Ups and Down

Without Me

Junsu brought Jaejoong to walk around the office so that he can suit with the rules and the new environment. Of course , the company is really huge and many people are working for it .

"So this is your seat . And at the back of you is our female director. I am pretty sure everything went well between you and her during the interview right?"  Junsu asked.

"Thanks to you , i have made the biggest lie in my life . " Jaejoong rolled his eyes , getting frustrated when he thought of Hye Won . He totally have no idea how to explain it to you. No matter how or from where he starts to explain , he is still the wrong one . He should not have lied - or even enter this company . He could have honestly told the director that he is married and just leave the job spontaneously , but he did not do so. He just love the job , he love how the new company can let him use his chances to get a higher position since its a international company.

"Hyung..." Junsu felt sorry.

"Stop apologizing . " 

" Hyung , you are good . Usually she doesn't hire people that easily . " Junsu cried out of jealousy .

"Its just luck. And now , i am totally wondering if this is a good or a bad luck." Jaejoong replied.


Before the interview , Jaejoong was sitting down on the couch outside the receptionist centre . Other people who comes for the interview are all busy arranging their files and documents while Jae was already prepared. He waited quite a long time until he nearly yawned . 

"Are you here for the interview?" the other man asked.

"Yeh." Jaejoong nodded coldly.

"Me too . But it seems that you are well prepared." 

"Ah..i just took advantage of the day before and packed it nicely before i come . So , i could relax now." Jaejoong smiled.

"I heard the director isn't simple . She is a serious person and doesn't joke at all . Well , from what i heard , she is a well-known business woman and she is beautiful! " 

"Oh.." Jaejoong nodded ignorantly. 

"Yah hyung , why didn't you inform me you are here already?" Junsu groaned when he spot Jaejoong sitting down there.

"I did , just that they say you are unavailable." Jaejoong replied.

"Shinja? Anyway wait , let me see." Junsu said while requesting Jaejoong to stand up . 

"Tie , suit , belt , and---" Junsu was checking thoroughly as if Jaejoong is going for some airport check.

"Yah , its just an interview . You are even more nervous than me ." Jaejoong chuckled.

"Omo , that guy is so handsome! Is he still single ?" the girls around him mumbled cheekily.

"Of course he is , he shouldn't be here then if he is married or attached . You know how our director-nim feels." another girl commented.

"How i wish he will work in the company !" the other girls complained.

"Did i hear it wrongly? Is it true that married or attached man/woman is unable to work here?" Jaejoong asked when he eavesdrop what the female colleagues were talking about.

"This ring..." Junsu said and looked into Jaejoong's eyes sheepishly. "Whats wrong with it? Me and HyeWon chose this together ." Jaejoong added.

" there anything that you are hiding from me? You know i hate people who lies ." Jaejoong said with a stern look. He pulled Junsu to the corner to have their men's talk . "What is it?" Jaejoong hesitantly said the last work. He knows Junsu is hiding something from him . Jaejoong then threw Junsu a suspicious stare.

"Hyung , mianhae . Actually---" Junsu kept his words. "Say it . " Jaejoong requested . "As you know..i told you our director-nim can be weird sometimes right? She---doesn't actually allow married man/ladies to work in here . She wants the workers to work for her fully without losing their attention towards work to something else . She never said the reason why and so far she did not hired anyone that are married . but maybe ---you can be the exception ! " Junsu explained and begged for Jaejoong's forgiveness. A heavy sigh unconciously came out from Jaejoong . 

"How come you did not tell me about it? You know i will not come if its like this - right?" Jaejoong asked.

"I wanted to , but i just feel that it will be wasted to say that you are married and you will not be able to work here then ." Junsu tried to defend himself.

"That is even crazier . How could I lie to the director that I am not married? She will know it one day . And what about my wife? If she knows this , she is seriously going to divorce me. " Jaejoong chuckled sarcasticly , sighed then leaning his back on the wall.

"The director will not know , hyung ! Didnt you say you want to get a better job and experience different things ? Hye Won will understand , she knows you are doing it for the family . "  Junsu explained. Jaejoong grumbled in frustration when Junsu continue explaining things that are on his mind . Jaejoong wants a better job , a better chance at work , but he could not bare himself lying to HyeWon and also the director. He is obviously married- HE IS.

"No , i can't do this ." Jaejoong muttered.

"You can hyung . Just take off this ring and--" Junsu said while taking the ring off Jaejoong's finger.

"Yah! Thats mine you bastard-" Jaejoong cursed and he slowly kept his words when the people around him start to watch.

