Comes to an end

Without Me

She went back to her home without saying anything to her parents. She had so many things in her mind right now that she doesn't know what to do now . Was she wrong? She wondered. She felt that she became weird and talked about such sensitive issues with Jaejoong . Later did she realize , he was just working for her and the family afterall . She pinched lightly on her cheeks and stood up. As she was walking to the kitchen , she could hear noises of keys trying to open the door . It must be Jaejoong , she thought.

Yes , it was Jaejoong who finally came home . Jaejoong's gaze changed when he saw HyeWon in the kitchen . Jaejoong showed a unhappy and annoyed face as soon as he reached home.  That awkward atmosphere...could almost kill Hye Won already.

Hye Won break the silence by starting off the conversation .

"Jaejoong ah , where did you go? Its so late already." Hye Won asked before Jaejoong heads to the bathroom. HyeWon was aghast when Jaejoong ignored her instead . He was in silence . 

"Mianhae ! I freaking apologized. Can you at least say something?" Hye Won continued.

"Yah , i am talking to you ! Are you going to ignore me for your whole life? I am your wife , you know that." HyeWon barked . 

"Do you know the things you said really hurt me? I can't believe this actually happened to myself . I was absurd and crazy when you said that , do you understand? I was still laughing at my friends when they said that their wifes actually checks on their phone , their schedule , their life and everything . It was just three ing days ago that I was so glad that my wife wasn't like that . " Jaejoong scoffed and gasp for air.

This time , HyeWon stayed in silence . She nodded and walked back to their bedroom instead of continuing arguing on something that she and Jaejoong would never end arguing it on .  

During that one hour of not talking to each other , Jaejoong took a bathe and HyeWon was already on bed . She was just scrolling her phone screen looking at the updates and news . However , her mind was obviously somewhere else. When Jaejoong came out from the bathroom , she put her phone away and headed for the toilet . Although they passed by each other , there were no conversations between them. Jaejoong was using the towel to wipe his hair while HyeWon was at bathroom . When Hye Won realized that Jaejoong used her towel which had always been 'their' towel but due to a fight HyeWon insist that its her towel , she got pissed.

"Thats my towel." HyeWon said. Jaejoong wasn't even of a bit shock. She was always like that whenever they got into argument of something . HyeWon would always insist everything that Jaejoong uses as hers . Not only towels , but remote controls , tissues , books , toilet papers and everything that is in the house . "Childish." Jaejoong hissed and passed the towel back to her. "Pardon me? What did you said ?" HyeWon warned. "I said that you are a childish wife , get it? " Jaejoong said. "I really hate you right now ." HyeWon stared at Jaejoong .  "If that what u really mean , fine ." Jaejoong said and turned away . 

Jaejoong was already on bed while HyeWon was still packing her things for her work . Till she realize that she couldn't find a document she really need  , she panicked. She searched almost the whole house for that document . Before she gives up , she dialed her mum's phone number.

"Omma !" HyeWon called.

"Yah! Why are you calling in the middle in the night? Your phone call just woke Won Bin up . He needs to wake up early for his sports day tomorrow." omma said.

"Ah mianhae . Omma , are they any documents left inside my room? I need it , please check it out." HyeWon begged in a whisper voice.

"Saw it. An orange file with a white piece of sticky paper on it?" omma asked.

"Ah so its there? I will go and take it early in the morning tomorrow since its a Saturday tomorrow. Kumao , omma." she thanked and was relieved.

"You just left the house in a hurry after arguing with Jaejoong and see what happens now , you forgot to bring your document home." omma nagged.

"Yeh omma , its my fault." HyeWon nodded.

"Are you guys still on arguing mode? Please dont tell me yes." omma asked.

"He is not willing to talk to me anyway . " HyeWon replied. She thought Jaejoong slept , so she talked it openly without worrying Jaejoong presence. However , Jaejoong were eavesdropping all this time when she were on the phone.

"I dont think Jaejoong its like that." omma denied.

"Omma , he just called me a childish wife . Am i really that childish? Am i just like an...immature and a kid-alike wife to him that he wants to get rid off?" Hyewon asked. Jaejoong was stunned when he heard his name mentioned. He tries to hear even more.

"Ani. Hyewon ah , from what i see , Jaejoong had been good to you isn't it? " omma said.

"Easy said than being done , omma." HyeWon replied.

"I need to sleep now , good night . Dont stay up too late ." omma demanded.

"Araso , i will visit you soon . " HyeWon said and ended the phone call .

Both of them went deep into sleep as the nights gets darker.


The next morning , Hye Won woke up early due to her obsessively menstrual pain that made her suffered the whole night . As she was trying to get a glass of water for her menstrual medicine , her hands shivered and the glass dropped on the floor. The breaking sound of the glass awoken Jaejoong from bed . Of course , he was flabbergasted and heads out from the room straight away to see what is going on .

"Yah , what did you do?" Jaejoong rushed to HyeWon to see if she was okay after seeing all the pieces of glass shattered on the floor. 

"I am okay." HyeWon answered and tried to pick and throw the pieces of shattered glass. Jaejoong who spotted two pills on the table knew whats happening to HyeWon .

"Stop this , i will clean this up . Just---just sit there and i will get you a glass of water. " Jaejoong said .

HyeWon who was too pain to say anything , decided to listen to Jaejoong.

"Here , your pills and this warm bag will makes you feel better. " Jaejoong said while passing her a glass of warm water.

"How did you know i need these?" HyeWon asked in a soft voice.

"Hye Won ah , i knew everything about you . Lets stop fighting and arguing . It hurts us and our relationship even more. And those words i say yesterday , i was just saying it for fun and i don't mean it . I didn't know you would care about what came out from my mouth spontaneously and kept it to yourself .  I am sorry , okay?" Jaejoong apologized and circled HyeWon's waist with his hands.

"I am sorry for saying things that hurt you too . I was just too afraid of losing you . I promise i will be a better wife." she replied.

"You are already the best wife . There is no room for you to improve anymore , yeobo." Jaejoong smiled. 

"It feels that you've been not calling me yeobo for so long eventhough it was just for 2 days. Hmmm." HyeWon chuckled.

"I love you."


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hey guys ! "Without Me" is back!


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starqueen #1
Chapter 3: both of them are really stubborn. ughh~~
anyways, thanks for the update. :)
and update soon!! :D
your story is so interesting~ i wonder what happen to ....?
is she suffer from any disease or she got problem with her pregnant? you make me wonder..looking forward the next chapter...update soon ^^
purpleandpink #3
Chapter 1: Omo! After reading your foreword it made me hooked up with the story! Kyaahhhh!!! I love the first chap!!! :))))
Hope you update soon! ^^
hana231289 #4
Update soon!!!