2  then I did 3&4^^

Let me know what chu guys think hehe~~ FIGHTING^^


Oh my god HAS ANYONE SEEN EXO'S COMEBACK!!!??? I'M IN LOVE WITH BAEKHYUNG ONCE AGAIN!!! hahahah my EXOTICBABY feelzz have returned hahah lol~~ maybe I should change my user name to that what you guys think?

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gonna update the beach trip part one soon ^^


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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 11: O.O
update soon! XD
JyoungK #2
Chapter 10: Brother ? who's Zelo Brother I want To Know Authour-nim Please Updated.
Chapter 5: I laughed at that BYG gif for what felt like years, lol
Chapter 9: Aww this is so cute :3
MitsuKyuYamazaki #5
Chapter 6: aaaargh i wanna know whats next XD
update please~~~~
MitsuKyuYamazaki #6
Chapter 5: update soon pleeease~ ^o^
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 3: X'D new reader here~
Awwww i love daehyun oppa~ XD
Update soon naeh~