"Hyung , am i doing this for myself? No right? Its for you , hyung . Just an interview, its alright ." Junsu added.

"Its crazy . I cannot be so selfish thinking of my own and not HyeWon's feeling . She gave me all her trust but I am j---" 

"Ani , things will come naturally and she will understand . I am sure she knows how much the price of things are rising and so on . She wants you to find a better job too. Moreover this is just an interview . Lets pass this first and we will think about it okay ?" Junsu interrupted.

"Kim Jae Joong." the receptionist called.

"Yeh." Jaejoong nodded.

"Its your turn now." 


"This is the last time i am trusting you ." Jaejoong groaned and went back to the couch to grab his things .

"Hyung , i will return you the ring later -" Junsu whispered while holding his ring . 

"Give it back to me . Nothing can replace this ring if its lost . " Jaejoong was frustrated as he snatched the ring back and put it into his pocket.

"Have a sit." the director said. The female director was Min Hyo Rin . She is known as a good businesswoman in the business world. Everyone respected her and they knows her attidude . She is a person that focus on work and doesn't like to talk something unrelated to it . 

"Thankyou." Jaejoong thanked and sat infront of HyoRin.

"So what i heard from the receptionist and the other colleagues are true . " HyoRin said with a serious face while glancing at Jaejoong .

"Ey?" Jaejoong replied .

"They say you look good . And young ." she praised. "Ah , thank you." Jaejoong thanked.

"But i won't hire you just because of your appearance . Moreover , you might ruin the mood of working between the young ladies if you are too looking good. " HyoRin said coldly.

"Ah , then i really pity the handsome young guys out there." Jaejoong joked .

"So , you really have good grades and qualifications from what I see here . Great , come work on the next morning . Everything will be prepared . All you have to bring is yourself." HyoRin hit straight to the point.

"M--mwoh? Shinja?" Jaejoong repeated himself and looked at HyoRin confusedly . She is truly a beautiful young lady from what Jaejoong seen . She shows her strong points by the look and the way she dresses , but she can be really soft and tender like other young women too . 

"Yeh . Anything wrong with that?" Hyorin asked. Jaejoong shook his head and stood up , taking back his files and walked out from the office until Hyo Rin calls him again .

"Wait , you are not married right?" HyoRin asked with Jaejoong's back facing her . Jaejoong bit his lips in frustration . What is he suppose to answer? Yes for Hyo Won , or no for career? 

"Hello?" HyoRin repeated her question when silence was the only answer Jaejoong gave her. Before Jaejoong could make his decision of what he is going to answer her , a soft hit came knocking the director's door.

"Director-nim ,i have something urgent to tell." the female assistant called .

"Come in . And you , can leave and come back tomorrow." HyoRin said with confidence , and Jaejoong left the room .  Jaejoong sighed and in the same time , he was relieved that he was able to not answer her question thanks for the female assistant for knocking in .


After the first day of work , Jaejoong was quite tired and exhausted since he have been spending the whole day , trying to catch up everything related to the company and things he need to do . Its been a hectic day and the director ordered him around .  A call came ringing and Jaejoong answered.

"Hyung! Its me , Seung Heon !" Baek Seung Heon , Jaejoong's friend too , came calling when he was about to pack his bag.

"Oh SeungHeon ah ~" Jaejoong leaned his back to the chair while closing his tired eyes.

"I am back from France , hyung ~ I am having my summer break now . Free to meet up tonight? Oh yes , call Junsu too." he invited.

"Tonight...? Will give you an answer later . I will tell Junsu about it . Only three of us?" Jaejoong hesitated.

"What about some girls too then?" SeungHeon joked.

"Yah." Jaejoong replied with a stern look.

"Araso hyung , i know you are married ~ How is Hye Won ? What about bringing her out too tonight? Its been so long ever since i met her ! She must be still pretty ey-" SeungHeon chuckled.

"Ah i will ask her about it . Yah, stop peeking my wife . She is mine ." Jaejoong muttered.

"Stop with the cheesy lines , hyung ! Alright , got to go. Answer me quick okay." SeungHeon said before he ends the call .

Jaejoong quickly pressed on HyeWon's number and dialed her number . Nobody was answering and Jaejoong was wondering why . He knew Hye Won is angry and maybe that is the reason why she is not answering his calls. Although she did not answer her phone , Jaejoong did not give up . He called her little brother , Won Bin .  Yes , he is going to call her house phone and he hopes that Won Bin will answer it.

"Yeobosaeyo?" the cute voice came answering Jaejoong's phone.

"Do you know who I am?" Jaejoong creepily answered in a soft voice like a kid.

"Of course! My---brother in law! Right?" Won Bin sheepishly answered.

"Yah , school even taught you that? Yes , its me . Where is your noona?" Jaejoong asked WonBin for his wife. Where is exactly is she?"

"She is here helping out omma after work~ did not know that?" Won Bin asked curiously. 

"She is at there?" Jaejoong asked. It was truly a awkward situation . Thanks to Hye Won , Jaejoong have to ask someone else for his wife location . 

"Let your noona answer the phone ." Jaejoong demanded.

"Araso~ Wait~" WonBin said while walking across the living room to pass the phone to Hye Won.

"Whose that?" Hye Won asked when WonBin came patting her back and passing her the phone.

"Joongie hyung ~~" WonBin answered . Jaejoong smiled when WonBin gave him such a cute name . 

An awkward silence came through the phone when HyeWon held the phone . She did not say anything nor hear anything from Jaejoong. Jaejoong broke the silence by calling her name.

"Hye Won ah , why didn't you answer your phone?" Jaejoong tried to ask something .

"I was busy." she replied coldly.

"You should still reply me at least . I was worried." Jaejoong gawked in disbelief.

"Aren't you suppose to be busy with your new job that I dont even know the existance too?" Hye Won asked sarcastically. Obviously , she is still remembering the fact Jaejoong hid from her . She hates it . 

"Chagiya , i know what you are thinking . I am coming right now , wait for me okay?" Jaejoong said in a tender voice.

"You don't need to do this ." Hye Won spoke and the phone call ended . She sighed and returned the phone back to the place.


"Yah Hye Won , is Jaejoong coming for dinner? If he is , i will add more dishes now before its too late ." omma asked.

"Molla . * I dont know* " HyeWon answered while getting the rice cooked.

"Omma ~ i heard on the phone that Joongie hyung will be coming , noona knows that ." Wonbin honestly interrupted. 

"Omo , what is going on with you both? Again?" omma asked. 

"Obviously, they argued again ." appa commented.

"You are his wife , HyeWon ah . How can you act this way and being so immature? You are already married and soon you will get your own family with your own son and daughter. Its just a small argue and its already like this." omma said.

"Omma , I tried my best to be his wife and i am always ready to give my ears to him . Am i still not good enough?" HyeWon replied , feeling annoyed. She replied with a squeaky voice and avoided her omma gaze.

"Araso . Its your problem now , no longer mine or appa's . I handed you to Jaejoong and you both solve the problems . But you really should change a little . Jaejoong had been tolerating you , from what i see." omma remarked.

"Shinja omma , you are on his side everytime !" HyeWon chided. "Yah , why would a omma wouldn't be on their daughter's side ? This mean you are really at fault ." omma said.

"Aigoo , Jaejoong is the one that is at fault and lied to my beautiful daughter. How dare he." appa commented.

"Look ~ appa agreed ." Hyewon smirked.

"What exactly did Jaejoongie did? You both--- Wait till you have your own kids. That is when you turn more mature ! " omma sighed and chuckled . 

"Omma , you are helping him all the time." HyeWon teased.  "Noona , Joongie hyung jjang!" WonBin interrupted. HyeWon then turned towards the door and the house bell came ringing. WonBin hurried to the door and HyeWon paused when she found Jaejoong's tired face , holding his bag and the phone on the other hand . HyeWon quickly snapped her attention back immediately to the kitchen whereby her husband was closing the door.

"Yah , he is here . Go talk to him ." omma demanded.

"Annyeong hyung!!!" WonBin excitedly called.

"Is WonBin being good today?" Jaejoong smiled and carried WonBin up.

Omma then walked out from the kitchen and gave Jaejoong a cup of water . "Look at you, you will be a good father Jaejoong ah." said omma while handing him the cup of water. Jaejoong just reply her with a slight smile. "Ah omma appa , where is HyeWon?" Jaejoong asked while drinking his water.

"She is inside the kitchen . She is still quite stubborn and angry--" omma whispered. "Araso , i will go get her ." Jaejoong smiled and went to the kitchen . HyeWon who could feel the heavy footsteps from behind , she was worried. She doesn't know what to say to Jaejoong for now . She is still angry with Jaejoong , but she couldnt bare to be when she saw his exhausted , tired face.

"Chagiya." Jaejoong called and hugged her from the back . HyeWon was surprised and she turned around , staring at Jaejoong.

"I know i know- you are still angry of me . I am sorry baby . Look at me , i am still fine with the new job . Lets go shopping later , okay?" Jaejoong tried to convince her . 

"I am not the kind of wife that wants shopping everyday or whatsoever . I am simple and i know what i need. I just dont like you hiding secrets from me , i am worried and scared, you know?" she said, her voice slightly shaking as Jaejoong tried to keep her calm.

"I know." Jaejoong said calmly and HyeWon stopped cutting the vegetables that she been doing.

"You dont know." Hye Won looked away. 

Jaejoong sighed and rolled his eyes . "I am going to bath now before heading back to our home . " he told HyeWon and she was annoyed.

Jaejoong put his handphone next to HyeWon's and wallet on the table . He then entered and went in to the toilet . After 10 minutes , HyeWon stopped her chores and went to the living room .  "Noona , can i borrow your smartphone? I really want to play an app game!" he requested.

"You finished your homework?" HyeWon asked.

"Yeh noona!" he nodded . "Araso , wait ." HyeWon then went to the room where Jaejoong is bathing inside the toilet . When she was about to take her phone ,  Jaejoong's phone rang . It was a message . The message content wasn't revealed but it is written , 'FROM JUNSU .'  HyeWon was really curious . It was Junsu that introduced the job to Jaejoong. Maybe its about the job , HyeWon wondered. 

HyeWon attempted and unlocked his lock screen . As a wife, she believe she has the right to view his message . Jaejoong , who at the same time finished wearing his clothes , he came out from the toilet while wiping his head.Jaejoong jaw dropped when he stared at her with disbelief as he couldn't believe his wife is checking on him . He was scared that she will know he lied to her . Junsu could call him or message him anytime related to the topic . He was afraid he wasn't becareful enough . He know is not the right time to tell her. HyeWon who found him walking out , she was nervous and worried if Jaejoong will be angry . Jaejoong saw her unlocking his phone's screen . He rushed towards HyeWon and snatched his phone away. HyeWon stared at him for a while, before released a heavy sigh that she couldn't read it.

"What are you doing?" Jaejoong said while nervously hid his phone away.

"I am just trying to ---" Hye Won scoffed.

"To check on me? You are ing checking on me? Yah , are you not trusting me ?" Jaejoong cursed.

"Yah , my family is here and you are cursing to me? Why can't i even touch your phone? Just because you are hiding something from me?" Hye Won blurted out ,accusingly.

"Mwoh? It is your fault now ! If you are saying so , hand over me your phone . I will check all your messages . What will you think , Hye Won ah?" Jaejoong asked.

"You are changing the direction of the topic ! I am your wife , ain't I? I dont feel like I am at all when you just snatch your phone from me .  " HyeWon explained. Jaejoong kept in silence. He was having a serious headache and he doesn't want to argue at all.

"There's something in there , right?" HyeWon smirked, nodding her head and walked a few steps away.

"Hye Won , can we not do this today? I am really tired , hungry and having a headache now." Jaejoong said.

"So thats true , you are trying to avoid me." HyeWon suspected.

"Yah! Cant you trust me a little? I have been working so long today and i just wish for you to stop showing me sulky faces and hug me once i return from work. With that , i feel that everything i did is worth. Why cant you do that to me? Even my director is having a better attidude compared to you . " Jaejoong chided.

"I really doesn't want to argue now . Please , omma appa are all outside . I dont want them to think us wrongly. Lets have dinner first , okay?" Jaejoong muttered and held HyeWon's hand. 

"Let go of me." HyeWon commented.

"Director? Fine , go to her then . She can give you everything , she can be your wife . I hate you Kim Jae Joong !" HyeWon cried and pushed Jaejoong away. She then sat on the bed , feeling helpless .

The sound of the door being slammed , made HyeWon frustrated and annoyed. She went toward the door and noticed Jaejoong shoes wasn't there anymore . She bit her lips in frustration while her family were watching her.




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hey guys ! "Without Me" is back!


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starqueen #1
Chapter 3: both of them are really stubborn. ughh~~
anyways, thanks for the update. :)
and update soon!! :D
your story is so interesting~ i wonder what happen to ....?
is she suffer from any disease or she got problem with her pregnant? you make me wonder..looking forward the next chapter...update soon ^^
purpleandpink #3
Chapter 1: Omo! After reading your foreword it made me hooked up with the story! Kyaahhhh!!! I love the first chap!!! :))))
Hope you update soon! ^^
hana231289 #4
Update soon!!!